The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 260 Is there a life left?

A few days later.

Huacheng Baiyun Airport.

A passenger plane flying from Japan slowly landed. A short-haired, middle-aged man with a gray kimono and a gray-haired kimono walked out of the cabin and left the airport from a special passage under the **** of several seemingly bodyguards.

The middle-aged man's face looks very sloppy, no sorrow and no joy, just like a sorghum, just like a red dust. And the most important thing is that he is not only wearing a kimono, but also has two sleek, slightly curved Japanese samurai swords hanging from the left side of his waist!

Among the two-handed knives, one handle is the ‘village’, which has the name of a knives in the Japanese kendo world. The cutting ability is outstanding, the length is about 73 cm; the long ship is too bladed and the length is 78 cm.

The two samurai swords were hung across the waist of a middle-aged man, and with his kimono, there was no sense of disobedience, just like one.

Nowadays, when such inspections are strict in the country, I don’t know how this person passed the security check and brought the two samurai swords to the plane and came to China from Japan.

A middle-aged man has a woman in her early twenties. The woman is also young and beautiful, but the temperament is the same as that of the middle-aged man.

These two people, naturally, are the ones who came to China and the court, and one of the two disciples of Miyamoto, one of the two disciples.

Under the care of a special Japanese personnel, the mentor and the apprentice, after leaving the airport from a special passage, quickly got on a Mercedes Benz.

This year, even if it is a real river and lake expert, it must be a high-end special car transfer. It is like a master in ancient times, you must have a BMW mount, this is the basic configuration.

The Kendo Alliance, an organization founded by a younger brother who loves swordsmanship, is headquartered in Huacheng, one of several major first-tier cities.

Huacheng is not only prosperous, but also has a low status in the national art world. It is considered to be the most concentrated place of the Southern School. Today it is today. There are also many martial arts and martial arts families in the city, and there are many factions.

"Master, why don't you let the masters come together this time? Your trip to 'swords'. Look at the side, it will be good for the master's kendo repair?" After getting on the bus. Yamamoto asked if the water was puzzled.

Miyamoto really closed his eyes habitually and said: "Your master has just been defeated and his mood is unstable. His best way of cultivation now is to have a good retreat and concentrate on cultivation. It is not suitable for travel. And this The first time I want to fight is to defeat the Yunyun of your master, and your master will see it. It will have a greater impact on his mood."

Yamamoto nodded with water. After hesitating for a while, she said again: "Master..."

"If you have any questions, just say it. Don't bother."

"Yes!" Yamamoto's eyes looked awkward and said: "I want to ask the master, you will fight with Liu Yunduo tomorrow, will you want Liu Yunduo's life?"

"What about her life? How about her life?" Miyamoto asked faintly.

Yamamoto’s eyes blinked a bit, and he quickly replied: “I want to ask the master to leave her a life, so that the master can come to defeat her in person! If you don’t personally win Liu Yunduo, this thing will probably become a master’s Heart disease..."

After waiting for Yamamoto to finish the water, Miyamoto opened his eyes and waved: "If your master's future goal is just this Liu Yunduo, because Liu Yunduo will leave a heart disease. Then he will not be worthy of being My chief pro-brother! Liu Yunduo is a life or death, he should not be in the heart. Moreover, you should also know the habit of being a teacher. If you are a regular swordsman, or a top swordsman, you will be a master. One kind of person to treat, that is the enemy! What's more, I came to China this time to grind the sword! So, no matter how strong the strength of this Liu Yunduo, there are some repairs, I will go all out. It is life and death. She will not be merciful in her own creation."


Yamamoto Ruosu heard that he was silent.

This is true of her master's style of acting. As long as it is a duel of the gauntlet, then it will definitely go all out.

Whether it is your own life and death. Still the enemy's life and death, will be out of the way.

Therefore, her master can not easily shoot, and there must be death and injury in the shot!

Fourteen years ago, when his master, Miyamoto, was involved in the four major islands of Japan and challenged the seventeen masters of many sects, this was already the case.

In the seventeen high-handed hands that were challenged and defeated by Miyamoto, the two died and four were seriously injured. The other eleven were also injured in varying degrees.

This time, her master went to the land of China and the Middle East. The situation is bound to be the same as that of the Japanese islands fourteen years ago. There is a violent storm in the rivers and lakes of this country.

Yamamoto Rushui has no sympathy for other Chinese kendo masters. Instead, she hopes that her master will be able to win every battle. It is like a broken bamboo. The two samurai swords in the hand can sweep everything. Only for Liu Yunduo, Yamamoto Rushui hopes that her master can be merciful.

Unfortunately, this is impossible.

And if her master does not care, Liu Yunduo is even more powerful, not long ago won her master, there is a great possibility of directly killing her master's sword!

We must know that her master, Miyamoto, is true, but almost swallowed the existence of Japanese kendo fourteen years ago!

