The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 249 The most attractive man!

Hearing the question of Jiang Fei, the audience suddenly whispered. ◇↓

After half a ring, someone continued to stand up and answer. Both men and women.

"Because the erhu is not beautiful at all, there is no sense of music."

"I don't really know why, I think the erhu sound is a bit harsh and not melodious."

"I don't think the erhu is energetic at all. It is old-fashioned. Should only some of the old people like to listen? It is like a Beijing opera."


Various reasons continue to be said from the mouths of many students. They are not deliberately degrading the erhu, this is the most real thought in their hearts.

In their view, erhu and Western musical instruments are like the Chinese medicine and Western medicine. They feel bad from the heart and can't understand the taste. So the question is carried forward, and it has directly evolved into hundreds of people collectively advising Jiang Fei, not to pull the erhu, or to play a piano piece, they do not want to listen to the erhu.

No matter what the piano is, Beethoven, Chopin, and Mozart can do the music.

When Jiang Fei heard this, his heart was full of mischief, and he felt more sad. These can all be students of the University of Beijing. It cannot be said that the quality of all the people present here is higher than that of the average student, but their knowledge is indeed better than the average student.

However, they are not interested in the Chinese classics of Erhu and Peking Opera, and they feel that they can be abandoned. So you can imagine how other people think about these classics.

"It seems that the erhu is really not very popular." Jiang Fei looked at the conversations and rushed to hundreds of students. Can't help but shake his head and smile.

After half a ring, Jiang Fei waved his hand. All the students were calmed down and asked: "Two springs reflect the moon. Should you hear about it?"

"heard about it……"

Everyone has a weak answer. Seeing that Jiang Fei was ironic and not ready to play the piano, the disappointment of these people was beyond words, and the direct interest in the following links was greatly reduced.

"Have you heard this song? I am serious about it, calm down and listen." Jiang Fei asked again.


"I just heard someone pulling the erhu and I feel that this voice is not good, I have been not interested in the erhu."

Everyone has published their own experiences and feelings.

However, after hearing these words, Jiang Fei was a little more concerned.

It’s not that the erhu is not good at listening, but the students didn’t listen to the erhu seriously, or they didn’t hear the erhu pulled by a good performer.

of course. Since Jiang Fei chose the erhu at the beginning, there is actually full confidence that all students accept this Chinese classical instrument!

"That's good, today I will give you a song "Two Springs Reflecting the Moon". When I finish this song, after you listen carefully, let me talk about your views on the erhu, will it be different now?" Jiang Fei nodded.

Jiang Fei took a deep breath and adjusted his sitting position. The body line left to the left. The body's center of gravity falls to the left side of the body, and the back is straight, one third of the stool. The standard practice of pulling erhu, this time Jiang Fei has automatically entered the piano mode. The melody of "Two Springs Reflecting the Moon" appears automatically in my mind.

"Two Springs Reflecting the Moon" is not a famous song in ancient history, but was created by the folk musician Hua Yanzhen in the 1950s. Although the year is not long, it is the most profound, most beautiful and most beautiful erhu in the erhu track!

Now even a lot of people don't know the erhu. But when it comes to the second spring, everyone knows it. It is like the hundreds of college students in the auditorium. This piece is the pinnacle of the erhu song.

It’s a good time to play it today.

Set the posture. Adjusting the bowstring, Jiang Fei slowly closed his eyes. At this time, he turned into an incarnation of Mr. A Bing who wrote the song, and his eyes were blind and he could not see the world.


At first, it was like a sigh of bitterness, and the erhu made a slight sound, and the tone was low and restrained. Although this voice was first sent out, it was the first syllable. It certainly couldn’t be said to be pleasant and rhythmic, but it caused hundreds of students in the auditorium to suddenly jump in the eyelids and suddenly felt that there was a scalp tingling. feel!

The introduction of "Two Springs Reflecting the Moon" opened in the hands of Jiang Fei, such as the drizzle in the early summer, and the grievances like the Guizi in late autumn, which means long and long.

Hundreds of students in the auditorium, whether they are boys or girls who didn’t have a cold for the erhu, felt that the erhu was very harsh and they didn’t feel awkward at the moment. This is like a sigh of introduction, so that everyone seems to feel that it is a 50-60-year-old, the old man who has suffered is telling the sigh!

This kind of introduction is absolutely wonderful, even if it is the world famous piano music, it is not necessarily better than this!

I was also dissatisfied with it. I thought that the boys and girls who didn’t mean to listen to the erhu were all looking at each other. They looked at Jiang Fei carefully and unconsciously, and the mind was completely attracted by the erhu voice. .

