Chapter 1136 Sorry

   "Wu Ke, we are indeed sorry for you in this matter, really sorry."

  The sound of apology rang in his ears, Wu Ke could only hear a vague sound, because of anger, there was only a buzzing in Wu Ke's ears.

  Forcing himself to calm down, Wu Ke drank the remaining cold tea in the cup in one gulp.

   "I don't want to hear you talking nonsense, what are you doing here this time?"

   "Wu Ke, I know you have met Chenchen."

  Finally, the visitor finally mentioned this name.

   "You are a beast! What right do you have to mention this name!" Wu Ke was really disdainful now.

  Wu Ke would never have imagined that what he thought would be his best friend for a lifetime would turn out to be like this now, and he would even despise him.

   "I know you look down on me, and I even look down on myself now, but I really have no choice, I can't live without her, and the matter has come to this point, the price has been paid, I can't lose her again."

  The person opposite her didn't mention her name, but Wu Ke knew it well, that person really made Wu Ke grit his teeth with hatred.

   "What happened before, no matter what, can't make up for it. The matter has come to this point, so don't cause more regrets. Chenchen is living happily now."

  Wu Ke finally let go for An Chen.

   "I'm still sorry for Chenchen, Wu Ke, I came this time to ask you for one thing, protect Chenchen on my behalf, I beg you."

   It was a normal sentence, but Wu Ke heard a very abnormal meaning from it.

   "An Huai! I warn you, no matter what the reason is, An Chen is your biological daughter! Tiger poison doesn't eat its own son!"

   "Of course I know, she is my daughter, a daughter who has grown up to two or three years old in my arms! But I can't help it."

  The man called An Huai finally experienced his first collapse tonight, yes, he is An Chen's father, the father who disappeared for more than ten years.

   "Let's go, I'll just pretend I haven't seen you today, get out! Get out!" Wu Ke didn't want to continue the communication, so he directly ordered the eviction order.

  Best friends back then, but now they are strangers, which is really ironic. Of course, An Huai also understands Wu Ke. Hearing what Wu Ke said, An Huai also knew that it was meaningless for him to stay.

   In the living room, Wu Ke was alone again. Wu Ke, who hadn't drank for a long time, still took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, opened it and put it on the coffee table.

   An Huai left Wu Ke's house, and then left the community. This time, An Huai also struggled for a long time.

  He loves An Chen, there is no father who does not love his daughter, but he loves An Chen's mother more, so he has no choice.

  There is no other way to come to Wu Ke this time. He trusts Wu Ke and knows that Wu Ke will protect An Chen on his behalf.

  He will try his best not to let An Chen get hurt, but he can't guarantee it, so he can only come to his old friend for help.

  An Huai really wants to meet An Chen, he wants to see what his precious daughter looks like now, and he has been secretly hiding An Chen's birthday photo.

   Obviously she should be a little princess who was spoiled and raised, but she has experienced so many hardships alone, and even suffered more injuries than them.

   Distressed, but powerless, An Huai admits that he is not a qualified father, not even worthy of being An Chen's father.

  But the future they had imagined before was not like this, after all, it was because of that tragedy.

   There is a little suspense about what happened more than ten years ago, but this suspense will be solved soon



  (end of this chapter)

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