The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 246 Grinding the sword!

Miyamoto really got up slowly, and as the girl walked into the courtyard together, she went to the man with a knife on her face.

The man who trained the sword stopped the madness, and the coldness in his eyes was slightly put away. He politely bowed to Miyamoto: "Master!"

Miyamoto really waved his hand and said: "Failure is not terrible. The strong will never fear failure. They will only regard failure as their own stepping stone and make themselves stronger in the future. You lost this time. It’s true that you work hard, but you can’t lose your faith in your heart, and you can’t be completely blinded by hatred. A swordsman wants to be stronger, and hatred is not the most powerful driving force. This is the end of the game.”

"I remember. Thank you, Master." Miyamoto Endo said, raising his head.

"Just remember not, but more importantly, control yourself." Miyamoto said. "Everyone has a failure, even if I am a master, I was defeated in the same year, and I lost a mess. So I can concentrate on cultivation for more than ten years. I hope that you will not regard failure as a burden, but a driving force."

It is not only Miyamoto Endo, but even the girl Yamamoto has a look at the water, and there is endless curiosity in her eyes.

As a true apprentice of Miyamoto, they naturally have a clear understanding of the brilliant achievements of their masters. They know that Miyamoto had challenged 17 famous kendo masters more than ten years ago, and there was no defeat.

In the end, it was lost to the legendary master Liu Shengzong who was the master of the knife.

Regarding this battle, in addition to the parties Miyamoto Ichi and Liu Shengzong, other people simply do not know what happened to this station, and how Liu Shengzong’s moment was won.

Even after more than a decade, the first battle of the two was still a secret of the Japanese Kendo world. Even Miyamoto’s favorite apprentice, Miyamoto Endo, did not know.

This is a secret, and has attracted countless people to talk about. Speculation is endless. But this seems to be a taboo. No one has ever dared to ask Miyamoto or Liu Shengzong.

Today is the first time that Miyamoto has spoken in front of his disciples about the things of the year.

In those days, they won 17 games in 17 games and were almost masters of the four major islands in Japan. The battle with Liu Shengzong, who took the knife, was not just a winner. But a big defeat, but also a mess? !

No wonder, after their masters tried, they came back directly for more than ten years. It should have been a blow from the time.

Just like Miyamoto Endo, the original Chinese trip, which did not take China’s kendo at all, felt that he would easily crush each other as before. But never wanted to be defeated by a woman who could not help but wind. And still left a scar on the face!

This is definitely a shame!

Miyamoto Endo, who was depressed, looked up at Miyamoto and finally got the courage to ask: "Master, how did you defeat the predecessor of Liu Sheng 14 years ago, how did he defeat you?"

"How to defeat? Perhaps the next time I fight with him, I can understand how it was defeated." Miyamoto said that there was no anger and no smile on his face.

Something on his face is just a lost!

Because now more than ten years have passed, he has been submerging for more than ten years, and he has not yet figured out the battle between him and Liu Shengzong. How did it fail?

Miyamoto’s eyes were a little erratic, and he returned to the scene more than ten years ago. He held a double-knife and played against Liu Shengzong in a closed dojo.

At that time, Miyamoto was a true man who defeated 17 famous swordsmen. When Liu Shengzong went to the appointment, his hands were empty and he did not take any weapons. Miyamoto really thought that Liu Shengzong was too big, and he was despising him. He felt very angry and wanted to learn the legendary master of the sword.

But the end result made him extremely shocked.

He has always been invincible, and he is just ready to start in front of Liu Shengzong’s moment, showing his extraordinary and cumbersome two-knife flow. As a result, at the moment he pulled the knife, he was completely controlled by Liu Shengzong. Can't move!

Liu Shengzong has an empty hand into the white blade, so that he can not pull out the knife. Then a counterattack will completely defeat him.

At that time, Miyamoto really understood the true artistic conception of the home knife. Understand what the so-called 'no knife to take' means. At that time, he was already a famous Kendo sect. He couldn’t even get a knife in front of Liu Shengzong’s moment. He was directly controlled by the other party and became a knife with no knife!

This combination of knife-knives is really terrible, and it is almost impossible to practice a single-shot kill. It is almost impossible for someone to survive in this subtle and rapid fierce move.

Although over the past ten years, Miyamoto’s true kendo repair has already gone a long way and became unfathomable.

But only he knows that even if he is now, he will return to Liu Shengzong more than a decade ago, and he has no confidence in defeating Liu Shengzong.

