Chapter 1210

  Although they have a very good relationship, they have no other friends except each other.

   Except for training and competitions, they don’t know what to do during their breaks, and they may also be playing games during their breaks.

   Actually, I envy An Chen in this state, very free and happy.

  They bought a lot of special snacks from small stalls, and fortunately, they didn’t step on the thunder, and the things they bought were quite delicious.

  However, there are too many people here, and there will not be much food if they divide it up, so the food will soon only be left in packaging bags.

  After eating, they started the next activity, and began to regret why they bought less food.

  Seeing how "promising" they are, the coach also looks helpless. After the other teams' games, they discuss what needs to be improved, and only these brats are studying food.

   But the coach didn't say anything. He knew that everyone had a sense of proportion. It was normal for a group of young men to be noisy.

   "Where are you going to play tomorrow? I know this place well, so I'll show you around." Fan Luo looked at everyone and asked.

   "I apply to go out after ten o'clock, I want to sleep!" An Chen weakly raised his hand beside him, and then quickly took it back.

   "Where do you want to go?" Fan Luo continued to ask, everyone can go wherever they belong, and Fan Luo already planned to go back to do strategy in a while.

  Jet lag does not exist for them, and they may often travel back and forth at home and abroad, so their adaptability is super strong.

  Usually at home, their entertainment is to play games, but now here, a group of people are playing games as work, if they are also playing games during their breaks, it is a bit like working overtime.

  Since the game is not interesting, let’s play another game. There are many games suitable for so many people.

  Three Kingdoms Killing, Werewolf Killing, Truth or Dare, just choose any of these.

  The coach didn't join them. On the one hand, the reason was that he didn't understand, and on the other hand, the reason was that the coach wanted to watch the video of the game just now.

  Besides the coach, Ji Xuan did not join. The work of an agent is everywhere and all the time. Ji Xuan is now in contact with the producer.

  Anyway, in this room, those who should be playing are playing games, and those who should be working are working, each doing its own thing without interfering with each other.

  As for the result of today's incident, they don't know, and they don't want to know, anyway, they won the victory in the most dignified way.

  Even if this incident didn't happen today, they still planned to end the battle in two games, but it wouldn't be so brutal, and they would save some face, even if they lost, they would lose with dignity.

  But since they are shameless, there is no need for them. They have never tried this style of play after playing so many games. It just makes their game career complete.

  Victor's goal this time is the championship, not a goal, but a goal. Although other teams are also very strong, Victor is not afraid.

   They lost the sense of time when they played. After playing for some time, the coach looked at the time. Although they will rest tomorrow, they still have to work and rest regularly.

   "It's too late, go back to the room and sleep." The coach told everyone to go back to the room, but it was really heartbreaking.

  But everyone was really obedient. After the coach finished speaking, everyone went back.

  (end of this chapter)

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