The Almighty Martial Arts System

Chapter 91 They bully me

Gao Hengyuan certainly did not think that this woman who was thin and thin, her eyes were very beautiful, and she was driving a big horse, not only drove the violence, but also acted more violently.

As a rich second generation, although he is a good family, he is not a billionaire. For a more than 600,000 BMW Z4, it is impossible to abandon it casually. Moreover, he bought the BMW Z4 for less than two months. It was during the honeymoon that he had not driven it in the nightclub. It was directly hit like this, almost completely scrapped, how could he possibly Good to give up?

It has always been that he only does not take charge of bullying others. When he is rarely bullied by others, how can he not report this hatred?

So... After he smashed his mouth, he was kicked by Ye Yuanyuan’s impatient foot.


After the body floated up, he again fell heavily on the ground, Gao Hengyuan, almost suffocated, and even crying can not cry, can only choke.

Gao Hengyuan was not only hurt, but also frightened.

This big-eyed girl who looks thin and weak, weak and can't help but wind, how can she have such great strength? He kicked his big man away!

The last time I was beaten by Jiang Fei, I lost my weight in the street. I can’t even forget a woman. Now he can’t even settle a woman. Gao Hengyuan’s heart is wronged! He did not know what kind of bad luck he had gone this year, and he even suffered such insults one after another.

He feels that he is going to be beaten by fate!

"Report... police!" Gao Hengyuan blushes and screams and shouts out two words from his throat. This time he must have called the police. He has become a victim on the hard side. If he does not seize this opportunity, he might as well die.

"He seems to say that he wants to call the police?" Ye Yuanyuan heard Gao Hengyuan's 呻.吟, turned to look at Jiang Fei and asked: "This is your enemy? What are you going to do?"

"Actually. He is now... your enemy. You can do what you say." Jiang Fei said with a sigh of relief.

Was so blasted?? Gao Hengyuan feared that they all hated Ye Yuanyuan.

The foot just now, the strength is too fierce, do not know such a delicate body, how to send such a powerful force, kick a big man. Jiang Fei feels that even if he is 1.6, he is not expected to do this.

Therefore, Jiang Fei feels that she will be with this woman in the future, but she will try her best to follow her meaning... Good men don’t fight with women!

Ye Yuanyuan picked up the delicate eyebrows and looked at the glare of the blood in front of Jiang Fei’s hospital. He asked: "Is that blood splashed by this person?"

Jiang Fei nodded and said: "It is he who instructed people to splash!"

"That's good!" Ye Yuanyuan then said that the tiger was very fierce and said: "We are taking care of it, then let us call the police!"

Saying, she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number. It didn't seem to be 110. Then she simply said the situation here and hung up the phone.

The human BMW car was hit into scrap iron, and the person kicked the ball. Now he said that he took the initiative to report the police. This woman is really enough to overbear!

Jiang Fei thinks that this woman is more pleasing to the eye. With her, I feel really safe!

He doesn't have to worry about the alarm, there will be trouble. Ye Yuanyuan, the woman’s grandfather, was the commander-in-chief of the Jincheng Military Region. Even if she had already retired, the influence was still amazing. The policeman dared not look at Ye Yuanyuan’s troubles.

If the police station dares to catch her, it is estimated that it will take a while to pick up the man with the submachine gun. In this era, a large part of the police has fallen, but in front of the real soldiers, there is not much deterrent.

However, among so many people on the scene, apart from Lin Moli, who also knows the identity of Ye Yuanyuan, others have been confused about this matter.

The woman who started the horse has a problem with her brain?

After hitting someone, you can't make up eight knives, but don't call the police.

However, some people who have some understanding of the license plate have seen a little doorway from the license plate of the Hummer, and generally know the identity of Ye Yuanyuan. It is not easy to guess the identity of Ye Yuanyuan.

About five minutes passed.

A police car roared and stopped at the street. Several well-dressed, arrogant policemen quickly got out of the car and walked quickly to the Hummer.

At this time, Gao Hengyuan, who was kicked by Ye Yuanyuan, has already slowed down. He has been stunned, his eyes are sinister and sinister, standing on the side, staring at Jiang Fei, Lin Moli, Ye Yuanyuan and others.

He did not dare to go to the theory of this group of people. This group of people is a guy with a change in the value of force. He wants to pack him up and play. If he used to, he would find himself unhappy. He is ready to wait for the police to come, and then plan to take revenge.

Anyway, today he is going to get back to the scene anyway, and will make these people more rewarded with shame and loss! He is the one who is being bullied today, and he is the party to take care of. When the police come, it is time for him!

So now Gao Hengyuan saw the police, suddenly very moved, there is an impulse to cry. How eager he is to look forward to these police uncles come early!

Moreover, what surprised Gao Hengyuan was that the police officer who came here had actually met him. It is his old friend, Li Dong, deputy director of the High-tech Zone. That is, the last time he went to the Jiang Fei clinic to make trouble, he was a police officer who was arrogant.

This time, Gao Hengyuan's bottom gas is more sufficient.

It is not surprising to think about it carefully. After all, Jiang Fei’s private hospital is not too far from the original clinic. It is also within the scope of the high-tech zone. After the police, the police will send people to come. It is sure that the police of the high-tech zone will come first.

"Old Li, you can count it!" Gao Hengyuan almost cried, and quickly greeted several police officers.

Gao Hengyuan was so embarrassed at the moment that his face was bruised by a car accident. Now he is red and swollen. The white suit is also dirty after being kicked by Ye Yuanyuan. The hairstyle fixed with mousse is also messy.

He pointed to the side of Jiang Fei and Ye Yuanyuan and said: "It is them! These two dogs and men joined hands to bully me, not only crashed my car, but also beat me! You will catch them quickly!" He also pointed to the BMW Z4 sports car that had been scrapped next to him. "You see, I only bought a two-month sports car, and they have already been hit by them into a pile of scrap iron! Today they will not lose my eight million property. Loss and mental loss, I want them to sit in their cell for a lifetime!"

Just when Gao Hengyuan thought that Li Dong would tell his men to take Jiang Fei and Ye Yuanyuan to the police station, he knew that Li Dong was pushing him away with anger, and said with a slap in the face: "Gao Hengyuan, why do you say yours? The car was crashed by Miss Ye? Do you have any evidence? Who knows if you have a traffic accident!"

Gao Hengyuan stunned and looked at Li Dong completely stunned.

I have a traffic accident myself?

Are your special eyes blind? Can't you see that my car was forcibly hit from the side and hit it like that? !

Your special code is teasing me!

This is not the equivalent of seeing a deceased person, clearly tied his hands, and his body has been cut for more than a dozen knives. As a result, you said that he committed suicide!


[Thanks to the novel family, the fairy 8 monks, the flow of time, the hip hop fat handsome, the **** brother 0 invincible, the dragon dragon 2013, the love consultation newspaper, the star official 1969... and so on! Thank you, many local tyrants! 】

[Three hundred and sixty degrees of rotation for recommendation tickets! 】

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