Chapter 1143

  I don't know the specific situation yet, so Qu Yan only brought Ling Han and Fan Luo, and the others stayed at home to wait for the news.

  Fu Yanxing at the airport has also found An Chen and Wei Yang through surveillance, but the two of them have already boarded the plane.

  An Chen didn't understand what was going on, so he got on the plane inexplicably. After seeing Wei Yang took out his temporary ID card, he felt that the current matter was even more confusing.

  Buying air tickets in advance and applying for a temporary ID card in advance, all of this was clearly planned in advance.

   "Uncle Wei, what's the matter?" An Chen kept asking this question just now, but Wei Yang never answered.

  But after the question was uttered this time, Wei Yang looked at An Chen, and finally gave the answer.

   "Chenchen, Uncle An has a problem with his body, I will take you there now."

   "How's that possible? Grandpa? Didn't we still have a video yesterday?" An Chen was a little bit in disbelief. Grandpa had no problems during the video yesterday.

   "I don't know what happened last night. After answering a phone call at night, I suddenly fell ill. That night, I went directly to the emergency room." Wei Yang explained.

   "Then why didn't you tell me yesterday? Also, why did you leave my mobile phone when you took me away today? Why can't you let other people know?" An Chen still feels that there are many problems.

   "I wanted to tell you last night, but Uncle An didn't let us tell. When I came back from the rescue in the early morning, Uncle An asked me to come to you during the day, and he also explained that no one else should know."

  More and more questions made An Chen puzzled, but An Chen was willing to believe that Wei Yang was not lying to her.

   "How is grandpa doing now?" An Chen took a deep breath, and then continued to ask questions.

   "I was fine when I left, but I don't know the specific situation now, where is your Grandpa Wei?"

   "Besides me, did Grandpa find anyone else?" An Chen always felt that Grandpa didn't let others know that he had something to do, but he didn't understand why.

   "I sent an email to Country M last night."

   Wei Yang's answer made An Chen more and more confused. What happened? Who did Grandpa get the call from last night? How is grandpa doing now?

  Many questions have no answers, and everything can only be known after they get there.

  Their flight landed in City S. Fu Yanxing found out the flight through their boarding gate, so he also knew their destination.

  Bought a ticket for the nearest flight, Fu Yanxing and Qu Yan happened to set off there together.

   Several people at home also received the news from the airport, and Ji Xuan also bought a ticket to S City right after.

  Ji Feng, Fang Yan, Lin Han, the three of them were going to follow, but they were left behind at home. After all, it was really inconvenient for the three of them to show up.

  For the first time, I feel that being a public figure is not good. I can’t even go out casually. Now I can’t even go out freely when I have something to do. I can only wait for the news at home.

  But the three of them also knew that even if they went with them, it might not be effective, and it might distract them.

  At this time, staying at home obediently and waiting for news is the best help for them.

  Looking at the dumplings on the tea table that had lost their heat, Ji Feng sighed. Today is New Year's Eve, so I thought it would be a happy reunion.

  (end of this chapter)

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