Chapter 1202

  The first game was a disastrous defeat, and the opposing team did not expect this to happen, nor did they expect to play so fiercely at the beginning.

  However, there was no time to think too much, the second game started immediately, and the opposing team was ready for a quick fight, but Victor changed his tactics unexpectedly.

  In this round, Victor didn't attack fiercely like in the beginning, but played steadily with every step.

   But no matter what the style of play is, Victor always maintains an advantage. There are three rounds in the game. If they still win this round, then there is no need for the third round.

  In fact, this game does not require too much command. They have trained together for a long time, and they have a good understanding of each other.

   Now almost seeing the character's movements, everyone knows the next move, and An Chen only needs to say a few words occasionally.

  The game has been going on for 20 minutes, and the last game was over in the 18th minute.

  According to the current situation on the court, Victor also has a clear advantage here.

   At the 40th minute of the game, the situation on the court was already clear, and Victor had already secured the victory.

  But Victor's operation was a bit confusing. Now they only need to use a few big moves to end the game early, but they stopped.

   There is no big move, but a combo of small moves. How should I put it, it doesn't hurt much, but it is extremely insulting.

  The most heart-wrenching point is that the opponent can't fight back against Victor's most basic moves.

  The fans off the court of the opposing team are now rioting, and they now know that the team they support will not win, but they think Victor should not be like this.

  They can obviously end the game right now, but using this kind of tactic against disgusting people is already somewhat insulting.

  Victor’s fans also felt a little strange. In previous games, such a situation had never happened to Victor’s side.

  Although Victor is brutal on the field, he is very polite in private, and he is even called a gentleman on the field.

  Today's practice is indeed beyond everyone's expectations. After all, although the result of the game is very important, maybe there is a little mutual respect.

   Such an approach is obviously insulting, but we don't know the whole picture, so we don't comment. After all, no one knows what the reason is now.

  The people below didn't know, but everyone on the stage knew clearly that the opposing team was also a little angry at the beginning, and they had been losing obviously all the time, and they didn't know why Victor was still dragging his feet.

  At the back, although they were angry, they couldn't fight back, and they were already out of temper, but they suddenly thought of the reason.

   It turned out that the cause of the incident was still on their side, or because of the incident before the game just now. If that incident hadn't happened just now, Victor would not have been like this.

  The people here all glanced at their teammates sitting next to them. Although they were very angry, they couldn't say anything on the field now.

  The opponent's coach sat in the audience and didn't know what to say. After all, the reason for this matter lies with them, and this person's problem is not a day or two.

   At the beginning, he was supervised at night, and this person has indeed restrained himself a bit. Unexpectedly, he made a mistake again today.

  If it weren't for this person's skills, the coach would have kicked him out of the team long ago, and it was precisely for this reason that he was embarrassed.

  (end of this chapter)

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