Chapter 998 Sleep

   No matter what happens, no matter how much uncertainty there is, as long as they are determined enough for each other, there will be no difficulties.

   Looking at An Chen's sleeping quiet profile, Fu Yanxing really wanted to guard An Chen forever and ever, in this life, in the next life, in the next life, forever and ever.

   When An Chen woke up again, it was already the morning of the next day. When he opened his eyes, he saw Ling Han and Fu Yanxing sitting beside his bed, and everyone else was sitting on the sofa in the room.

   Not knowing exactly what happened, An Chen could only feel his head hurting and his throat hurting so much that he couldn't speak.

  Although I have opened my eyes, it is still a blur, I can't see anything clearly, I can't touch anything.

   Vaguely saw Fu Yanxing and Ling Han standing up, they seemed to be talking, but An Chen couldn't hear what they were talking about.

  Felt that Fu Yanxing helped him to sit up, and then was hugged in Fu Yanxing's arms. Ling Han held a water glass in his hand, as if he still had some medicine.

   Confused, An Chen has now lost his ability to perceive the surrounding environment, like a puppet out of strings.

  Ling Han seemed to be feeding her something, An Chen opened his mouth mechanically, and then completed the series of swallowing movements.

   What Ling Han gave himself just now should be medicine, it is really, really bitter.

  I feel that my lips are already dry and cracked, and I can't taste any taste in my mouth, but the medicine is really bitter, so bitter that my mouth feels numb.

   Fu Yanxing put her on the bed again, and then she was carefully covered with a quilt. What happened after that, An Chen tried hard to know, but she felt that her consciousness was already drowsy.

   "Hey, go to sleep, have a good sleep, and you'll be fine when you wake up."

   Fu Yanxing's voice should be in his ear, as gentle as usual.

  After hearing this voice, An Chen felt an unprecedented peace of mind. The string that he was trying to hold on just now suddenly broke. An Chen closed his eyes and fell into sleep again.

  An Chen, who had fallen into a deep sleep, or in a coma, didn't know the chaos in the room last night until she woke up.

  Yesterday, she and Fu Yanxing were lying in the car together, but it wasn't long, just over ten minutes. Fu Yanxing was afraid that An Chen would catch a cold, so he woke her up.

  But after shouting a few times, he only got a vague response. Fu Yanxing thought it was An Chen who didn't want to get up, so he waited for a while.

   But after waiting for a while, by the light of the street lamp, Fu Yanxing saw that An Chen's face was covered with cold sweat.

  After that, no matter how I called An Chen, I didn't get any response.

  Fu Yanxing panicked now, and got out of the car as fast as he could. He didn't dare to move An Chen easily, but called Ling Han first.

  Receiving the call, Ling Han was also taken aback, and rushed down from the room wearing slippers. Others didn't know what was going on, so they all followed.

   Arriving in front of the car, Ling Han took a look at An Chen's situation with the flashlight, then quickly picked up An Chen and ran back to the room.

I don't know what kind of measures Ling Han did to An Chen, because they were all locked out of the door, there is no way, the fact that An Chen is a girl has not been approved by An Chen himself, he can't let anyone know .

   Others waiting outside the door felt that the time was unusually long, as if the air had condensed.

  (end of this chapter)

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