Chapter 1169 New tricks

  Fu Yanxing's meeting has been over for a long time, but after he replied to An Chen's message, An Chen never replied to him.

   After waiting in the office for a long time, Fu Yanxing didn't receive a reply. At first, he thought it was An Chen who didn't see it, but it has been almost two hours now.

  Looking at the time, it is already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and I don't know where this little kid is.

  An Chen was doing exercises, but suddenly sneezed.

   "I'll turn up the temperature of the air conditioner." The coach glanced at An Chen, and then got up to find the remote control of the air conditioner.

   "No, I'm not cold, that's fine." An Chen hurriedly stopped the coach. Not only is she not cold now, she is even a little hot.

  Ji Xuan and the manager also came here from the office at this moment, and then looked at everyone's situation.

  They are now preparing to play a match against other teams. This is an appointment made in advance, and it is also a voluntary training partner of other teams.

  Speaking of which, this is the first time they sit together and compete with other teams. They can talk face to face without communicating with the computer.

  The coach is standing behind them, observing their situation at any time. Ji Xuan and the manager don't know much about the game, so they just sit and watch.

   "Come on everyone!" Lin Han cheered everyone up, and the game officially started.

   "We remained the same in the first half, and we will try our new tricks in the second half." An Chen talked a little bit about their strategy and style of play for this game.

   The pattern of the first half remains the same, and it is still their favorite and best style of play, but in the second half, An Chen wants to try the new plan they made before.

  New tricks are all based on practice, and it is naturally not advisable to talk about it on paper. Only in actual combat can we better discover shortcomings and improve in time.

  The first half of the game didn't last long. They won, but they didn't win very simply, they just had a little upper hand.

   The game progressed to the second half, and their opponents were also surprised to find that they suddenly changed their ways.

  Although it is a new trick, it is the first time they have used it in actual combat, but they have practiced it countless times.

The tactics have been improved in practice, and there is actually no big problem now. In addition, they have been in contact with each other for a long time, so there is no problem with tacit conflicts. In addition, An Chen's command, they won the second half. It's just a joy.

  After the game ended, the captain of the opposing team quickly called Lin Han.

   "Old Lin, you can do it! When did you research the new trick? It's really awesome. There is still a week to go before the competition. Come on, don't lose the chain."

   "Of course, wait for us to bring the trophy back and put it in the hall of our club." Lin Han replied that the goal of their participation in the competition this time is to be the champion.

  An Chen's goal for this competition has always been to be the champion. Brother Hua Zhi wants to watch the game, he can only win but not lose.

   But An Chen didn't tell anyone about this idea. She was afraid of adding pressure to others. After all, it was just her own obsession, and there was no need for others to bear this shackle.

  After the training match ended, An Chen continued to practice with everyone in the training room. I don't know how long it took, but An Chen checked the time while stretching his waist.

   It was almost six o'clock, and An Chen suddenly remembered that he hadn't replied to Fu Yanxing's message.

  (end of this chapter)

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