The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 131 - Fluffy, Selene And The Prince

*** Moments before Prince Alcyd joined Selene at the garden ***

At the warm and tingly grass of the garden, Selene sat down beside a sleeping fluffy.

Indeed, it was a peaceful day for both to have their own time.

Ever since Fluffy recovered, Selene has been attentive to her own friend and has always made sure that all the needs of Fluffy is being taken care of.

She has been spending more time with Fluffy. 

Training with him more …

Becoming more concern with Fluffy's condition …

Always strolling with him around…

Since everyone knows now about Fluffy, it has become easier to bring Fluffy around without hiding him anymore in her shadows but Fluffy always prefer to stay at the garden and rest.

Though Fluffy could not speak or express itself to Selene through words, Fluffy's actions has been transparent and clear for Selene. Fluffy was greatly hurt and weakened after their encounter with the mysterious dark beings.

Nowadays, Fluffy always rest and lay down quietly at peace. It came to Selene's attention that her partner in crime, Fluffy, is somehow still going through some shock.

Kassandra explained to her that even if fluffy recovers, the pain or the experience that it went through may leave a scar on Fluffy. 

There was a large trace of dark magic found on Fluffy's wounds during its operation. It might indicate the level of suffering and pain it caused towards Fluffy.

During those times doctors were having difficult time in curing Fluffy. It took Kassandra to finally remove every bit of dark magic that was found on the wounds of Fluffy.

It must have been a powerful dark creature to hurt Fluffy and Prince Alcyd.

Luckily for the two of them, Prince Alcyd and Fluffy escaped from the clutches of death.

The resident witch told Selene when Prince Alcyd was still unconscious that both were extremely lucky that they survived because it could have been the other way around. 

Somehow Selene has partly blamed herself for what happened to Fluffy and Prince Alcyd as well.

She thought that if it was not for her then both of them would not have suffered severely. Especially, her mate … Prince Alcyd!

Contemplating on what happened, Selene was shaken to the core that she almost lost her mate and Fluffy. 

Both important to her.

She does not want to go through the same experience again.

The experience of losing someone special and important. She already promised to herself that it will not happen to her again.

If there comes a time that there will be a great danger and poses a threat to those whom she cares a lot then she will do everything in her power to protect them and eliminate that threat. Even if it costs her life.

As she spends her time in the garden, looking after Fluffy.

A lot of things were going through in Selene's mind. 

[1] How strong has she become?

[2] What are the sacrifices will she do in order to protect those she cares about?

[3] Will she be able to find her own brother?

[4] Is she ready to step on to the next step of her relationship with Prince Alcyd?

Her spirit wolf, Sylvia, suddenly appeared in her mind.

Selene's thoughts were too loud for her spirit wolf and this made her spirit wolf react to it.

'First of all, YES! YES! YES! You are so ready to take the next step in this relationship with our mate.' A confident statement from her own spirit wolf.

But Selene was being hesitant and doubtful about it, 'How sure are you? Easy for you to say because you have no other things to consider… Only to be with Kratos! While me, I have to look after many lives, look for my brother, and etc. etc. etc. In short, you are only concerned with our mate while I worry for more. What will be the effect and outcome to this decision of mine?' 

'You think too much! I think it is time for you to think of your own happiness. We can still try and look for your brother, at the same time being Prince Alcyd. From what I see, accepting your own feelings and allowing fate to keep you together will be the greatest thing you will be doing for all of us.'

'Really? Will it be really the greatest thing that could happen to me now?' Selene asking her own spirit wolf.

'Aren't you happy now?' Sylvia, the spirit wolf of Selene, pointed out something that Selene has overlooked.

It rang to her mind as she realized that now she has finally … felt like her usual self again …

Learning to smile and laugh again …

Accepting people into her life again …

Starting to trust others once again …

Doing things she loves to do which is cooking, singing in her free time and dancing along with some other staff members when they are fooling around. 

When the wind breezed against Selene's platinum hair making it move to the side of her face.

Before Prince Alcyd decided to join Selene, he was observing her from afar and just enjoyed watching her beauty radiate all over the garden.

'Speaking of which, our mate is just around and on his way to join us.' Selene's spirit wolf informed her about Prince Alcyd approaching.

*** Back to Present ***

Prince Alcyd stared Selene in astonishment. He tried to absorb and comprehend what just Selene said.

"WHAT?!?!" loudly exclaimed by Prince Alcyd.

'Get a grip of yourself! Our mate is now willing to be marked. So what are you waiting for! Take this opportunity already.' Kratos suddenly appeared and tried to convince Prince Alcyd to accept Selene's proposal for marking.

The silver lone wolf who is not a lone wolf anymore, has finally decided to accept Prince Alcyd as her mate.

She giggled at the look of Prince Alcyd taken aback and completely surprised with her words from out of the blue.

"For the longest time I was shrouded with sadness, anger, loss and darkness… Now, I am starting to see light at the end of that dark, dark tunnel. Maybe it is not that bad to finally start sharing my life with someone that I can rely on… Someone …

Like you!" Selene smiled brightly to Prince Alcyd who is completely mesmerized by the smile and heartwarming confession of Selene.

The Alpha Prince could not find the right words but only look at Selene.

Then Prince Alcyd gestured for his lips to touch Selene's lips. Their emotions were calling for such act of seal like … a kiss!

But it was interrupted by Garrett.

"Both of you! Stop fooling around and you are needed at the training room for the preparations for our trip to the royal palace." Strictly reminded by the Beta of the Golden Moon Pack who is just being responsible at the moment.

"Right at this moment, I want to forget that you are my best friend!" Prince Alcyd expressing his frustration over the interruption of his own best friend.

"By the way, it is my birthday tomorrow!" Selene suddenly blurted out something about herself.

Garrett and Prince Alcyd were surprised about the information that Selene shared.

"You are telling us that tomorrow is your 18th… 18th birthday!" reiterated by Garrett.

"Umm, yeah! Why? Is there something wrong about it?" innocently reply of Selene.

Then a worried look started to show on Prince Alcyd's face because he was already informed by Lady Sonja about the dreams of Selene of becoming dark.

Dreams of a witch are always treated as ominous. Most importantly, during the nearest days to their 18th birthday. It becomes a hint for their chosen path.

When Prince Alcyd summoned for Kassandra, the resident witch reminded the prince that once a hybrid witch chooses to be dark, it absorbs the power and life force of their own spirit wolf in accomplishing tremendous power. 

Whether intentional or not, once a witch fails to resist the temptation of darkness and declare themselves to its promise for power. 

Eventually the process itself will absorb their own spirit wolf and severing the bond they have with their mate.

A possibility of losing Selene as their mate.

"GARRETT, CALL FOR KASSANDRA!" Prince Alcyd instructed his best friend.

From complete calm turned into panic.



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