The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 5 Quick brush experience method

After dinner, I gave Xia Xiaozhi an hour of homework tuition, and then sent away some of the rebellious Meng Meng Xiao Xia.

Jiang Fei, who was idle, sighed. In fact, now he is able to make such a delicious food, thank you very much for Xia Xiaozhi.

When he first reloaded the ocean into the account of the game "Knights", he didn't have time to buy equipment and upgrade characters. All of them were used to upgrade the life sub-professionals, which was caused by Xia Xiaozhi.

At that time, Jiang Fei was still too angry, and almost did not fall out with this rebellious hoe. Now it seems that if it is not Xia Xiaozhi, he will definitely spend money on other aspects. At that time, even if he got the possession of this game character, but there is no strong life sub-professional, the character level is zero, and the use is not useful...

"Thank you, Xia Xiaozhi!" Jiang Fei thanked him in his heart.

After finishing the kitchen, I lay in bed after taking a shower. Jiang Fei called up the character attribute interface in his mind to see how effective cooking is tonight.

Role: Jiang Fei

Level: 0

Experience: 5/500

Physical strength: 1

Spirit: 1.1

Agility: 1

Power: 1.2

Unassigned points: none

Martial Arts Skills: None

Sub-professional: Weapon forging (9th grade), plant cultivation (9th grade), cooking (9th grade), gardening (9th grade), Qinyi (9th grade) winemaking (9th grade), summoning beast domestication (9th grade), Medical skills (six levels +1%)

Most of them have not changed, and only the physical and empirical values ​​are changed.

The physical strength returned from a mild hunger of 0.9 to 1. But he did not become 1.1 because he was too full, because his current physical strength limit is 1, even if he is full, he will not increase the upper limit.

The experience value was changed from 2 points in the clinic to 5 points and increased by 3 points. And he made six dishes this evening, and the average one has only gained 0.5 experience points.

Jiang Fei frowned.

"This is not enough! I have to upgrade, I want to upgrade the gift package, but also learn the legendary martial arts! God is so good to me, gave me a unique "Knights" system to me, if this is not enough A generation of heroes is simply useless!"

It seems that it is not realistic to rely on the sub-skills of cooking and earning a lot of experience. Even if you eat at home three times a day, you can cook yourself, but you can only eat it a little. The experience will not exceed 10 points in one day.

Can't always cook more, don't eat it, use it to dump it? If so, the money in the Jiang Fei bank card is not enough for him to squander.

As for going to the restaurant to be a chef? This is too expensive.

It’s good to cook at home. If you want to be a professional chef, Jiang Fei can’t do it. This is not as good as treating patients with long experience.

“The long experience of cooking is slow, and it is estimated that playing the piano will not be there soon. It is not necessarily possible to raise the finger. It seems that the best way to brush the experience is really to fall into the aspect of planting vegetables and planting fruit trees. As long as we can contract a piece of land, even if we plant a single experience and then low, we can't resist the number! How many thousands of plants can be planted at one time, and the experience is not rising?"

"And, with our master-level plant culture technology, the vegetables and fruits grown may not be as good as it is. At that time, the main high-end market is probably a constant source of funding."

"Not only can you gain experience, but you can make money. This is the king!"

Jiang Fei thought happily.

Although he has small assets now, he still has no local tyrants to the point of not lacking money.

He still rents a house and does not buy a house himself. In today's society, the house prices are so high that they want to buy a good house in this city. If there is no decoration, there will be no one hundred and hundreds of thousands.

If you have not left the hospital's ophthalmology room before, this goal is not difficult with his income situation, and it will be realized in another three or five years. Now his own clinic is not optimistic. If you don't lose money, it's not bad. He has to think of a way to make money.

You can't sit on the mountain.

There is only a problem. If you decide to do the planting, he will definitely leave the city and go to the countryside to get a fist.

Now that this inch of land is gold, and it is all in the city of reinforced concrete, there is something that can be used to supply him with vegetables and fruits.

"I have no psychological barriers to leaving the city to go to the country to plant land. But if the family knows, I am not allowed to be squandered?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Fei was hesitant.

Now he has not dared to tell his parents about the news that the hospital work has been turned yellow. If he makes any more movements now, it will be difficult to end up once the incident occurs.

Moreover, the clinic he opened now costs almost 200,000 yuan before and after, and he can’t really close the door.

Since childhood, Jiang Fei feels that in his life, it is impossible to not be a doctor.

It is not how much he thinks the doctor can earn in this industry and how high he can be.