He is now sure to be able to pull out his sword in the battle and fight back against the Liu Shengzong rectangle.

But he does not feel his strength, has been able to really fight with Liu Shengzong. I want to know that when Liu Shengzong defeated him at the time, he was empty-handed and did not have a knife in his hand.

If Liu Shengzong had a knife in his hand, he would not use the empty-handed ‘no kill is both a win’ approach, but a frontal attack. Can he be able to surpass the power of the world’s outstanding sword-drawing technique?

Therefore, now Miyamoto really said that he still does not know how he lost.

Maybe in the future, he will fight with Liu Shengzong again, forcing Liu Shengzong to have to take out his weapons, and he will know where he has lost.

Miyamoto really said it was easier, but Miyamoto Fujino and Yamamoto Ryuu were shocked and widened their eyes.

Their masters, even now do not know how they are defeated!

"Don't you say, Master, aren't you the opponent of Liu Shengzong now?" Miyamoto Fujino couldn't help but ask.

He is very aware of the extent to which his master’s current kendo has been cultivated and how terrible it becomes. In his view, the master of the 14 years ago was defeated by Liu Shengzong and failed to become the first person in the Japanese Kendo world. But fourteen years later, his master must have been the first person to be deserved.

But I did not expect his Master to say so.

Miyamoto shook his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky. He said: "Liu Shengzong is the opponent of my life. If I can surely defeat him, I will visit the door again in the past few years. I have been cultivating these fourteen years."

I heard that Miyamoto really disguised that he was still not the opponent of Liu Shengzong. Miyamoto Fujino and Yamamoto couldn’t help but exclaimed: "How is this possible!"

"There is nothing impossible." Miyamoto said faintly. "However, even if I am not his opponent, I will come back to challenge him once again after this trip to China!"

"This... why is it?" Miyamoto Fujino asked with a voice.

Now that we are not sure of defeating Liu Shengzong, why not continue to practice, and then challenge when you are sure?

"Because I have had a death contract with Liu Shengzong, as long as they are still dead, they will fight again after fifteen years! Calculate the time, when I come back from China, it will be almost the same." Miyamoto has a trace on his face. Smile. "So, I hope that the young woman who can defeat you, don't let me be too disappointed, and let me have one more stone in my trip to 'swords'."

Yes, Miyamoto’s main trip to China this time was not because his big disciple was defeated and he went to take revenge.

His main purpose is to "sword the sword" for himself!

The so-called grinding sword is actually about the same way as Liu Yunduo finds people to fight. Through comparison with different swordsman masters, try to learn a little under the great pressure of life and death, so as to break through their own kendo.

For a swordsman, the best way to quickly improve your strength is undoubtedly to continue to compete with the master. Now Miyamoto really challenges Liu Shengzong, he has no grasp, but if his swordsman can go further and break through, then he can make the impossible possible!

Fourteen years ago, Miyamoto was a true one. He traveled to the four major islands of Japan and challenged 17 kendos in succession.

But now, for Miyamoto, the martial arts of Japan's major schools, he has already seen almost. The only thing he hasn't seen before is that he doesn't have a bit of victory. That's where he will finally challenge.

Staying in Japan to grind, he will not have much to gain.

Now, the best destination for him is to go to the ancient and profound China to continue to 'sword the sword'.

China's swordsmanship has a long history and has a history of thousands of years. In the Warring States period, there was such a thing as Jingqi and Qin Qin. There was already a powerful swordsman. The Japanese kendo can be said to have also been transmitted from China.

Although most of China's swordsmanship is now lost, because of the government's reasons, most of the fists and martial arts are retained. However, Miyamoto really knows that there are still many real masters in China.

China's swordsmanship is very different from that of Japan's kendo. Miyamoto really wants to 'sword the sword' and challenge the masters of Chinese swordsmanship.

Outside the gods for a while, Miyamoto really took back his mind and turned to look at his younger brother, Uchimoto Fujino, saying: "I heard the water, the scar on your face can be completely eliminated, why don't you? agree?"

Miyamoto Fujino bowed his head and said coldly: "Just like the master said. The strong will not fear failure, but will only regard failure as a stepping stone. The scar on my face can remind me to let I keep working hard!"

"Very good." Miyamoto really nodded with satisfaction.

As a swordsman, a warrior, there are scars on his body is really no big deal.

The main thing is to remember why these scars come from and avoid more scars in your body!

For my own disciple, I am very happy to have this enlightened Miyamoto in the future.

[First! 】(To be continued)

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