The Almighty Martial Arts System

: Covert more than 460 years ago


Can not help but walk back and forth, Brahma, staring at Jiang Fei with a big eyes, an expression of disbelief. Oh,

He is a strong man who is innately entrenched, even if he has become a Juggernaut for many years, he has no way to take him. The Lion King, Liu Shengzong, and Ovilia have been the same level of Dan. The master can only be suppressed by him.

Now, a young Chinese teenager who doesn't know where it came from, can actually beat him back with a sword!

This is incredible.

"Who is this kid, why do you have such a strong strength? When did the emergence of such a genie in China's rivers and lakes?! China is the most profound country in the East, full of mystery and incredible. The boy looks like he is too old. Our group of people is so big that they can enter the Danjin level. It is not bad. He is already comparable to the innate level. If he is another twenty or thirty years, his strength will be terrible... I dare to imagine, is it really necessary to break the limit and embark on an unknown realm?"

Brahma thought of it in his heart.

He has been retreating for years, and he has not heard of the outside world. He has only entered the level of congenital strength before he came out, so he knows very little about the recent things in the rivers and lakes. Otherwise, with the intelligence system of the three religions, I can still know the big things happening recently and know who Jiang Fei is.

As amazing as Brahma, there is also the ‘Jiansheng’ 冢原卜传, the strongest person in the island country that looks like an old fairy. The strength is as strong as him, naturally it is not difficult to see the situation of Jiang Fei and Brahma.

This young man, although not formed the unique enthusiasm of the innate master. Not a congenital master, but his swordsmanship is too strong and overbearing. The original sword meaning contained in it is that his ‘Jiansheng’ feels scared and self-satisfied. Plus he can feel it. Jiang Fei’s inner strength and the display of the swordsmanship are also very different from those of the general Dan Jin masters.

For example, the swordsmanship that Liu Shengzong showed up, the power in the same level will be much weaker than Jiang Fei!

"The talent is too enchanting! Even if the mysterious son was not so horrible at this age, what is the origin of this kid?" Sugawara was shocked in his heart.

With this in mind, he couldn’t sit still anymore, and he couldn’t stand by and watch the war.

Brahma is a man who deals with the Lion King, Oviliya, and Liu Shengzong. Although it is not easy, it is the ability to gain the upper hand. After spending a lot of money. Still able to successfully kill three people.

Now that I have joined a flight from Jiang Fei, the situation can be completely different and there is a fundamental change.

The strength of Jiang Fei alone is no longer the level of Dan Jin. It has completely separated from the fundamental difference between the Lion and others. He alone can prove that he resists Brahma, and the three lions are helping themselves, so the final result will definitely be Brahma's defeat and be killed by several people!

If Brahma is being killed. What should he do with the original Bu Chuan?

The four men joined hands and Brahma couldn't resist it. He couldn't resist it.

Therefore, Sugawara Buddhism immediately flew over. Stand with Brahma. Now it is really necessary for them to join hands to achieve a stable position.

Brahma and Sugawara Bu Chuan stood together, and Jiang Fei naturally returned to the side of the Lion King and others. He needs to know about the situation and what happened.

Two masters of the level of strength. And it is still a big chaos in different countries, he is a bit embarrassed.

"Jiang Fei. How come you are here!" The Lion King couldn't help but ask for a surprise, not nervously urging Jiang Fei to rush to escape.

Just now, Jiang Fei and Brahma’s opponents have clearly seen that Jiang Fei’s strength has truly surpassed the three of them, and they have done what they can only hope for, and they are confronted with the strong and powerful.

"It’s hard to say a word. I came to Liu Shengzong to have something to discuss with him, so I came here." Jiang Fei said faintly, but his eyes were always consciously or unconsciously staring at Brahma and Sugawara. These two congenital strengths are really making him somewhat Alexandrian, and there is no sense of security.

Now his strength has progressed to a very strong level, but after all, it has not been rebellious, and he has some lack of confidence in the face of innate masters.

Slightly twisted his head and looked at the three people and asked: "What is going on with you? Liu Shengzong is here to find this 冢原卜传? The lion and you and Oviliya are together. It should be to trace the matter of Shiva, and to investigate the people behind the Skynet organization. The two of you went to the three countries to investigate and still barely can say it, but... How did you go to the island country?"

When asked this question, the lion king, who has always been unrestrained, couldn’t help but get angry. He said: "I and Oviliya both entered the Three Kingdoms. I thought it should be ten, and I will not encounter any trouble. I know this Brahma. In the past years, I have stepped into the innate level and killed both of us by surprise. And he still doesn't know what means to keep track of us. For most of the past two months, I have been chasing us from the Three Kingdoms to the island nation!"

Jiang Fei was very vocal.

It’s really ridiculous to chase after the majority of the months and catch up with the island countries from the three countries. If you don't see it with your own eyes, I am afraid that even Jiang Fei will not believe it.

"Then, how did you come to this Mount Fuji, and met such an old guy?" Jiang Fei cautiously looked at the Hunyuan Bu Chuan of Hefa Tongyan and asked: "You are not so lucky, just happened to meet Ok?"

The Lion King also cautiously stared at the two men. Seeing Brahma and Sugawara’s eyes flickering, but I didn’t know what I was thinking, but I didn’t do it. So he lowered his voice and explained: “Of course it’s not a coincidence to Mount Fuji. I knew from the beginning that this old guy named Sugawara Buji lived here, and I also knew that there was hatred between him and Brahma many years ago, so I specifically introduced Brahma to this place, I hope to see if I can The hand of Sugawara Bu Chuan killed Brahma... I know, the old guy of Sugawara Bu Chuan not only can't take Brahma, he can't kill him, but he doesn't care about the old face and Brahma join hands to kill us!"

Jiang Fei is speechless.

Things turned out to be so bizarre.

"There was hatred between Brahma and Sugawara Buddhism many years ago? How do you hate?"

When asked about this, the Lion King took another look at the Liu Shengzong moment, and then carefully revealed the secrets of many years ago: "A few years ago, Suiyuan Bu Chuan had a good not only cultivation of kendo talent, but also a superb appearance. The female disciple, called Aoki Yuki. Aoki's snow is very high-savvy, and it is also the first close disciple of Sugawara Chuanji Daocheng. It is prepared to train him as his successor and inherit himself completely. Clothing..."

[There have been too many things lately, very busy, and I haven’t had a rest on Saturday... but yesterday was no more. Today, there are also book-friends who cut the 10,000-point starting currency and accumulate the palm of the book. door. Don't say anything, continue to code the second chapter! 】(To be continued...)

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