The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 126 - Beautiful Dream

*** Prince Alcyd's POV ***

Everything is so dark …

I feel like floating into the abyss … 

So light … 

For the longest time, this is the lightest feeling I have ever been.

Maybe because due to all of that hatred and anger pent up inside me. 

I did not know that blaming and hating others could be so tiring. 

Heavy and burdensome.

Though, right now I am feeling numb and irrelevant …

Where am I? 

Am I dead?

Then there is a light I could see at some distance.

I try to reach for it…

The light led me to somewhere… Somewhere familiar.

A beautiful garden!

It is similar to my mother's.

This musky scent …

Everlasting pure white roses …

Then it struck me, her silhouette… her silky hair … this peaceful and nostalgic scent …

"Impossible! It can't be … is it?" thoughts were too loud to contain.

"Mother?" words escaped from my mouth.

'Kratos are you there?' trying to call for my spirit wolf.

'Kratos! Kratos! You won't believe it! It's my mother! Kratos?' calling again for my spirit wolf so that I could confirm what I am seeing.

'KRATOS!' screamed for my spirit wolf.

I wanted to share this with my spirit wolf.

Unfortunately, my spirit wolf is not responding.

Finally, my floating ended and my feet were finally on the ground.

From a long and tormenting darkness … Everything just became bright and sunny!

Trying to cover my eyes from this blinding light.

With no shoe wear, the warmth of the ground and the tingly feeling of the grass are quite refreshing after from that painful experience I went through.

'Wait, Wait … Let's go back to my previous thought! Where is that woman? Was I just imagining things?' 

- Looking Around -

- Looking Around -

If someone could see me now, they would laugh at me. The ruthless prince, searching for something like an idiot. 

Definitely, a scene to behold!

But why wouldn't I?

If there would be a chance of seeing her again then I would not care what others will think about me.

I just want to see her. I do not want to keep looking on her picture. 

It would be nice if I finally hold her with these sturdy hands of mine and see her with my own beastly eyes.

After searching for her, there she was!

Picking flowers like what she does in my dreams.

Though, this time around… it feels surreal!

Decided to approach her.



Getting nearer …

"Sweetie, if you are planning to spook your mother then I am sorry to burst your bubble because I can smell your stinking scent from a mile." My mother's voice was angelic just like in my dreams as well.

She then turned around and my world just stopped.

'Is this for real? Or is this just a dream? Because if this is just a dream, I do not want to wake up from it.' I further said to myself.

Then her voice just became like a honey to a hungry bee, "Am I getting a hug or not?" 

Tears started to fall.

At first, my feet won't move, it felt like it is stuck in the ground.

Astonished at the scene of my mother with an open arms waiting for me to embrace.

Since I won't move, she took it upon herself to embrace me tightly.

It felt like forever.

I returned the embrace and held her like there was no tomorrow.

I longed for her … I longed for my mother …

"Wipe those tears! You look awful!" She just teased me and smiled at my way.

"H-how is this possible?"

"Let's just say, God is always watching. And gave us our chance before it is too late." Prince Alcyd's mother reply to her son.

"What you mean too late?" Prince Alcyd had a confused look on his face.

"Before I explain myself, let have a seat and wipe your tears off your face. You look awful and terrible for a royal prince that you are." 

Immediately, The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack recollected himself and sat beside his mother.

He looks tall and sturdy which gives a strong vibes for a prince who is now sitting beside his goddess-looking and regal mother.

Queen Esmeralda could only smile at the sight of her son.

"You have grown up, my dear! You were so little, since the last time I hold you. How I wish I was there for you when you needed me most." Queen Esmeralda started to choke up on her own tears this time around and used a handkerchief to prevent her tears to fall completely from her eyes.

"Now, we don't want you to be crying as well. We would hate to see a queen in tears." Teasing my own mother.

My mother released a chortle from my words. I never thought I could have this opportunity to see her happy.

"We can't let this brief reunion go to waste." Mother reminded me about this opportunity we have together.

It caused confusion to me, "What you mean brief reunion? Why can't I stay with you here?"

"We know that can't happen, my son! You still have a mission to fulfill. And a role to play in the future of our kingdom." Words that seemed more confusing.

"Why it can't happen?... Mission? … Role to play? ... I don't get it."

Before my queen mother could answer my query, I interjected her attempt to explain further, "I have so many questions, mother! 

Is it true about what Lady Magdalene said about father?

Is my father really evil?

What really happened? 

Why did they rob us the time and chance to be together longer? 

How can they do that to you?" 

She reached for my hand and gently touched my face.

It is so warm and calming.

I saw her heave for a deep sigh.

"How I wish I could tell you all but I am not here to meddle with fate, the present and what is about to happen. It is for you to find out and to choose what role you will play in the future. But always remember my son… choose to be good and choose to be kind."

"What if I want to be selfish? What if I choose something that is good for me but not for the others? Is it that bad to be selfish?"

"We both know you are not selfish! You have a good heart. Just do not forget it."

Words that I never thought that I would hear.

After those many lives I took for the sake of my father.

Then I thought about my spirit wolf. 

Introducing him to my mother would have been great.

"I wish I could introduce you to my spirit wolf, Kratos! But it seems he is unresponsive to me at the moment."

"Oh, you mean that wolf over there?" Queen Esmeralda pointed at Kratos lying down under the shade of a tree.

'Kratos! Kratos!'

'What? Can't you take a hint? I am resting. We were both in too much pain. Finally, I can get a rest after that overwhelming pain we went through. So will you give me a break?' Kratos replied. 

Queen Esmeralda laughed at the scene of her son and his spirit wolf bickering.

"Protect your mate… Your mission is to protect her at all cost. Not only because she is a source of power but because she completes you. Without her, your life will be incomplete and in shambles. So do your best in protecting her and not let anything happen to her."

"I know … I will not let anything happen to her!"

I reassured my mother about Selene. How can I let anything happen to her?

Speaking of Selene …

"You have to go back now… someone is worried for you ..."

"But…" I really want to stay with her, I want to ask her more but I can't manage to ask her about the things I wanted to know.

Because I don't want to waste this time for questions that may only confuse me more… 

Instead I want to make the best out of this opportunity.

My mother told me what my heart always wanted to tell her, "I want to tell you that I love you so much. Always remember that!"

She embraced me so tight … 

Please stay … Don't go mother! 

Kratos suddenly ran to my side and pulled me.

"No! I am not done yet …" 

Even though I desperately wanted to stay with her longer, 

Be with her … Tell her more things, see her smile and hear her laughter…

The space between us started to become wider and she started to get far …

Far away … from me!

No! No!

I can see her blow a kiss for me and wave as we get farther from each other.

Another blinding light welcomed my eyes.

When I started opening my eyes,

There she is … asleep …

Source of my air that I breathe in,

Ray of sun that shed light to my darkness,

My beautiful mate,

Selene ….



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