The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 45 I want to compare with you

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Reaching out and wanting to shake hands with others, others are screaming, turning a blind eye and not shaking hands with you.

If you have encountered such a thing, you will definitely understand how embarrassing and unpleasant it is.

This is equivalent to being beaten in public!

Therefore, Jiang Feiping is even more broad-minded in order to report his grievances to his own prime minister. He can hold the boat... He can't stand it now!

However, he is not afraid of panic, and there is nothing to fear.

If the old man came to find an old bone, Jiang Fei would flatten him with one finger; if he came to the pavilion, Jiang Fei also thought that his medical skills would not lose to him.

Even if his current medical skills, it is still a little bit to rise to level 7. Even if the old man came from a real medical family, he was the most powerful acupuncturist in the Second Hospital.

Jiang Fei came over this period and he did not know how many incurable diseases healed. He did not know how many patients he was treated. Apart from the real terminal illness, he rarely encountered subjects he could not heal. Therefore, Jiang Fei has great confidence in his medical skills.

Not to mention the other, it is said that he first shot, the stroke patients who became famous and treated in the first battle, and even the old people who did not dare to accept the first hospital. Isn't it that he has revived his hand and saved it?

No one in the city's first hospital can be cured. Can this old man who is old and old, called Qin Zhengming, be able to heal? Jiang Fei does not think.

Since the old man wants to dismantle his plaque, he wants to beat his face, and his reputation as a doctor, Jiang Fei will use the same means to fight him back.

The soldiers will block the water and cover the soil. As long as there is strength, they will not be afraid of anything.

"You...!" Qin Zhengming was sighed by Jiang Fei and Lin Moli, and his body was a little trembling.

He is well-known in the entire Chinese medicine industry, coupled with his high qualifications, is the predecessor of many rising stars. No matter where he goes to see a doctor or a meeting, he is respected and admired. Therefore, although he is a doctor with considerable medical ethics and word of mouth, it is really a bit arrogant and conceited, that is, what the general population said... like to lean and sell old!

In Qin Zhengming's view, he criticized Jiang Fei, a young man who did not know the high heights. If the other party had a little bit of self-knowledge, he should listen to his education and be obedient. Can't argue aloud, let alone talk back.

However, now these two people not only talk back, but also directly smashed the slap in the face!

Qin Zhengming twitched and stretched out a hand and pointed at the plaque of the 'Chinese Medicine Needle King' hanging on the wall of the clinic. He screamed: "Today's plaque, you must pick it up for me! Otherwise... Otherwise, you don't want to open this clinic! The fool of the fool!"

"Why! Is this old man confused?" Lin Moli couldn't help but speak again, not angry. It seems that she is more concerned about this matter than Jiang Fei.

Jiang Fei's face is also more difficult to read. This old man is really more and more energetic, and dare to threaten him!

However, the threat of this old man, Jiang Fei still has to pay attention to it. After all, this old man's origins are not simple, and his qualifications are also high and scary. If he really wants to make up his mind, it is really impossible to use his energy to want his own clinic to go on.

For example, the old man who relies on the old man to go to the Health Bureau to say that he wants to revoke his doctor's qualification certificate, fearing that Jiang Fei would be troubled.

Jiang Fei’s eyes narrowed and he thought about it after a long while. He asked again: “Who is it for you to dismantle my forehead?”

"No matter who told me to come. Today, you don't take this swindle and swindle to me, you will not be able to go!" Qin Zhengming said in a loud voice.

At this time, Jiang Fei suddenly smiled and said: "In fact, I already know who told you to come. It must be the high-ranking dean of Gao Deyuan, Gao Hengyuan?"

Qin Zhengming’s eyes flashed a bit of a strange, but the color of anger still did not disappear, did not speak.

He also disdains to tell lies.

If you don't speak, it means the default.

Jiang Fei smiled again, and there was a strong disdain in the laughter: "Although I didn't know you before, I heard people say that Dr. Qin from the acupuncture department is so esteemed, how medically ethics, just right. Now it seems ...hehe, it’s just that."

Qin Zhengming angered: "Bad boy, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Isn't that obvious enough?"

