The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 497 You killed my uncle!

The fighting power of the ghost face does not live up to its fierce fierce name. Don’t say it is a dog, even a wolf is not its opponent. When it is not using sneak attacks, it is hard to fight, the combat power is also amazing, a **** mouth is special to pick the key parts, the size is much higher than its powerful and powerful, Simba, has also made a lot of scars Long hair has also fallen a lot.

Speed, strength, sharpness of the teeth!

These three points are undoubtedly the standard that determines the strength of the dog's fighting strength. The three points of the ghost face are very strong, quite a bit of a static feeling like a crazy tiger.

Very powerful! very powerful! Very fierce!



About half a minute, Simba was completely motivated by the wildness after a lot of injuries. The violent violent anger was not like the words. At the beginning, it was still positive and it just got on, and it was a very powerful ghost. It was pressed to the ground by it!

Simba’s body is strong, and the strength is not as good as the tiger lion, the top cat, but it’s not too much. When it’s mad, the ghost face is like being overwhelmed by a strong man. Like the weak little woman under her body, no matter how howling, how to struggle, can't hide Simba's 'Wolf Kiss'.

Tear off!

In the roar of the ghost face, its ugly face was smashed by the sharp teeth of Simba, and the bright red blood flowed out. The ghost face grows up, and the long fangs want to bite back. Unfortunately, Simba is one step faster than it. He directly bites his mouth and seals it!

woo woo woo woo……

The roar of the ghost face turned into a whimper, and even the screams could not be called out. The bite force of the Xinba mouth was great, and the sharp fangs wrapped the ghost face and the mouth. I fell deeply into it, leaving a few blood holes.

Of course, it’s impossible for a ghost face to squat, and its head swayed wildly. Want to break free from Simba's bondage.

But Simba's teeth have already got stuck, and it has shaken so badly. Its injury becomes heavier and the pain is more intense. But it doesn't work if you don't shake it.

Don't shake, don't you still have to squat? If you are so bitten, you will not have the chance to turn over.

This is impossible for a fierce ghost face. Regardless of the pain and injury, it almost exhausted all efforts to break free.

Simba's bite force is very big, the bite is very stable, but the shape of the mouth is not suitable for biting, not very bite. Bigger power bites on it will also be greatly discounted.


As the piece of meat on the face of the ghost was torn apart, it finally broke away from Simba's 'kiss' and stood up and stood up from the embrace of Simba.

It was ugly, and it became even more ugly after the face was broken by Simba. The hair was mixed with blood and blood, just like hell.


It was not afraid of being bitten by Simba, and the creature was fierce, and once again rushed toward Simba.

Simba is a party to victory. It is even more impossible to retreat. In fact, this battle is the first time for Simba to fight, like the original hunting. It is too pediatric for it, and it doesn't have to be true. In addition, Jiang Fei did not specifically train the Simba in the fight, which caused Simba to have no experience in fighting. The skill is not good, and it is much worse than the ghost face.

The battle with the ghosts was just out of battle with its powerful talent.

After a few rounds of fighting, it began to find a little way, more and more handy, and the progress in combat skills was fast and scary.

At the beginning of the battle, he could only fight with the ghost face. In the form of a tie, now the offensive ghost face is completely suppressed by it. Just two or three rounds later. The ghost face is once again bitten by it.

This time... directly bite the neck!

"Small sand!"

I was very confident just now, and I was ready to watch my own sacred beast and the woman who killed Simba could not sit still. Angry and shocked, screaming, flew in the direction of the two dogs biting.

Her original Simba is huge, but it is nothing but invisible. The combat power is not as much as the fierce creatures of the ghost face. But knowing that Simba is not only in the middle, it is also used in China.

In addition to the inexperience at the beginning, suffered a little injury, to the back is completely crushed by the ghost face, playing her holy beast and even the power to fight back!

How did this puppies come out? What kind is it!

This combat power is almost in the true sense of exceeding the limits of dogs, and can be compared to the top cats.

call out!

A dark thing came out of her hand, but it was not a hidden weapon, because the dark thing was still carrying a chain behind it, and people could grasp the chain and manipulate it.

The chain throws out a lot of power, so the speed is naturally very fast, almost a broken voice, aiming at the Xinba biting the face of the ghost face.


Jiang Fei’s figure was like a ghost, and it appeared between the woman and Simba. The right hand was lifted up. It’s just that the chain is caught, so that the chain is similar to the iron block and can’t attack Simba. .

"Are you a deformed dog not a holy beast? How can I even fight my pets? Now I am afraid I am going to die?" Jiang Fei said with a smile.

The Northern Ming dynasty has reached the second level. Even the innate master Sui Yuan Bu Chuan died in his hand. Will Jiang Fei’s strength be afraid of this hidden weapon attack?

However, after intercepting the thin iron chain, Jiang Fei finally saw the woman's appearance.

This woman has been hiding in the darkness for a long time. Even if she stands out, she is hidden in the dark shadow of the light, just like seeing no one. Jiang Fei thought that this woman was a bit ugly and a little inferior. He was found to be unwilling to show up, but now it seems that he is wrong.

This woman is not ugly, wearing a red robes and a large hat behind her robes. The hat is also left by the woman on the head. The shoes on the feet are similar to the Liu Yunduo. They are a pair of red embroidered shoes. Her body tends to be thin and slim. And the size is also very short, less than one meter six. The whole person looks like it is only sixteen or seven years old, like a red elf.

"This looks, it is really beyond my expectation. But I just don't know what the origins are. Why come to me? I have always been quiet and low-key in China. I haven't provoked any enemies..." Jiang Fei silently think.