First of all, Jiang Fei has been in contact with doctors since he was a child, and later specialized in medical treatment. Therefore, he is very interested in this profession and also likes the feeling of saving the wounded and dying. Secondly, his parents and grandparents have always been expecting him, and he hopes that he will become a a doctor.

Now in his character attributes, there is also a sub-professional career of medicine. Although he is only six, Jiang Fei does not want to ruin it and use it well.

"Forget it, I still have to find a time to go shopping in the nearby suburbs, and then consider these after planting sites. Besides, even if you want to plant on a large scale, you must not give up the doctor's career. My future medical skills. It will definitely become more and more powerful, and it is impossible to stay in a small clinic all the time. After the reputation is hit, it is easy to go to any big hospital to hang a professor and the like. It is easy to go to the suburbs when there is nothing or vacation. You can build a resort yourself. Planting is a layman!"

Jiang Fei made a note in his heart. Decided that while the doctor's career was stable, he made some achievements; while slowly implementing the planting sideline.

Mainly doctors, supplemented by planting.

In this way, you, your family, you can upgrade, make money, and all aspects can be taken care of.

Also, in the past three months that the hospital was smashed, Jiang Fei did not say anything, and there was no practical action. But my heart is always holding a shackle. He still clearly remembers that when the hospital dean's son, the bastard, took him away, the arrogant arrogant and unscrupulous and contemptuous expression.

If this gas does not vent, it will always be in his throat, and his heart will be uncomfortable.

If he is doing something wrong, he will be punished if he is absolutely guilty. It is okay, and the big punishment is recognized. Or in a slightly fairer competition, he loses nothing wrong.

Just as he opened the clinic now, he was defeated by the opposite woman. He complained at most, and he would never revenge.

But in the case of saving the forest Jasmine, he obviously did a good thing and was treated like this. It is really unwilling.

If you do a good job, you will not be rewarded. How can you still be badly reported?

He used to practice medicine in general. He went to the hospital and relied on his parents to take a big relationship. He sent a lot of red packets to enter. Naturally, I didn’t have the ability to take the dean’s son. I was humiliated and could only swallow.

The situation is different now.

As long as his medical skills are strong enough, it is not difficult to find this scene.


the next day.

Jiang Fei often came to the clinic to open the door.

Throughout the morning, his business was still very bleak. Only one patient with a fever and a fever came to see him.

And it is estimated that because this patient is a middle-aged aunt, the extra charm bonus of the opposite woman doctor can be ignored, plus a lot of people lined up at the door, so he will come here.

In fact, it is a truth to see a doctor and choose a restaurant to eat.

The better the business, the more clinics the patients have, and everyone is willing to go to the queue. Because this shows that the clinic has a good reputation and doctors are highly skilled, so it will lead many patients to see the disease;

And if there is no shadow in front of a clinic, it naturally means that the doctor's skills are not good, and no one is willing to go.

So the end result is that business is good and better, and business is worse and worse.

A vicious circle.

Just like now, except for a very few patients who don't want to line up, they will come to Jiang Fei here. Generally, even a female patient who is immune to black silk high-heeled, will not choose to go to the clinic of Jiang Fei, but is willing to go to the clinic of the opposite woman.

There is no reason for it, just because they feel that the female doctor on the opposite side is better at medical treatment and can cure the disease.

Looking at this situation, Jiang Fei sighed in the air. This is really: I am born to be useful, but unfortunately I am not a beauty!

He now has a bug with the possession of the game characters, but he can't find the patient's big fists. It is really sad.

Since there is no business, Jiang Fei did not call for take-out at noon. He simply closed the door and went home at noon to make a delicious meal and treat himself.

Now, as a master chef, he eats the dishes he has made, and then eats the dishes made in the general restaurant. It is really a bit like chewing wax!

After eating enough, I made a little experience by the way.

In the afternoon, Jiang Fei thought about it, but did not go to the clinic, but drove to the suburbs to inspect it!

He is going to look around and choose a place suitable for planting and sideline business. When the time comes, rent it.

This so-called 'fit' has two conditions.

First, the price must be cheap. Otherwise, he rented a few acres of land of a dozen acres, do not know how much it costs, he is not a local tyrant; second, the scenery around the land is beautiful, it is best to have mountains and water. This is what he is going to do to make his own future resort. If there is a place where the birds are not squatting, what fun is there?

PS: Thank you for your reward, collection and recommendation for the two days! The new book is still very tender, but the appetite is very big. It is all hungry for all kinds. Dear friends, please support me. Please don't pity, no matter how strong you are, the new book will not be broken!

Let me talk about the update, one day is definitely two chapters. We will determine a fixed time, around 12 noon, and around 8 o'clock in the evening.


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