The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 635 Reason for inquiry

"You just admit defeat?" Jiang Fei, who was preparing to start, looked at the two quite speechless.

Win Yuqiao and Fang Ruhui nodded in a hurry, a 100% sure look.

Just kidding, how dare they continue to fight with Jiang Fei? That is not asking for trouble! I didn’t see the horror of the strength that Jiang Fei showed just now. The **** that fluttered in the air would resist the killing of the rain. It was simply effortless.

This kind of strength is definitely not a congenital second-level outsider who can do it. At least it has already surpassed the innate realm, and truly enters another level!

In the face of this level of masters, they are even Sanxian Island people, guards, and no proud capital.

No wonder Jiang Fei said that they want to have them all together. It turns out that people are daring in art, and it is necessary to crush them three. The irony is that they still want to teach Jiang Fei, let Jiang Fei try to support ten strokes in their hands.

"Is this not in line with your rules? I am not going to have ten strokes in your hands before you can go to the island." Jiang Fei said with a smile.

Didn't you be crazy now? How are you all now? This is what Jiang Fei really wants to say.

"This...this rule is not fake...but we know that we are not your opponent, so we still directly accept the loss." Win Yuqiao's face turned red, this scene is really bungee.

Jiang Fei did not pursue it any more, and said faintly: "That is really regrettable."

Cancellation of the test, Jiang Fei and others now naturally want to enter any island in Sanxian Island overseas. And not only that, after knowing the true terrorist power of Jiang Fei, the captains of the three escorts immediately let their subordinates go back to the false report, so that the elders in the martial art even headed to decide whether to come out and meet.

This made Jiang Fei could not help but feel a little emotional.

It seems that no matter whether it is outside, or in this paradise, the Sanxian Island enchantment. The rules are the same. As long as the fist is hard and strong, it has a voice. Otherwise you have to kneel.

"I don't know this... um, what do the seniors call?" Win Yuqiao put down the high profile just now. I paused.

Although it seems that Jiang Fei is about the same age as them, it is not a predecessor. However, Jiang Fei’s strength is so terrible that he can afford to call their predecessors, but in the practice world, they are strong.

The phoenix rain that was shot by a finger was not afraid to say anything. Even if I lost a big face, I would not dare to complain.

There are complaints, it is aimed at people who are not much stronger than themselves, and have the opportunity to revenge and get back to the scene. But if the other party is stronger than himself, it will be more than a day and a half. I can hardly catch up with it, then there will be no complaints, only convinced.

Peng Feiyu is far more convinced than Jiang Fei, who is far stronger than himself.

Jiang Fei waved his hand. "My name is Jiang Fei. I don't have to call me a predecessor. It sounds like I am very old."

"Amount..." Win Yuqiao's face, "The three said just now, are you coming to Sanxian Island to find someone? I don't know who you are looking for? It seems to be a person from Penglai Island?"

"I am looking for Penglai." Jiang Fei once again stressed.

"Penglai?!" Peng Qingyu snorted, his eyes staring at Jiang Fei with surprise. Some voicelessly asked: "Are you looking for our current sacred woman in Penglai Island, which is known as the most promising Penglai in the past 50 years?"

When Jiang Fei said it, they did not put Jiang Fei and others in their eyes. So I didn’t listen carefully at all, and I didn’t think about the relationship between Jiang Fei and their holy daughter in Penglai Island.

Now that Jiang Fei’s strength is so strong, it is really possible.

"You are the saint of Penglai Island?" Jiang Fei heard a word, and then shook his head: "I am really not very clear about this. I only know that she said that she is Penglai, from Penglai Xiandao. As for her identity, I am the identity. I don't know... but she looks pretty, wearing white clothes is like a fairy. The strength is similar to me. When she and I played against each other, the two of us fought a half-pound, and no one could help. ”

After listening to what Jiang Fei said. Peng Qingyu and others are completely convinced that Jiang Fei’s people in the air. It is indeed the proud woman on the first day of their decades, and now the Virgin Penglai.

In the white, fluttering if the fairy, the strength can be comparable with Jiang Fei, not to mention the Penglai Xiandao, even if you add the Pazhou and the abbot island, there is only one person who can meet this condition.

I heard Jiang Fei and Penglai know each other. This time they came to look for her. Peng Qingyu and others did not dare to neglect. They took the group and took them to Penglai Island.

When I watched the three islands from a distance, I felt that the momentum was extraordinary, just like the real fairy island standing on the sea. However, when you walk in, this feeling will be exquisite and exquisite.

The island is very large and tall. It is like a huge mountain. It rises from the sea and looks up to be covered by clouds. It can't be seen at the end.

Such an island is not a small path. With such a huge volume and height, tens of thousands of people live, and they will not feel crowded at all. There are still large blank areas.

After disembarking the mountain, what I saw and heard in the middle was to make Jiang Fei, Qinglong, and the Lion King very surprised and open-minded.

The towering ancient trees are lush and entangled. Some animals and plants that are known as extinct in the outside world can be seen everywhere. Like no money, some yam, which is very expensive, grows vigorously. People can't help but think of many so-called novels. The Lingcao said.

Although these vegetations may not be considered as grasses, they are used in medicines, which are of great benefit to the human body. It is estimated to be better than many people.

The ferocious animals such as apes, tiger leopards, and eagle, although not as shocking as the black scorpion of Death Valley, are not as shocking as Jiang Fei’s goshawk and Tibetan mastiff Simba.

After embarking on the island, the feeling of giving Jiang Fei several people is like stepping into a wild forest and entering a magical space, almost the same illusion as Jurassic Park.

The speed is very fast. The people are all martial arts masters, masters of rivers and lakes, and at least they are innate realm. This is a mountain road that has to climb for a long time for ordinary people. Several people quickly pass through the most dense residential activity area on the mountainside. To the top of the peak, there are several magnificent palaces standing in the clouds.

Penglai, fluttering in white, is as beautiful as the one outside the Death Valley of Hell, waiting for the arrival of Jiang Fei. Next to her there are a few middle-aged women who have a strong breath and are not young, but who are very good at the gods. It is introduced to the elders of Penglai Island.

These elders are usually retreats and retreats, and generally do not go out, even if the island's disciples want to see them is not easy. Today, I heard a master like Jiang Fei, who only deliberately went out to see each other.

"The last time you said you would come to Sanxian Island to see what happened, I didn't expect to come so soon," Penglai said.

"Yeah. But the purpose of my visit this time, the most important thing is not to curiosity, there is a very important thing to come to you..." Jiang Fei directly recognized it and opened his eyes to say his purpose.

"What?" Penglai wondered.

"I think you inquire about someone."


"Xu Bianjun! This person, you should know?" Jiang Fei's eyes slightly stunned.

Like the non-human fireworks, the fairy Penglai’s face suddenly changed, and the look was moving: "Xu Liujun? You met him?"

"Not only met, but he also hijacked Aoki Yuki as a hostage, went to Death Valley to seriously murder the black scorpion, left after watching the mural, and now I don't know where he is! I guess he should be from Sanxian Island, so come here specifically. Looking for him... Now it seems that I am looking for the right place." Jiang Fei said.

[The more you get to the end of the card, it is really **** ah ah ah ah! ! ! 】(To be continued.)

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