The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 435 Brave A Three Kingdoms!

I don’t see it every day. Oh,

Jiang Fei and Lin Moli did not have high weights because of each other. There are too many things to worry about. Many people who need to worry will lose the characteristics of their loved ones in love. They also want to be tired all day.

After a few days of absence, I met again in this exotic country. The two had no interest in the scenery. They didn't have any interest in food. The first priority was to return to the hotel, and some ‘retro’, it’s overwhelming.

At the halftime break, after washing, the bath was relieved and a tired Lin Moli was lying in Jiang Fei’s arms. Fingers in the arms of Jiang Fei unconsciously circled around the circle and curiously asked: “How did Prince Charles suddenly think of The British Empire promoted Chinese medicine? What method did you use to impress him?"

In the face of Lin Moli, Jiang Fei naturally has nothing to hide. He smiled and said: "This is really not what I used to impress him. I have not done anything. This prince is willing to help Chinese medicine practitioners in the British Empire because Cui The reason for the old doctor. Because Cui Lao Shen doctor, when Prince Charles saved his life when he was a child, he was his savior, so I have always wanted to change this kind of love over the years."

"It turned out to be like this." Lin Molly was very surprised. The average person would not have thought of a foreign prince who would be saved by an old Chinese doctor. "There is a prince who is fully dedicated to helping Chinese medicine practitioners. It is indeed a great blessing for Chinese medicine practitioners."

"Yes. The Chinese Medicine Association has been steadily fighting in the country in the past six months. Under the series of operations of Cui Xiuping, the situation has been greatly improved. Once it has turned into a decadent spirit, it is now even possible to leave this president. I don’t need to worry about anything. This time I started to attack the British Empire and started to lay the foundation on the European side. It’s not too big a step, it can be implemented. But we are here at Chiang’s Pharmaceutical Company. Come over?" Jiang Fei asked.

Jiang's pharmaceutical company has been in a big fire in China, and it has almost occupied a large part of the pharmaceutical market with the momentum of attacking the city. But because the time is still too short, after all, the foundation is slightly shallow and there is still a lot of room for development.

According to common sense, at this time, Jiang's pharmaceutical company has been steadily stabilizing in the country, first consolidating its position in the country, and then this momentum has completely won its position. Instead of being so hot and eager to expand overseas markets, seek a place abroad.

This will appear to be too big in one step, and there is a risk of accidentally pulling the egg.

Lin Molly seeks truth from facts: "The layout of our company is indeed too big. It has not been able to completely form the climate in the country, and it is still far from reaching the peak. Although the drugs are now in several provinces in the interior It has already occupied the market turnover of dressing up, but in coastal areas, as well as in the most important areas of the capital, the influence is still not enough. Taking these areas is our company’s primary goal now. But this time the opportunity of the British Empire is also It’s too difficult, you can’t give up for these reasons. And you didn’t say it, our company’s future goals must not be limited to the domestic market. It’s the world’s market. In the next big game, the vision is natural. To be long-term, you can't just stare at the immediate interests."

Jiang Fei smiled. Bowing down on Lin Moli's bright forehead, I gently kissed it. Some people said with distress: "I am afraid that you are too hard. Originally, you often fly around in the country, and spend the rest of the month to practice ordinary office workers. It’s not as good. If you expand overseas, you’ll probably have to be busier in the future.”

Lin Moli reached out and used the jade jade finger to gently slide on Jiang Fei's cheek. Jiao smiled and said: "This is nothing. This year, I have become accustomed to this life rhythm. It is estimated that this was the unintentional establishment of the company. It activates the attribute of the woman who is hidden in my body. If I let me stop now, I will not get used to it."

"And... isn't someone helping me with the task now?"

Jiang Fei subconsciously wants to ask who will help her share the task, but without asking for an exit, she immediately understands who Lin Moli is referring to.

The nature she refers to is Bai Ruoxi.

Jiang Fei was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say. After all, in my arms, a woman who likes me and another woman who likes it, this thing is quite embarrassing.

