The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 109 - Jealousy (Part I)

The day has come for the arrival of the expected visitors of Prince Alcyd in his mansion.

While they wait and prepare for the arrival, Prince Alcyd noticed the recent news about his older brother and his father's current announcement but something bothers Prince Alcyd.

After seeing the headlines,

--- Written on the headlines of the newspaper for supernatural beings. ---

['King Viktor announces an open investigation!']

Prince Alcyd put down the newspaper and called for Garrett in his main office.

"Garrett, I want you to send a message to my younger brother and sister, Ranku and Shiveena. Tell them, I want an update regarding what is going on with our older brother and our father. I want full update with the situation in the royal palace. As soon as I wrap up my deals and negotiation with the other potential allies then we will head immediately towards the royal palace." Instructed carefully by Prince Alcyd to his Beta.

"Yes, Alpha! By the way, you need to head to the entrance." Garrett informing their Alpha Prince.

"Why? Have our guest arrived?" wondered by Prince Alcyd.

"Not yet, but they have been sighted crossing our borders riding with a convoy of armored vehicles." Garrett explaining to Prince Alcyd.

Their Alpha Prince chuckled as he expressed his thoughts, "It seems that the Alpha of the Midnight Pack is being extra careful nowadays. Who wouldn't be? After getting attacked by the rogue werewolves with full force." 

Immediately Prince Alcyd stood up and went his way to the entrance of his mansion.


By the entrance of the lobby of the mansion of Prince Alcyd,

Each staff is once again lined up and preparing themselves for the arrival of their guests.

While the members of the newly formed -Golden Crew- of Prince Alcyd are also waiting for Prince Alcyd.

It was the instruction of Prince Alcyd to escort him while he welcomes his guests for important negotiations and agreement that needed to be discussed.

As soon as their Alpha Prince appeared, immediately his officers stood behind him.

But on his right and left side are Beta Garrett and Commander Caleb respectively.

An impression Prince Alcyd wanted to portray towards his potential allies. 

On the other hand, right behind Garrett and Caleb were Athena and Selene.

"Prince Alcyd wants to leave a strong impression that is why he chose his Beta and the commander of his warriors to stand beside him as they welcome the guests." Athena explained to Selene the sudden decision of their Alpha Prince.

What Athena did not expect was the reply of Selene, "Though it is wrong to assume that strength can only be measured through physical capabilities and rankings. Leaving a strong impression is not only through exhibiting strength. It can be as well through your ability to connect and understand people. You will never be able to offer the best deal without knowing what interests them the most. Showing your ability to connect and understand may even leave a more lasting impression."

Athena just looked at Selene with an impressed look on her face from Selene's instantaneous opinion.

Even Scarlett who was just right behind them was impressed with Selene's thoughts.

They just smiled as they wait for the arrival of the guests.

Then there it was… Finally, the arrival of the guests has come.

A wave of nervousness came rushing into Selene's system since the thought of Alpha Gerald being around the territory of Golden Moon Pack will only signify possible trouble. 

Hoping that Alpha Gerald will not try any foolish move on her.

One after another, guests started to approach Prince Alcyd.

Their Alpha Prince welcomed them with such elegance and combined with true grit. A true showcase of toughness and prowess which from his presence and looks are already evident enough that Prince Alcyd is the strongest general of King Viktor.

Alpha Gerald shook hands with Prince Alcyd first and greeted him with pleasantries. But his sights fell on Selene whom he immediately spotted with her platinum hair.

For him, Selene's platinum hair shines like a diamond when the ray of light strikes on the strands of Selene's hair. This was something that he can easily perceive when he tries to observe her.

Then the Alpha of another wolf pack with his daughter was something that Selene never expected that will stir something within her.

The moment Prince Alcyd kissed the hand of the daughter of the Alpha was something that shocked Selene.

Deep inside, a stirring whirlwind of emotions are starting to rise within Selene that she never expected to happen at all. She thought that she will only be worried about the presence of Alpha Gerald...

But the sight of Prince Alcyd kissing the hand of the daughter of the Alpha from another wolf pack left her with an unexpected feeling.

'You saw that right! Our mate kissed the hand of that woman.' The spirit wolf of Selene suddenly appeared after witnessing such a scene from their mate.

'It is just for formalities! So do not cause any unnecessary trouble now.' Selene trying to explain to her spirit wolf.

'I do not care! And clearly she is flirting with our mate. Look at how she touches our mate and those smiles are no doubt trying to lure our mate for something more.' Accused by the spirit wolf of Selene.

Selene just ignored her spirit wolf and tried her best to contain this certain feeling that is trying to take over within her.

"Are you alright, Selene?" asked by Athena but Selene's eyes were laser-focused on the scene with Prince Alcyd and the daughter of the Alpha from another wolf pack.

Athena could sense the sudden change in Selene's mood. She immediately informed her mate, Garrett, regarding Selene through the mind-link.

'Hun, you better inform Prince Alcyd that Selene is not happy with what she is seeing right now. So, heads up! Better warn him.' Immediately reported by Athena who is just right beside Selene.

Garrett knew that Athena is not that confident to report at Prince Alcyd which entails warning. So, he had no choice but to do it by himself.

By the moment Prince Alcyd was informed about Selene, he did not expect that he would enjoy the reaction from his mate.

'Hey stupid! Our mate is not happy with the scene you are making right now, better back off from that woman!' advised by the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd.

'I did not expect the look of jealousy would look appealing on our mate's face. Maybe it is time to see how much we mean to her. Do you trust me?' said by Prince Alcyd to his spirit wolf.

'As long as you don't mess it up with our mate!' Kratos' reply.

Then Prince Alcyd offered his arm in his attempt to assist and be closer with the daughter of their guest.

Beta Garrett and Athena started to look at each other because they exactly understand what their Alpha Prince is trying to do at the moment.

"Shall we? Miss Amber!" gestured by Prince Alcyd.

Only smiles and flirtatious giggles could be heard from Amber.

But it is totally opposite with Selene who is trying her best to contain her outburst within.

An outburst of jealousy! 


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