The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 175 The success of the revolution is not easy!

Bai Ruoxi wears a white long-sleeved slim shirt. The button on the front of the shirt has some patterns. The lower body is a light-colored hip skirt. Although this style is simple, it is biased towards the ol dress of the urban workplace beauty, and Usually, Bai Ruoxi wears clothes when he is working, and he is not dressed up.

But in this way, there is still a thrilling beauty on her body, showing the perfect figure of the golden ratio. However, at this time, the clothing has been half-finished, the buttons on the front of the shirt have been torn off, and fell on the bathroom floor, giving the crisp sound of the pearl drop.

The bag-nose short skirt has also been loosened at this time, and a pair of straight white and white*s of Bai Ruoxi have slipped down to reveal a set of purple lace patterns. It seems that Bai Ruoxi is somewhat shy, and looks like silk. Flying is a pair of eyes and fire, emotional.

Bai Ruoxi is not only very attractive in appearance, but the clothes are very suitable. She chooses the inside and the clothes, so that Jiang Fei is extremely sighing, the taste is just right, the most can stimulate men*.

One is a strong man with excess energy, one is empty. He has been lonely for a long time. The mature woman who is intolerable, when the last two pieces of obstruction on Bai Ruoxi’s body are also falling under the rude action of Jiang Fei, like leaves. Bai Ruoxi also changed from the exclamation of the past to the soul of the soul.

Backward and slender as a white swan-like neck, long hair also fell, Bai Ruoxi's delicate body was pressed by Jiang Fei on the white bathroom wall, a pair of weak and soft, gentle ring in Jiang Fei On the broad tiger's back, Jiang Fei still lowered his head and used his hand to pinch and bite on her plump breast.

"Yeah!" When Bai Ruoxi felt that his body was light, he was caught in a thin waist by a pair of strong hands, and when he was suddenly picked up. Suddenly felt the body was pierced and the two really merged. She has not had such a sport for a long time, but she is slightly uncomfortable.

However, this does not suit and does not mean anything. The taste that was filled up in an instant was really great, and she had a moment to get out of the shell. The unreal feeling of slowly rising.

However, this unreal feeling was immediately destroyed by the man sprinting forward in front of him, soothing to the ultimate soul to return to the moment, truly feel the ultimate sense of comfort.

At the same time, the sound of "啪啪啪" was in the ear, Jiang Fei also raised his eyes with his eyes, and grabbed the white lips of Bai Ruoxi, and sucked it hard.

"Uh huh ~~~ bad guys, isn't it a bath?"

"Uh huh ~~~ Less talk nonsense, oh. Bath what is the activity at the halftime break. Now it's still good to feed your husband!"

"Well, oh~~~Bad! Lighter, you really are killing! How can your strength become so big. And...the guy seems to be getting bigger too!"

"Hey~~~ Who told you to go abroad for half a year! Fairy, today you are squatting, waiting for the barren to clean up!"

"Who is afraid of who! I have only heard of the exhausted cattle, have not heard of the farmland!"

"Okay! The female fairy is still arrogant, it seems that the barren has to make a little real thing today, don't ask for mercy!"

"Who is begging for mercy who is not a man...!"

Ever since, Bai Ruoxi had a pair of * forceful force on the waist of Jiang Fei, and even the toes of his instep were stretched. In a short while, the two of them sweated, and the fireworks of the battle never stopped. The two men fought from the bathroom to the outside bedroom bed, then to the chair, and finally back to the bathroom. Bai Ruoxi is like a small animal squatting in front of the glass mirror of the washstand. His hands are pulled from behind by the vicious and fun Jiang Fei. Looking at the mirror, her own eyes are flushed and wink.

No one can think of it. The first beauty reporter who has appeared in CCTV news interviews several times has always had such a scene.

This battle is really long-lasting. I thought that Bai Ruoxi, who knew Jiang Fei’s combat power, felt that he should be able to cope with Jiang Fei’s anger. Unexpectedly, she was still soft and stunned after an hour.

Jiang Fei, who was thoroughly relieved and vented once, proudly smiled and accepted the gold. Bai Ruoxi, who had barely stretched his legs, couldn’t stand it and put it in the big bathtub. The two started to bathe.

"The female demon. Now I have been convinced?" Bathtub hooks, even if the two sitting in one can not think too much crowded, Jiang Fei smiled and looked at the hair wet, white-faced face flushed Bai Ruoxi, asked.

At this time, Bai Ruoxi felt that his body was lazy and could not lift a little strength. This was the aftereffect of fatigue and extreme pleasure. The strong pleasure almost paralyzed her nerves, almost whispered: How strong are you as a cow! Do you have to go to the gym for the first half of the year?"

For the strength of Jiang Fei, Bai Ruoxi is a complete blessing. In the past confrontation between the two, except for the first time, Jiang Fei won her most of the time, but it was not a victory. Where can it be overwhelmingly superior to her?

