Chapter 1151 Meteor Shower

  Although we don’t know if we can see shooting stars tonight, everyone is still looking forward to it.

   It doesn’t matter if you don’t see shooting stars tonight, the starry sky is beautiful after all.

   At this time, everyone felt that An Chen's money was not wasted, otherwise they would not be able to see such a beautiful night sky if it snowed tonight.

  On the bed, on the sofa, on the chair, on the hanging chair, everyone sat scattered in various places, and then ate and stared blankly.

   An Chen and Fu Yanxing were lying on the rocking chair covered with blankets. As for why the two of them were lying together, according to Fu Yanxing, it was because there was no other place.

  But after lying down like this today, Fu Yanxing discovered something. It seemed that everyone was not surprised that he and An Chen were lying on the same recliner.

   Actually, that's right. It's not surprising that two boys lie together. Even ordinary friends can sit together.

   Realizing this, Fu Yanxing suddenly understood that it was only their own problem before, because they didn't want Ji Xuan and the others to know so soon, so they were embarrassed to have "intimate contact" with An Chen.

  But it seems more natural to be generous. There are two lying on the bed over there, and three are crowded on the sofa.

  Fu Yanxing held An Chen's hand under the blanket, and An Chen also held Fu Yanxing's hand instead. Anyway, there was a blanket blocking it, so no one else knew.

   This glass room is really dreamy enough. No big lights are turned on, only small desk lamps that are sufficient for lighting are turned on, and the rest is completely the starry sky above their heads.

   I don't know how long I waited, and there were yawns and yawns in the room, but no one asked to go back.

   Waiting, in case a meteor appears, it would be a pity to miss it.

   After waiting for an unknown amount of time, An Chen was already leaning on Fu Yanxing's shoulder and was about to fall asleep.

   "Meteor, look!" Fan Luo suddenly yelled, and everyone who was still dozing off immediately became refreshed when they heard the meteor.

   Sure enough, it was a shooting star. At 2:13 in the morning, they finally arrived.

  The meteor shower passed over their heads. Although the scene here was just a projection, it looked like they were there.

  Everyone is clasping their fists and bowing their heads to make a wish. Although it looks a little naive, but together, everyone seems pious.

  An Chen's wish is only four words, but these four words contain a lot, the wish An Chen made is: get what you want.

  I hope to have health, comfort, affection and love, wine and meat, to taste occasionally, to have a night covered with stars and black eyes, and to travel at any time.

These people who have seen many, many people are also as happy as children because they saw the shooting star. In fact, the reason why they are so happy is that besides the shooting star, it is also because everyone is together, and they have waited together until this moment. A massive meteor shower.

  Watching a meteor shower with you, it doesn’t matter to see it, the meteor shower doesn’t matter, the only thing that matters is you.

  The duration of the meteor shower was very short, far less than one-tenth of what they were waiting for, but the satisfaction at that moment cannot be exchanged for no amount of time.

   After the meteor shower ended, the starry sky returned to calm again, as if the magnificence of the waves just now had never existed before.

  But that meteor shower, the meteor shower that only saw the projection, will be remembered in their hearts for a long, long time.

   "Let's go, all go back to sleep, so as not to wake up tomorrow, wasting a whole morning."

  (end of this chapter)

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