The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 75 face is earned by oneself

Ye Zhennan’s legs finally had consciousness, and this result shocked everyone. Jiang Fei did not stop acupuncture immediately, but it took another few minutes to pull out from the back of Ye Zhennan. Then, on his body all over the other acupuncture points, or stimulate, or nourish the legs of Ye Zhen Nan Yan.

After half an hour later, when Jiang Fei pulled the silver needle out of the Yongquan hole at the foot of Yezhen South, the exhausted Jiang Fei was able to complete the treatment today. At this time, Ye Zhennan’s shock was greater than that of other people. In the process of giving him acupuncture, Jiang Fei’s feelings on his legs became clearer and clearer, although far from the normal legs, but this kind of good The change has undoubtedly given him great hope.

It is true that Jiang Fei is likely to heal his legs!

Even if I am still far away from walking down the ground, I believe that as long as Jiang Fei gives him acupuncture once every three times, his legs will not be cured for a long time.

Did Jiang Fei not say it last time? His legs need acupuncture twice a week, and after one month, they can be completed.

"Okay, go to bed and rest." Jiang Fei handed the silver needle to the nurse next to him, and took a clean white puff in the basin to wash his face before telling Ye Yuanyuan: "This nursing home should Is there a Chinese medicine practitioner with good tuina technique? Call one, I will teach him a set of massage techniques later, so that he can help the old general to massage once every day, this is helpful for the disease."

Ye Yuanyuan is already a surprise, she did not expect Jiang Fei to really cure her grandfather's legs!

This is really incredible. Now she is the real one to vote for Jiang Fei Pei.

This young man who is not older than her, is so big! One hand cooking is addictive, and even the medical skills are so superb, it is a enchanting!

Ye Yuanyuan is not the old antiques of the Chinese Medicine Association. Now she thinks that Jiang Fei is called the ‘Chinese medicine needle king’, it is not an exaggeration!

After hearing Jiang Fei’s words, she originally wanted to say that Jiang Fei’s daily massage to her grandfather would not be enough. If she had asked for it before.

But now, in her heart, Jiang Fei naturally has a feeling similar to ‘respect’, and at least Jiang Fei has been shown to be equal to her.

Jiang Fei is not a doctor in this sanatorium. He is not a famous doctor who enjoys various state-level preferential allowances in the Chinese Medicine Association. He even did not work in a state-run hospital. He only opened a small clinic. Therefore, Jiang Feilai seems to have no obligation for her grandfather to see a doctor.

He was able to help her grandfather twice a week. It was already an extra job, massage and massage. If other doctors could do it, Jiang Fei did not have to run in person.

Soon, Ye Yuanyuan informed a senior Chinese doctor of a nursing home to come to the ward. Under the guidance of Jiang Fei, he began to try to use this special massage technique to massage Ye Zhennan's legs and dredge blood.

Doctors who can work in this sanatorium are not idlers. Even if it is not comparable to Qin Zhengming and Yu Qingsong, the famous doctors of the Chinese Medicine Association, they can be the attending physicians in any large hospital outside. Therefore, Jiang Fei taught that in a few minutes, the doctor was able to massage and massage Ye Zhennan's legs in accordance with Jiang Fei's request.

At this point, Jiang Fei’s work today was completely completed, and he took a heavy breath.

Drive everyone out of the ward, let Ye Zhennan rest well, leaving only the masseur to give him a massage.

Jiang Fei’s eyes glanced at the side of Yu Qingsong and Qin Zhengming’s famous doctors who were very old. They looked at their faces and they were awkward, surprised and lost. Jiang Fei’s tired face could not help but emerge. A smile.

Needless to guess, these old and arrogant old men are not very tempted at this time, or the expression on their faces will not be more ugly than crying.

Today's incident, the impact on several of them is not too light, fearing that even self-esteem is hurt. In the future, it is estimated that it will be depressed for a while, and it is estimated that people are embarrassed to see people.

Especially after seeing Jiang Fei in the future, you have to shun the three houses!

