Chapter 1188 slip

  Early this morning, An Chen got up before the alarm clock rang.

   I have to say that An Chen is still a little excited about the upcoming game. It is rare for An Chen to get up early one day without sleepiness, and he is still full of energy.

   There may be other things to do after arriving in Country E today, and I don't know how long I will be busy before returning to the hotel, so An Chen simply took another shower in the morning.

   After taking a shower, An Chen stood in front of the closet and began to pick up his clothes while his hair was still dry.

   This time going out should be regarded as An Chen's most exquisite time. The clothes in the suitcase are all carefully selected and matched.

   After all, I want to go abroad to compete. Although there are team uniforms during the competition, I still have to wear my own clothes at other times.

   This kind of competition will definitely attract a lot of attention. In fact, An Chen looks good in anything, but after all, he still needs to pay attention to his image outside.

The coach has already told An Chen in advance that he must go out handsomely. In previous competitions, other countries have some news about the appearance of the players. Although such news is useless, but this year, there is An Chen, so there is no need to use it in vain. Need not.

  The coach said that today he not only wants to take home a championship trophy, but also the headlines of e-sports news, he also wants the headlines of entertainment news.

   An Chen had already been arranged before he understood the situation. There was no other way, he had to listen to what the coach said, who made An Chen such a well-behaved child.

  White sweater, black pants, outer jacket is a windbreaker, the clothes are almost like this, although it is very simple, but who makes An Chen look good.

  After picking out the clothes, An Chen even dried his hair and styled it with a curling iron for the first time, which is really unheard of.

  So when An Chen's appearance appeared in the restaurant, Ji Xuan was a little stunned. After such a long time, she finally saw her child look exquisite.

   After such a long time, Ji Xuan most often sees An Chen's appearance as sleeping with messy hair and pajamas.

  Fu Yanxing had just come down from upstairs. Although he only saw the back, his heart beat unconsciously accelerated.

  Seeing the person I love, although I meet every day, every day is a new heartbeat.

   "Good morning!" An Chen just turned his head and greeted Fu Yanxing. When he smiled, his two dimples were very obvious.

  Fu Yanxing was taken aback for a moment, and almost lost his footing. Fortunately, he got out of the handrail, otherwise he would be ashamed in the morning.

  After breakfast, everyone moved their luggage to the car and was ready to leave for the airport, and the club was also ready to leave.

  Today’s airport is really bustling. Today’s departure was decided a long time ago, so there are many reporters at the airport now, as well as fans who came to see off the plane.

   But don't underestimate e-sports players, they also have a lot of fans. Anyway, from this point of view, the number of fans at the airport is no less than that of a traffic star.

  The fans held up big banners with the name of the team, the logo of the team, and two big words: Win the championship!

  The Victor team members who started from the club were all wearing team uniforms, and they were surrounded by reporters and fans.

  An Chen and the others saw this scene after they arrived at the airport, and then avoided the crowd in a particularly cowardly manner, and slipped directly into the lounge.

  The reporters and fans present also noticed something was wrong. The players and coaches of the Victor team were all there, but there was only one person missing, and that was the captain Lin Han.

  (end of this chapter)

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