Jiang Fei shrugged and said with some sinisterity: "I thought that you were able to destroy the eyebrows and lose power. As a result, you were forced by a high-ranking dean's son to help and help this playboy. Do some devastating things! I said that you are all old, even if you are not afraid of the late festivals, you should also go to the future to go to the sinister government to accumulate Germany?"

"You, you, you..." Qin Zhengming was even more angry this time. He said three ‘you’ words in succession and did not say a complete sentence.

This makes Jiang Fei look a little surprised, thinking that this old man should not be mad at himself, a thought is not accessible, directly fainted past?

In law, there is no law that swears and suffocates.

" fart!" The old man Qin Zhengming was still not stunned and said this sentence. He pointed at Jiang Fei's arm and shivered a little, angered: "I Qin Zhengming has been arrogant for a lifetime, why was he bent over? If I do something I don't want, let alone the high-ranking dean, even if It is the high dean who personally asks me and I will not do it!"

"Today I didn't want to ask you for trouble. Just take a look at your quack doctor who doesn't learn anything. Do you really dare to hang the 'Chinese medicine needle' plaque in your clinic! I didn't expect you to hang So, I am not doing this because of Gao Hengyuan, the dude, but because you insulted this title! You are a kid who doesn’t understand the fart, why can he call it the 'Chinese medicine needle king'? It’s just a slip of the world. Daji!"

Jiang Fei understands this.

If the old man's meaning is in a nutshell, I don't dare to become a Chinese medicine needle king. You can dare to call the Chinese medicine needle king. You are not looking for it!

"Oh..." Jiang Fei suddenly nodded. "It turned out to be the case."

Lin Moli asked: "How is it?"

Jiang Fei smiled and said: "It turned out that we are the old doctor of Qin. I am jealous of him for such a large age, and he has not been called a Chinese medicine needle king. But now this name has been obtained by me, so he very unhappy!"

Jiang Fei broke the heart of Qin Zhengming in one word.

Qin Zhengming was smashed by Jiang Fei, but he was a little blushing, but he was not arguing. He still angered: "What if it is like this? I have been practicing medicine for decades, and I have never been aware of how many times I have a doctor." I dare to call myself a Chinese medicine needle king, because I know that there are days outside the sky, there are people outside. Your kid is a arrogant arrogant, do not know the height of the sky, today is still to remove this plaque. Otherwise, you don't want to be a doctor in the future!"

Looking at Qin Zhengming, who was too angry, Jiang Fei suddenly disappeared a lot.

This old man, although leaning against the old and selling the old, is at least not too bad... It is just too small, and there is no amount of tolerance.

Jiang Fei now hates the tooth itch, is Gao Hengyuan, the playboy. I thought in my heart: It seems that the last lesson was not profound enough. This scum, even gave me the secret to make this move...

"I once again solemnly reiterated that this card is not my self-styled, but the patients gave it to me. If it is my self-styled, you have to dismantle it, I have no opinion. But this is the patient's mind, I am absolutely impossible. I have to dismantle it! I can't live up to the patients' feelings for me. I promised to keep them for a lifetime!" Jiang Fei said with a sense of justice, very proud.

In fact, it is simply that he does not want to take it down...

However, Jiang Fei’s words quickly turned around again, watching the old man say: “However, if you feel that I am not worthy of this plaque, then we can try it and see if I can deserve this plaque! ”

"A small ophthalmologist, now to swindle and swindle, but also want to compare medicine with me?" Qin Zhengming sneered disdainfully.

Jiang Fei was a serious face, nodded and said: "Yes. I just want to compare medicine with you!"

"Who said a small ophthalmologist, can't be a Chinese medicine needle? Now, I will formally challenge you, can you dare to promise? If you dare not agree, leave me early, don't say anything crazy. Words of madness!"

Next to Lin Moli looked at the appearance of Jiang Fei Saobao, and some thoughts sweetly: I will install. Forced cows. Forcing men, is handsome!


Do not steam the steamed bread to sigh, let's fight! ! There is no recommended position, even if you streaking, you must continue to move forward! !

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