Now, fourteen years have passed, and it is simply unimaginable that her master’s swordsmanship has reached a high level.

A Liu Yunduo, Yamamoto Wuda is worried that she can support three tricks under her master?


The new lord of the Kendo Alliance, Liu Yunduo, defeated the Miyamoto family's second master, Miyamoto Fujino, not long ago, and immediately confronted the Miyamoto patriarch, a famous Miyamoto in the Japanese Kendo world. This news has already been in the rivers and lakes. It’s not awkward to leave, and many people know about it.

Not to mention the major rivers and lakes in the city, even some of the other masters in the country, come here, want to visit this duel.

In fact, this matter, the Miyamoto family's approach is to make many people somewhat ridiculed.

The masters of the younger generation lost, and the old patriarch came out. Isn't this a small, old one?

But in any case, since Miyamoto is really coming, this game is indispensable and will definitely go on.

After hearing this news, most people are not optimistic about Liu Yunduo, I think Liu Yunduo should not accept this duel challenge. Liu Yunduo’s swordsmanship is no longer high, nor can it be a real opponent of Miyamoto.

Only a few of them were in Beijing, and after watching the test of Liu Yunduo and Jiang Fei, they would think that Liu Yunduo still had a little chance of victory.

And these possibilities, in addition to their knowledge of Liu Yunduo's swordsmanship, is largely based on Liu Yunduo's pointing by Jiang Fei, these people think that Liu Yunduo will increase the sword in this month.

Jiang Fei, who is still in Dao Village, also knows the news of Liu Yunduo and Miyamoto.

He is known from Ye Yuanyuan's mouth.

"Your days are really happy, all day in this picturesque village, and there are three young and beautiful little girls around, so tomorrow, Liu Yunduo and Miyamoto are really dueling, you are not ready to watch. "Yeah?" Ye Yuanyuan glanced at the Xia Xiaozhi and Xu Jing who were wearing floral skirts and straw hats to pick green apples and tangerines.

Gold, nine silver, ten, close to September, is the season for many crops to harvest, and is also the season for many fruits to mature.

As a place where such a great person, the rice village has a lot of fruits in summer and a lot of fruits in autumn.

Winter dates, apples, pears, pomegranates, and tangerines are beginning to mature. Xia Xiaozhi and the three women went out in the rice village for a few days, and sometimes went to the mountains to hunt with Jiang Fei. Sometimes they wore small **** swimsuits to absorb water at the stream. At other times, they ate and drank and picked fruits.

"I am going to see what they are doing in a duel? You know that this person is a peace-loving person and does not like to fight and kill." Jiang Fei said to Xinba while taking a bath at the pond.

"Less come!" Ye Yuanyuan glanced at Jiang Fei, his eyes pointed to the ground: "How does this Liu Yunxiao know with you? You also specifically pointed her when you were in Beijing. If she not only lost this time If Miyamoto is a real man, he is still dead, you don’t feel bad?"

"Dead?" Hearing this word, Jiang Fei frowned, and the action of bathing Simba in his hand stopped. But then he shook his head and said with confidence: "Nakamiya is really a Japanese kendo master, but Liu Yunduo is not bad. After being pointed out by me, her swordsmanship should be greatly improved this month. Even if she can't win Miyamoto, it's okay to save her life in Miyamoto's real life. Moreover, even if one step back, Liu Yunduo really encountered something in Miyamoto's real hand, I am afraid I went. It’s useless.”

Ye Yuanyuan's eyebrows pick one, curiously said: "Why? Do you think that it is not a true opponent of Miyamoto? No. Now the version that is circulating in the rivers and lakes is that Liu Yunduo may not be a true opponent of Miyamoto. However, Miyamoto is definitely not the opponent of your new young "Sword God"!"

Jiang Fei heard some funny words. Unconsciously, his name as a man of ‘Sword God’ was getting louder and louder. And these people are so confident in him, he is 100% sure that he can beat Miyamoto.

"This thing can't explain to you. Anyway, Liu Yunduo's duel, I can hardly get in." Jiang Fei shook his head.


Liu Yunduo and Miyamoto have a duel, and Jiang Fei is difficult to intervene.

For Liu Yunduo, who is determined to defeat the Japanese Kendo, this is her revenge action and she must be hands-on. Even if Jiang Fei helped her to win Miyamoto this time, it would not help, and Liu Yunduo will continue to challenge the master of Japanese Kendo.

Even, Liu Yunduo would not agree with Jiang Fei on behalf of her and Miyamoto a true duel!

Therefore, for Jiang Fei, his best help for Liu Yunduo is to point out the flaws in her swordsmanship and improve her swordsmanship.

Other than that, he can do very limited.

"I hope that Liu Yunduo can win this battle." Jiang Fei silently blessed in his heart.

【Chapter One! 】(To be continued)

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