After the introduction of "Two Springs Reflecting the Moon", it can be subdivided into six paragraphs. Each paragraph has different feelings. The emotions are floating and heavy. The development of the melody of the song is sometimes deep, sometimes intense, sometimes tragic. And sometimes proud.

Not only the player Jiang Fei, but even everyone below can understand the bitterness and pain, the injustice and grievances from this song!


The grand auditorium became silent at this moment. Except for the desolation and tragic erhu sound, almost the needles were audible. Even the photographers at the end of the auditorium were a little worried at this time. No one dared to have the slightest The big move, dare not make the slightest noise, for fear of disturbing this wonderful situation.

The performance of the piano is different from other performances. The more you get to the wonderful part, the quieter you will be, and you will be completely immersed in it without making a sound.

At this time, the biggest praise for the piano is not like the tide of applause, but people have forgotten the applause and did not dare to send out!

Erhu is not really elegant. It’s not a high-profile, not to mention a lot of Western instruments. Even compared with the traditional Chinese instruments such as Guzheng and Yaoqin, it is considered an upset. It is remote.

As many girls have said, the erhu will feel a bit harsh and too depressing in the average person.

It is only the old man who is old enough to understand the sound of appreciation.

It is like the dawn of the people, just like the flowers that are open from the common people!

Therefore, the erhu is born to be a pawn, a happy props of the merchants, and the support of the trip. How can erhu grow in such an environment not be desolate?

Not to mention the little girl who is ordinary and delicate. Even most men, as long as they have not experienced the hardships and hardships of life, it is difficult to understand the bleakness of the erhu.

In many cases, the erhu is a musical instrument belonging to an old man with a story!

Such a tone can't be said to be melodious and beautiful. Many people say that Erhu is not good at listening. I don’t want to listen to it for the second time.

However, today is different.

When Jiang Fei was completely immersed in the realm of the ninth-level master of Qin Yi, the sound played was a unique charm. It is like a magic sound, so that all those who hear this sound are completely attracted to it involuntarily and unconsciously.

They are now immersed in the scene, through this desolation and even a desolate tone. I saw the old man, the confused child, or the tired stepping on the road. Or curl up in the corner of the bustling world.

They let the Buddha see the blindfolded nephew, Mr. A Bing, in the south of the city where the bluestone is small and the Taiwa is deep, and the Wuwa powder porch is long. In the spring grass pond, the frog drum is thick, and the sound of the scorpion is in the countryside.

Most of the young students in their early twenties are in their careers for twenty years. I have never felt such a real feeling - immersive!

They never thought about it, let them be there, it is actually the erhu that most of them do not like or even resent!

Everyone was immersed in, and they were all like Jiang Fei, and they were brought to the unknown by the erhu. Everyone slowly closed their eyes, and the time passed slowly with the bleak erhu sound. Unconsciously, it was already at the end.

In the end, it seems like an infinite sigh and sigh, the sound is softer, the rhythm is more soothing and calm, and finally the erhu sound disappears.

Hundreds of people slowly opened their eyes.

They once again deeply understood an idiom, what is called ‘I’m not finished yet’!

Yes, the meaning is still unfinished.

At the end of the piano sound, the moment when the eyes opened, the boys were shocked, and they were completely touched by this desolation. In the eyes of girls, looking at Jiang Fei is endless tenderness, and tears of passionate and hot.

Many girls were moved by Jiang Fei and cried!

They finally understood why Jiang Fei said that many unique feelings are that Western instruments can't be played anyway.

This kind of desolation is indeed unique to only the erhu, and no other instrument can be reached!

"What a fascinating charm this is, will you play such a piano!"

"God! Mr. Jiang is one of the most attractive men in the world... Oh, no! No one is the most attractive man in the world!"

"It turns out that the man who pulls the erhu is so handsome! In the future, my boyfriend must learn to pull the erhu!"

"I used to think that the boys playing the piano are the most handsome. Now I know that the man who wears the robes and pulls the erhu is the most handsome! It’s the ultimate!"

A erhu, I immediately let Jiang Fei conquer the hearts of countless girls.

A erhu, also let Jingcheng University for a long time to come, there is a wave of learning erhu.

Some of these people take the initiative to like the erhu, take the initiative to learn; some are forced to go to school by their girlfriends, do not learn to break up!

Even after this, the University of Beijing has added a ‘two hu community.’ And this community has another name, called 'Jiang Fei Society'.

The first head of this association is Jiang Fei’s death loyalty.

[Second more! The second spring is really nice to listen to, listening to one night. 】 (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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