Even if Jiang Fei accumulates and has been 'ammunition' for several months, she has accumulated a few months of desire.

According to the difference in the body structure of men and women, and the proportion of physical exertion on the battlefield, Bai Ruoxi thinks that it is necessary to squeeze Jiang Fei himself!

Bai Ruoxi was weak, so in the process of bathing, he could only be allowed to be forced by Jiang Fei to let him give ‘insults’ to Bai Ruoxi by excuses to help clean the body.

Taking a hot bath is a relaxing body exercise that is very rejuvenating. Hot water helps the microcirculation of the blood, which can greatly alleviate the fatigue of people after exertion, and can quickly restore physical strength.

Therefore, halfway through the hot bath, Bai Ruoxi felt that his thigh was again resisted by an unidentified object that was hot and hot.

"No, it really won't work. Can we come back at night?" Bai Ruoxi quickly shrank back and shrank. He never gave up. The high school class often used the squad leader's position to 'injury' Jiang Fei's beauty squad leader. Poorly watching Jiang Fei.

"How can it not work? This is just a halftime break. If you can't do it, you can't do it. It's not said early. Whoever asks for mercy is not a man..." Jiang Fei suddenly remembered that this woman was not a man. This is not a swear word.

This woman has a deep heart, and in that case she did not forget to leave her own way!

So Jiang Fei, who felt more angry, couldn’t endure it now, grabbing Bai Ruoxi, who was going to flee to the other side. Said evilly: "Once the war is over, it will be easy to calm down. If the war is so easy, it will be settled. Then the people of the world have long been united! Continue!"

"No, really don't..." The woman's voice was panicked and she was ashamed to say: "I feel that I... I am going to be swollen..."

Jiang Fei said, "No. In the past, we didn't have a record of seven times a night. You didn't have anything at that time!"

Bai Ruoxi’s eyes filled with water were white and Jiang Fei glanced at him. He said pitifully: “Because you have not been so strong and like a cow, you have so much strength from beginning to end!”

Jiang Fei was dumbfounded.

His physical qualities are now far beyond ordinary people, and even his physical fitness and endurance are fierce. The fighting power in the bed is indeed much stronger than the original.

"That... let's change the other way!" Jiang Fei still did not loosen.

"What method?" The woman's voice is even more pitiful, and she wants to win the compassion of a man.

However, women do not know that their pitiful appearance, in fact, falls in the eyes of men is more able to make men beasts. Blood is boiling, can not stop.

Jiang Fei looked at the white lips of Bai Ruoxi as the petal of the canna petals, and his face showed a smirk. He scraped his head and shook the ear of Bai Ruoxi, and said softly: "Bite the word apart!"

"No... absolutely not! I don't adapt at all!" Bai Ruoxi's head shook like a wave valley, and he did not hesitate to speak out.

Jiang Fei shrugged and looked like a rogue. "If you don't want to get back to compromise, then we only have to fight in front. Anyway, I don't care."

In the end, Jiang Fei haha ​​smiled and sat up naked. And Bai Ruoxi is a humiliating burying head, just like a small donkey waiting for a big man.

However, more than ten minutes have passed, and Bai Ruoxi's mouth skills have been from the initial sparse to proficient, and the gangs are hurting, but the other party still has no movement, and there is no way to retreat.

"No, it won't work, what is going on with your guy today!" Bai Ruoxi looked up. Tears and said.

She is really crying, but this is not a sad tear.

Jiang Fei also smiled a face. He does not know whether it is time to be happy or to suffer.

It seems that he is now physique strengthened. The combat power is really strong and somewhat surprising.

"Don't talk. Comrade Bai Ruoxi, our revolution has already won half of the revolution. It will succeed if we add more effort. We can't quit halfway, but it's only one step away from success! Come, let's continue..." Jiang Fei swindled Said, his hands gently pressed on the head of Bai Ruoxi.

Bai Ruoxi said nothing at this time, she felt that she was deceived by this helpless **** guy, and felt that this guy was deliberately not venting, deliberately embarrassing her.

Jiang Fei saw Bai Ruoxi's tears in his eyes and his hands on his cheeks. It seemed to be a bit painful. So he changed his mouth and said: "If you can't break the two halves, let's try to clip a ballpoint pen!"

"Clip ballpoint pen?"

"Well, clip the ballpoint pen! Comrade Bai Ruoxi, you don't have to be modest, you should still be able to do it with your capital."

In the end, a large piece of the essence of the Terunsu, sprayed on the white chest of Bai Ruoxi.

The success of the revolution is really not easy!


[The first is sent! Today, I am working on codewords and I don’t care about anything else. I am ready to challenge the limits again. The fourth outbreak is affirmative. If possible, I am ready for five more!

Of course, five more, I can only say that I do my best! Dear book friends, give me some encouragement with the monthly ticket in your hands! ! 】(To be continued)

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