After waiting for a while, I said, "Well... I told me a few years ago that I would quit my job as a journalist and I am going to enter Jiang’s Pharmaceutical Company. I thought she was talking about it. I didn’t expect her to be very serious. She did It should be ok?"

Looking at Jiang Fei's words and stops, some of them turned around and Lin Molly couldn't help but scream.

She shook her head and exclaimed: "What are you nervous about, I have not expressed any dissatisfaction, but I feel that she can join in. It is also very good. I am not saying, this '正宫娘娘' white reporter is really very It is estimated that, as you said, from a young age, it is a leader-level figure, and it has extraordinary strength in business. The development and construction work of Jiang’s Medical Museum is well organized under her management. Even if I do it myself, it is impossible. I am doing better than her. I am already thinking about it. I will also hand over the cooperation between Jiang’s pharmaceutical company and many large public hospitals to the 'Zhenggong Niangniang'.”

Listening to the vocabulary of the Zhenggong Niangniang, Jiang Fei was a little bit smirking.

This tortured little goblin was concealed from the time he was a nurse at the hospital. Now he has become the president of a large company, and the style has not changed.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about what is not in my heart. I am not a person who has to control everything in the palm of my hand, who lacks security. As long as we have the righteousness of the palace, don't say that I accept Jiang. The doctor's office, even if one day she can accept all the things of Jiang's pharmaceutical company, I will not have anything to give up, absolutely no words to him." Lin Moli hugged Jiang Fei, looked up with a head Looking at the impeccably beautiful face, he smiled and said: "I just have you, as long as you are still with me, everything is enough..."

If you are sensational, you don't have to say it with a very affectionate affection and tone to touch people. Often, inadvertently, the true words of the export are naturally spoken. Only to touch the heart of a person can take a heartstring.

Just like laughing and crying, I tried to smile and look like a pear with rain. It is the most distressing.

After the threat of Jiang Fei and the Lion King, the members of the Holy See had to start investigating the life of Mihaier. In order to find out from the files of his life, some clues were found.

It is a pity that the relevant personnel have turned everything over, and there will be a pair of suspects who are suspected, and they have not found a guy who may be behind the scenes of the Skynet killer.

This line, they can only be broken.

The Holy See used a method and did not find any information for the time being. The Lion King and the Seven Killing Group naturally had no way to find it. Even if the Lion King is not reconciled, he wants to delve into the relevant personnel of the Holy See. It does not help.

So the two sides met again and discussed together and decided on a new plan.

Since it is only the file of the Mihaier ascetic person, can't find out what is going on, then check two more people.

These two people, once the devil killer, surpassed the double s-class Augustine, and the ‘Shiva’ of one of the three great gods of the Three Kingdoms.

These two Dan Jin level masters, also in this operation, were called by the Tianwang organization. These two are usually anonymous. The master who has rarely come out of the activity, this time is risking, and this is definitely a hidden secret.

The biggest possibility is that the one behind the scenes organized by Skynet. Only then can the two people be moved.

Careful investigation of the two men, combined with the file of the Mihaier ascetic, all the three people's life in the past all out of a pair of symptoms. I found that the three people met someone who was in common, or had experienced something similar. Then the black hands behind the Skynet organization are easy to infer!

Augustine is nothing organized. There is no genre, it is a terrible step from the killer organization to grow up to the present.

Such people can be very troublesome if they want to investigate carefully, because many of them are done alone. It is difficult to restore a little bit of tandem without the ability to go through the sky; but it can be said that it is very simple, because investigating them will not There is no resistance, no one will jump out to find trouble, or can hide.

Shiva, one of the three great gods of the Three Kingdoms, is much more complicated to investigate.

There is a Shiva dead, but there are two other Brahma and Vishnu!

Moreover, according to rumors, among the three great gods, Shiva’s strength is considered to be the “weakest”, and the strength of Brahma and Vishnu will be strengthened.

The three-phase relationship between gods is like a brother-in-law. Coupled with the special nature of the country of Azerbaijan, it is not much lighter than that of China. Investigate Shiva, unless it is carried out in silent conditions, or once it is known by the other two great gods Brahma and Visha, it will definitely force in!