Just when Jiang Fei was ready to open the inquiry, suddenly his face changed, and the hand holding the thin iron chain quickly released, and the body was surging. Quick luck shut up and not speak.

"It’s you who are going to die!" The red-haired woman snorted and took back her own chain. Her body flashed to the side of Simba and went to Simba.

Jiang Fei frowned and did not shoot, whispered: "Ximba let go!"

Simba is also very strong in predicting danger. Knowing that this kick is unusual, he can only unwillingly loosen the neck of the ghost face and jump to the side.

"Xiaosha, are you okay?" The young woman in red was anxiously watching the ghost face, for fear of the fierce bite of Simba. I bite the throat of the ghost face and die.

Fortunately, the vitality of the ghost face is good, the hair on the neck is very long. The time of Simba’s biting was too short, and I was just thrown over by this woman, so I only had a blood hole in my neck and lost my flesh, but I didn’t hurt my life.


The ghost face screamed and stood up two times, and the fierceness in the eyes dissipated a few points, which was a bit more painful. It has not been so rampant just now, and Simba's overcrowding has hit its confidence and let it know that the gap between itself and Simba is obvious. It is not an opponent.

The young woman in red was relieved.

Although the ghost face is not hurt, it is good as long as it is not dead. The ghost face is originally a battle type animal. Although the fighting is strong, injuries are common. Not at all.

However, the young woman in red soon became angry again. She turned to look fiercely at Jiang Fei and Simba. She said coldly: "I didn't want to kill you. Now your stupid dog bites Xiaosha like this. You are going to die!"

After that, she waved the thin iron chain in her hand and slowly approached Jiang Fei and Simba, unscrupulous.

The tip of the iron chain is a fist-sized iron ball. This set of weapons is not so weird. The lethality of a woman's wielding is not very large. It is estimated that it is the master of the ordinary Danjin level.

However, what she had just said was indeed to let Jiang Fei hold it, and he did not dare to move, as if he had been acupuncture.

Jiang Fei’s eyes narrowed slightly, and looked at the woman who came over. He whispered softly: “The weapon is poisonous, and it’s still such a powerful poison... interesting.”

"It’s so indifferent to die, you are a little bit interesting. But I will smash your head later, I think you can still be so calm!" said the young woman in red.

A red robes, she also covered her head with a hat, her body is petite and exquisite, but it is still very sweet to look at the face, a bit like an angel. But the tone of her speech is so evil, the mailbox is always a demon.

It's like a death angel who has been waving a black sickle!

"Well, I am going to die." Jiang Fei sighed and said.

If he is poisoned, even if Simba has the power of a lion tiger, it does not make much sense in the face of a young woman who looks like a poisonous master. Simba is definitely not her opponent.

"So before I die, I want to ask who you are?" Jiang Fei asked very seriously.

"I am a pearl." The woman in red said.

Like the already winning, she decided that Jiang Fei would die, so she did not hide anything and directly said her name.

"Lingzhu? Good name, but I have never heard of it, I should not know you." Jiang Fei frowned and thought for a while, said. "Then how did you find me here, why should you kill me?"

"Because you killed my uncle," said the red woman Lingzhu.

"I killed your uncle?" Jiang Fei did not know why, said: "Girl, you made a mistake? How can I kill your uncle?"

Although this year, Jiang Fei has offended many people and killed a lot of people. But the people he killed are some **** people, and most of them are foreign devils or island people, so many Chinese people are killed.

None of these people may be the uncle of this red woman.

"You did kill my uncle. Although I have never seen my uncle, I have no feelings with him. But if you kill, I should always come to you and say." The red woman Lingzhu said coldly. .

"Okay. Since you are so arrogant, then you tell me who your uncle is?" Jiang Fei reluctantly said.

"My uncle's name is Kunal." The woman in red replied.

“What’s the trick?” Jiang Fei waved his hand and made a pause. He asked: “You should be a Chinese girl? Your master is a foreigner.”

The woman in red screamed and said, "You may not know the name of my uncle, but he still has a title. Many people call him a Brahma. You should know this? Although you kill Brahma. The news is very secret, many people don't know. But I know it is very practical."

"Brazil?" Jiang Fei eyebrows pick one. Asked: "Are you also a three-nation?"

"Of course I am not a three-nation!" The red woman waved her hand impatiently and said, "Okay, your words should be finished. I am not in the mood to answer your other questions, you can die."

Jiang Fei did not listen, still frowning and muttering to himself: "Brazil is your uncle, okay. But since you know that your uncle is killed by me, you still come to my site. Kill me, don't you die? There is such a stupid woman."

"You are stupid! Your family is stupid! Dead to the end is still hard, see me not..." The woman in red angered and retorted.

However, when she said half of it, she stopped talking and said nothing, and her mouth was not closed, as if she had found something that was very surprising.

After screaming for a while, she pointed to Jiang Fei and frowned and asked: "You...what are you, why don't you fall down, how can you talk?"

Jiang Fei looked at himself innocently and asked: "The effect of your poison is that people can't talk and stand still? Sorry, I don't know."


In the heart of the red woman, she felt that there were 10,000 grass mud horses running by.

What does this guy mean in this sentence, ridicule her?

"You... no poisoning?!" Lingzhu asked with a big eyes and surprised.

Jiang Fei smiled slightly, and the right hand holding the thin chain slowly lifted up, and the body of Bei Ming was insanely surging, and a black air flow suddenly forced out from the palm of his hand.

"I am poisoned. But your poison is not going to overturn me..." (To be continued.)

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