The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 119 - Kratos Versus Friends (Part I)

After what Kratos and Prince Alcyd have seen within the past memories of Selene,

A decision was concluded!

Eliminate all members of the Midnight Pack.

All the things that Selene had to go through because of the Midnight Pack.

The pain,

The tears,

And the loneliness she had to feel…

These feelings became relatable for Prince Alcyd because these were the feelings he felt growing up. Due to losing his own mother and knowing that he did not have the opportunity to protect her mother, similar emotions were also felt by Prince Alcyd after seeing what Selene had to go through.

Beta Garrett already informed the other officers through the mind-link and had a feeling that is necessary to call a -Code Red- Emergency Protocol, 

Meaning, all residence of Golden Moon Pack must remain within their own shelter and the mansion must be surrounded by the warriors of the Golden Moon Pack. Ensuring the safety of each residence, a group of patrol warriors must make sure that no one is left loitering around the territory.

Each officers responded quickly to Beta Garrett and confirmed his command for -Code Red- at the moment.

"Alcyd, I know you can hear me. Please, take the control away from Kratos. Be the one in control!" slowly telling his best friend who is currently surging in deadly vibes.

"Do not get in my way!" uttered by Kratos who is still in control.

No signs of Prince Alcyd having the control back of his own body. He is completely shut off by his own spirit wolf.

The anger and conviction to eliminate all members of Midnight Pack have taken over Kratos' decision-making.

"What are you planning to do, Kratos? Please, return the control back to our Alpha!" carefully requested by Garrett towards the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd.

The Beta of the Golden Moon Pack may have been brave and had the guts to be carefree with his best friend but he knows that the spirit wolf of his own best friend is not easy deal with and very lethal if not carefully dealt with.

"What if I say no? Especially I have things that I need to accomplish!" Kratos replied Garrett with deadly look in his eyes.

"Tell me, what are you planning to do?" nervously asked by Garrett.

"Something that should have been done a long time ago!" Reply of Kratos before snarling and gritting his teeth in anger.

"What..?" a confused look was visible in Garrett's face.

"Death of all members of Midnight Pack! So do not block my way! Move!" 

Once Theo and Caleb arrived in the main office with the other officers, 

This made Kratos understand that the officers of Prince Alcyd will not allow him to achieve his current goal.

Immediately, Kratos ran over towards the large glass window of his main office and shifted into his large wolf form breaking the entire window.

A loud sound from the impact of Kratos breaking the entire glass window and the sound of his own landing to the ground.

The growl of Kratos already confirms his successful shifting and landing.

His wolf form is way more prominent and huge in size compared to others with his very dark fur similar to the shade of a shadow.

Quickly, Beta Garrett made a decision and gave out his orders to the other officers.

"Jane, stay with Selene!

Oliver, come up with a strategy or a plan to neutralize or to hold down Prince Alcyd. 

Galvin, lead the patrol team around the borders and within the territory to make sure everyone is in their homes. And no outsiders will take this as an opportunity against us.

We have no time for doubting and second-guessing!

While the rest, follow me!" command by Beta Garrett who has assumed the role of person in-charge.

He ran towards the broken window and shifted into his wolf form mid-air as well.

The rest followed the pursuit and shifted mid-air.

A chase for their raging Alpha Prince ensued.

One by one, warriors in their wolf form started blocking raging Kratos.




A loud roar from Kratos in his wolf form warning the warriors stay away from him and refrain from attempting to stop him.

The lower-ranking werewolves whimpered in acknowledging their own fear towards the spirit wolf of their Alpha Prince.

Each lower-ranking werewolf shook in terror and lost their will to even stand up against the spirit wolf of their Alpha Prince.

Then Kratos in his wolf form leaped forward and hurriedly planned to get out from the Golden Moon Pack and try to invade the Midnight Pack with his own bare claws.

On the wide fields before even reaching the forest of the Golden Moon Pack,

Theo, the fastest amongst the Executive Officers of Prince Alcyd, lunged his entire wolf body against Kratos'.

Kratos tumbled down after getting lunged at by his own Executive Officer.

Beta Garrett allowed and gave a command to Theo to go ahead, in stopping Prince Alcyd from getting past the borders of Golden Moon Pack.

By all means, they must prevent their Alpha Prince to cause something based from pure anger.

A beginning of intense wrestling from two werewolves, as both tries to overpower the other.

Unfortunately, Theo could not overpower his own Alpha.

Hesitation from his side to hurt his Alpha.

As Theo tries to hold down Kratos, 

It reminded him of the days he spent in the orphanage as an orphan.

*** Brief Flashback ***



Being shunned by other kids…

Until the young Prince Alcyd came to his rescue and beat up those who bullied him…

Surprised after being defended by Prince Alcyd, unexpected words came out from his Alpha Prince.

'Don't cry! It doesn't suit you. From this day on, you just follow me so that no one will bother you again. Understood?' said by the young Prince Alcyd while standing like a superhero in young Theo's eyes.

'Yes, I will!' firmly replied by Theo.

A memory of the start of their friendship, way back in their childhood…

*** End of the Flashback ***

Then, Theo loosened his hold on Kratos…

In his anger, 

Kratos bit Theo's neck and tossed him aside just like a piece of meat.

Others saw how Kratos bit Theo's neck hard enough that blood flowed like water and he got tossed aside like a piece of meat.

'Noooo!!!' Screamed by Garrett through the mind-link.



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[1] Alix Morris

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