Two great masters of Dan Jin, if they work together to block a certain thing, even if the threat is better than the combination of Jiang Fei and the Lion King, I am afraid it will not be much.

Especially in the place where they are in their nest, this is even more difficult.

Whether it is the Seven Kills group or the staff of the Holy See, it is not easy to get all the files of Shiva’s life in the realm of the Three Kingdoms.

But there is one more point that is more favorable for the current situation.

That is the Shiva in the three great gods, and this news is still in the stage of absolute secrecy.

In addition to the seven killing group people know, but also know, that is, the Holy See ... ... wrong, if the Tian Net organization behind the scenes really behind the scenes, then he certainly knows.

As long as you don't reveal this news, it's okay. The other two great gods of the Three Kingdoms will not make a big move, and they will not think of revenge for their small, three Shiva. Then the investigation of the Holy See and the Seven Killers will have a little room for smooth progress.

If Brahma and Vishnu knew that Shiva was dead, or was killed by the lion king, the people of the Holy See and the Seven Killing Group did not say that they had entered the border of the three countries and had a silent investigation.

As long as the two major forces enter the scope of the three countries, it is definitely the result of being successfully pursued!

Brahma and Vishnu will never give up, and will definitely use all means to avenge Shiva.

The desperate revenge of the two great Dan Jin masters, whether it is the Holy See or the Seven Kills, is not so easy to follow, and must be cautious.

Therefore, when the Holy See and the Lion King made this plan, they agreed to discuss the matter of Shiva, and they could not go by ordinary people from both sides.

They are worried that if the death of Shiva leaks the wind, or is known by Brahma and Vishnu with special news, the two people will go to the Three Kingdoms and they will die.

Therefore, both sides decided to send Dan Jin level masters to the Three Kingdoms to investigate the news.

In this way, even if the final success is not achieved, Shiva’s life file can not be obtained, but at least it can also have the power of self-protection, not to die under the frantic revenge of Brahma and Vishnu.

The person discharged by the Holy See is the apostle of Ovilia.

In the Seven Kills group, Jiang Fei was not actually a seven-killer group. It is not easy to help the Seven Killers group to annihilate the Tianwang organization. This time they will stay in the British Empire and they will be busy, and they will not be able to find time. Therefore, only the Lion King personally went out, and Ovelia went deep into the Three Kingdoms and went to the Ganges River to inquire about the things that Shiva used to do.

For the actions of the Seven Kills group, Lion and others did not tell Jiang Fei, so Jiang Fei did not know.

His main energy now is on the Chinese medicine delegation's visit to London.

The delegation's itinerary after coming to London has been fully pre-determined. The first thing to start is that Jiang Fei, at the Royal College of Medicine, gave lectures to countless Western medical students, professors, and famous doctors.

Jiang Fei was confident and prepared to speak on the stage.

Because Captain Capone’s heart was unwilling, he prepared a lot of good plays, arranged a lot of harsh and sharp questions on the speech, and asked Jiang Fei through different people.

This point, like many of the classroom open classes in China, the people who raise their hands to ask questions are arranged in advance.

However, many open classes are arranged in advance, which is a problem that is beneficial to the speaker. What Jiang Fei is facing is all the embarrassment, and he wants to make him ugly.

Fortunately, Jiang Fei is not a master of exaggeration, but has a real talent and has a real ability. So I am not afraid of these sharp problems.

During the whole process of the speech, they all smiled and talked.

No matter what the problem, as long as it is medical, even if it is difficult, it is easily answered under his full-level nine-level medical skills.

At the end of the day, Jiang Fei did not have any cold sweat on his forehead, but the captain Capon, who was preparing to watch the show below, became a little shocked and restless.

Chinese medicine, is there really no scientific basis, can't stand the subject of verification? Captain Capone was shaken in his heart...

[No. 1! Monday! But our and recommended tickets seem to be pitiful!

I am crying, some book friends, please support two guarantees! It is also good to not support two referral tickets!

Seeking for a ticket! ! ! !

】(To be continued...)

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