Chapter 1160 Club

  The coach is really excited now. Although he hasn't taught An Chen anything, and even summed up a lot of things from An Chen's style of play, the days of fighting side by side are really unforgettable.

   "Long time no see." An Chen said to the two with a smile.

   "Brother Ji is here, too?" Lin Han poked his head to look at the car, and just in time to see Ji Xuan taking something out of the trunk, and hurried over to help.

  The manager and coach also saw Ji Xuan at this time, and went over to say hello, and then helped carry things into the club together.

  The first floor of the club is the training place for the third-level youth trainees, the second floor is the training place for the second-level youth trainees, the third floor is the training place for the first-level youth trainees, and the fourth floor is the training room for the official players.

  In fact, the division of floors is for the convenience of management on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also to better motivate everyone. Each floor increases a level, and you can officially play games when you reach the fourth floor.

  The decoration inside the club is very novel, and each floor has its own dormitory, so each floor is also very large.

   It is said that the decoration is novel, that is to say, there are all kinds of strange shapes inside, and people can't guess the usefulness.

  For example, there is a slide in the middle of every floor. There should be no club that installs the slide in the middle, but here, this is where the players usually go downstairs.

  In addition to these, each floor also has tea rooms and lounges, which are reserved for rest after training.

  Even the doors of their dormitory are decorated in a novel way. Apart from these, there are many other places that are also unique.

  This is an e-sports club, and there are a group of young people living in it, and their job is to play e-sports, and they are exposed to very novel and lively things.

   Actually, the idea of ​​decorating the club like this was originally proposed by An Chen, but it was just an idea at first, and An Chen left before it was realized.

  However, when the manager and the coach were decorating the new club, they still continued An Chen's ideas, and it was also a kind of memory and commemoration.

   Unexpectedly, there would be a day when they could see An Chen again, and it was still in the e-sports arena.

  In the current e-sports circle, there are really very few people who know Chen. Back then, there were really not many people who stayed in this circle, and almost all of them who should have retired have retired.

  Before, the e-sports industry was not favored by people, and it was even said to be an excuse for playing games, not to mention that it has become a profession now, and there are special competitions.

  Prejudice against e-sports still exists, and it is considered by many people to be unprofessional. This is the case now, let alone before.

In addition, the most important point is that the e-sports industry is full of youth food. Even if they are very good players, as their age grows, although their experience and awareness will also increase, but the operation is indeed unable to keep up with awareness. .

  Chen's ID, if it is placed now, is really a star player, but even in the past, it can be regarded as creating a myth, although the scope of spread is not very wide.

  An Chen rarely showed up when playing games before. On the one hand, it was because he was too young. On the other hand, An Chen started playing e-sports because of a coincidence.

   If I remember correctly, An Chen seemed to be in order to meet a person at that time, and that person happened to be particularly interested in games.

  (end of this chapter)

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