"I do not know what you are trying to put out here! I am not involved with your warrior. I only met your warrior when you had a scouting mission around my territory. She asked me about her older brother which I already told her what I know." Directly and confidently lied by Alpha Gerald.

Prince Alcyd clenched his fists as he heard the deliberate lies from the Alpha of Midnight Pack. 

This even made it clear to him that there is something going on deeper with Alpha Gerald and his mate, Selene.

Then Prince Alcyd took out the letter and threw it in front of Alpha Gerald.

"Now, will you care to explain to me why did you write in that letter which was intended to one of my warriors, Selene… that you have met with her brother and you can share more details once she meets with you discreetly." Revealed by Prince Alcyd.

The other officers, including Alpha Gerald, are surprised with what Prince Alcyd just said.

*** Details of the letter ***


I hope you find this letter as good news. I met your older brother, Lucas. I can tell more of the details once you meet with me discreetly. Based on our last encounter, you told me to keep this detail from your Alpha so I will follow your request. Just send me a message where and when we could meet under your preference.

Hope you could give me the chance to talk to you.

I missed you dearly!

Yours truly,


*** End of the letter ***

Alpha Gerald immediately understood that Prince Alcyd has read the details of the letter.

The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack has thought of something that could make the Alpha of Midnight Pack talk and tell everything.

"You should know by now that we are in a war against King Lucius. Since your wolf pack was attacked by rogue werewolves, I have come to the realization that you may be working with King Lucius and trying to make it look like you are attacked. Thus, you are using someone as a spy on my wolf pack!" Prince Alcyd is lying without any hint of hesitations in his words.

"That's absurd! I could not put my wolf pack into such risks!" nervously replied by Alpha Gerald.

From that point on, Prince Alcyd knew that the Alpha of the Midnight Pack is certainly hooked in his web of scheme to make him tell everything. So, it is just a matter of giving the best bluff to make him reveal everything he knows.

"I think I have to bring Selene by your side and interrogate you both until you bleed and spit everything that you know… Caleb, fetch Selene for me! Bring her here in the dungeons so we can interrogate her as well. I do not care if you break her bones or whatnot, just bring her here! If she resists, force her and knock her out. Bring Theo with you because it will not be easy to force her and knocking her out." Bluffed by Prince Alcyd.

Caleb and the others understood well that their Alpha is just bluffing just to get the Alpha of Midnight Pack talk. So, Caleb played along and acted as if he is also heading out to fetch Selene but he just intended to walk around the mansion and just come back once everything is over.

But Alpha Gerald does not know Prince Alcyd that much,

And he could see how serious Prince Alcyd looks…

"You will not hurt your own warrior… How could an Alpha …" uttered by Alpha Gerald.

"It seems that you really do not know me, Alpha of Midnight Pack!" replied by Prince Alcyd.

An evil smirk formed on Prince Alcyd's face with a threatening aura that surrounds him.

All of these signs were enough to convince Alpha Gerald that Prince Alcyd would hurt Selene.

If only he knew that Selene is the mate of Prince Alcyd.

"I will tell you everything! Just leave Selene alone …" a defeated look was on Alpha Gerald's face.

Garrett and the others looked at Prince Alcyd in their curiosity about what will be the reply of their Alpha Prince.

They are witnessing such savagery from Prince Alcyd.

"Now, start! I do not have the time to wait. If you truly want to save Selene from my wrath!" further bluffed by Prince Alcyd.

Gerald, the Alpha of Midnight Pack, contemplated on the words he is willing to reveal and which information will he keep hidden from Prince Alcyd.

Definitely, he cannot reveal the fact that he rejected Selene because this may cause certain tension and may lead to his death. Thus, he decided to reveal what was sufficient enough to keep the Alpha Prince satisfied.

Such anticipation filled the entire cellar where Alpha Gerald is chained…

Even Beta Garrett and the other officers could not wait for what would be the revelation behind Alpha Gerald's words.

"Selene …" Alpha Gerald carefully chooses his words to be spoken,

"… previously belonged to the Midnight Pack along with her older brother. They were raised by my late resident witch, Laquisha. Her older brother, Lucas, was my best friend and left when she was only 9. After her older brother left the pack, he never came back for her…" Continued explained by Alpha Gerald to the Alpha Prince of Golden Moon Pack.

A surprised look was evident on Beta Garret's face and the others. They could not believe that such important information was not shared by their future Luna, Selene.

But Prince Alcyd was not surprised like the others. 

Instead, a disappointed and sad look was apparent on his face as he listens further to the revelation of Alpha Gerald.

The Alpha Prince of Golden Moon Pack felt so disappointed after hearing all the things about Selene which she never shared nor disclosed to him.

It made Prince Alcyd realize that Selene has not completely trusted him. 

'We are far from being accepted by our mate, Kratos!' said by Prince Alcyd to his spirit wolf who is whimpering in disappointment.

A revelation that their mate has kept a lot of things from them and has not trusted them with her past.



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