They all looked down on Jiang Fei one by one. They thought that Jiang Fei could never cure Ye Zhennan's legs. Jiang Fei took practical action and gave them the wrong idea.

Let them feel the old face burning hot, can't wait to wipe the face down into the pocket to hide!

If they lose to a highly respected old doctor, they don't feel anything. However, now I lost to a little-known boy, this doctor is obviously more than a star and a half, which makes them feel embarrassed?

Therefore, although a few people feel ashamed and difficult, but looking at Jiang Fei's eyes, but also involuntarily with the meaning of not friendly.

But the text has no first, Wu has no second. In fact, doctors are no second!

Doctors compare medicines, just like martial arts people compete for martial arts. If they win, they win. If they lose, they lose. It is very easy to win the game.

Even if they are not reconciled, how can they not be convinced, but the results are obvious.

Just as Yu Qingsong feels that this sanatorium can't stay any longer, and he has to leave quickly, Jiang Fei suddenly laughs and laughs. Some of them are jokingly joking: "How now? Do you think it is difficult?" ”

Three days ago, Jiang Fei predicted that he would be ashamed and difficult.

Now is the time to make predictions come true.

Jiang Fei has always respected the elderly. For example, Ye Zhennan, the old general, even if his identity is not so honorable, Jiang Fei is also very respectful to him.

However, for some old guys who like to rely on old sellers and old people, Jiang Fei is not so polite. Such people must use the vitality and impact of young people to give them a good lesson and let them know why the future world belongs to young people!

Three days ago, the attitude of this famous doctor in Beijing, Jiang Fei now remembers clearly.

Yu Qingsong suddenly blushes, although the win or loss has been fixed, but he is squinting and saying: "What do you mean? General Ye Ye is only saying that his legs are a little bit feeling, and he is still far from recovering from his legs. Very! Who knows what happens when you are treated in the future?"

Jiang Fei has not had time to say anything, and Ye Yuanyuan next to it will not do it.

"Hey, what do you mean by this? Are you looking forward to my grandfather?" She had no good feelings about the fact that she had no way to treat her grandfather, but also to watch the busy old man.

Now these people even dare to say cool words!

Yu Qingsong heard a word of eyelids. Ye Jia, he did not dare to offend.

He quickly shook his head and explained: "Miss Ye, I don't mean this... just... I admit that this doctor's medical skills are really good. But he is too young and inexperienced after all. You don't know, for the old general acupuncture central nervous system It is a very dangerous thing. If you don't pay attention, it will cause a big disaster. I think that he was lucky enough to succeed this time, but he has been letting him treat the general Ye Ye in the future. I am afraid it is not appropriate."

Ye Yuanyuan has a cold face, like the first time she faced the Queen of the Iceberg Airport when she was facing Jiang Fei. She said coldly: "Let him be cured, can you let you rule?" Self-answering disdain: "I want you to rule. But do you have the skills, dare to cure?"

Yu Qingsong heard that he almost didn't blow his beard, and he almost didn't faint!

This woman, really does not give them face.

It’s a shame!

He has never lost such a big person in his life!

Qin Zhengming was too angry and said: "But..."

"Nothing! This matter is decided. Just now, did you not listen to my grandfather, let Jiang Fei come to rule!" Ye Yuanyuan waved her hand impatiently and interrupted them directly.

Jiang Fei couldn't help but nod his head. He was very satisfied with Ye Yuanyuan's performance. His heart was very happy. This woman is still very good at doing things.

It’s okay to give it to a man. But it’s better to give it to a woman to do it.

How do you say something?

I am responsible for hitting people, you are responsible for being angry!

Jiang Fei didn't know if he wanted to add fuel and vinegar, or he wanted to persuade the authenticity: "If you say, people are also famous doctors of the Chinese Medicine Association. Would you give someone a face?"

Ye Yuanyuan snorted and said a very classic sentence: "The face is earned by oneself, not by others!"

After she finished, she smiled and looked at Jiang Fei. The big eyes of a pair of water spirits were turned into crescents and asked: "You said that I gave my grandfather twice a week. Is it next time? I will pick it up again. you!"


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