As Selene stood in the garden, 

White stones surrounded her in a circle formation.

Everyone was ready for her to ascend into her adulthood as a witch.

For every witch, once you reach 18, it only means that you will ascend to adulthood of your witch life. 

Meaning, a battle of inner self whether a life of devout service to the light or …

On the other hand, a life filled with darkness and thirst for more power.

This was a momentous life for any witch … the night of ascension!

Midnight has finally commenced …

The moon gleamed brightly, spreading its light further and showered its dusty blue radiance all over the garden.

Selene was wearing her favorite midnight blue dress which absorbed the radiant light being gleamed by the bright moon.

While everyone waited for Selene to ascend,

Prince Alcyd was the most nervous person amongst those who waited for things to unfold right in front of them.

They watched Selene stood still with her arms bracing her body, ready for her own transformation.

Her eyes were closed as her platinum hair glimmered silver with a touch of diamond white under the radiant light from the moon.

A loud breathing could be heard …

Wind blew with such chill in the air and the sound of rustling leaves as wind breezed its way across the garden.

Seconds passed …

Minutes passed …

Then finally …

Her eyes opened, "Should I start feeling something now? I am starting to feel cold. Why did I not wear a jacket?"

Kassandra, the new resident witch of Golden Moon Pack, became surprised and astonished with the current situation.

She expected by this time, like the usual or common scenario when a witch ascends to her transformation … it should have been happening right now.

Exactly when the midnight strikes, the transformation should immediately start to unravel, supposedly.

But in Selene's case, minutes have passed already.

And she remains still herself. 

Without any transformation or significant supernatural phenomenon took place.

Everything seemed … too normal and nothing extra ordinary …

"How long should I keep waiting because if I should wait longer, can someone get me a jacket?" Selene further complained to her spectators waiting at the sidelines for something out of the ordinary.

The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack stared at Kassandra as if her head will grow another pair due to his glaring look at her.

"My mate is feeling cold already! Are we gonna keep waiting? What is happening, KASSANDRA!?!" Prince Alcyd demanded an answer from his current resident witch.

Kassandra wanted to same something but there were no words would come out from her mouth.

Then Lady Sonja interjected between the conversation of their Alpha Prince and their resident witch.

"I think she is not ascending. Her condition is not like any normal witch. She is a part witch, part werewolf. So basically, she may not ascend like any other witch. Just like her first shifting as werewolf. It took her a year later compared to the usual shifting of a normal werewolf specie." Lady Sonja pointed out while standing at the back of Prince Alcyd and Kassandra.

Even though, Prince Alcyd still feel a little bit upset and disappointed with Lady Sonja, he listened to her words and checked on Kassandra if it might be the case.

"Is it? I think it does make sense if we put it that way." The Alpha Prince told the resident witch.

Only a discerning look was Kassandra's response.

She is analyzing and trying to conclude the current situation of Selene. After hearing the thoughts of Lady Sonja on the matter, it really does make sense.

There was only one thing left but to confirm it from Selene herself.

They see Kassandra approach Selene.

"Selene, are you not feeling any out of ordinary. Like something unusual." Kassandra asked Selene with so much anticipation.

Unfortunately, as Selene tried to dig deeper and summon all her inner gut feeling…

"Ummm … Sorry to disappoint but … I feel nothing unusual! Everything seems pretty normal to me." Selene's reply to Kassandra.

Some whispers from the others started. They could not believe that another rare occurrence happened with Selene.

No -Ascension- during her 18th birthday.

In the middle of whispering of the others present in the garden.

Warriors and elite officers alike, they were all wondering with the reason of Selene not ascending.

Some personal point of views were thrown,

[1] Her wolf blood is stronger than her witch blood.

[2] She comes from a strange and unique bloodline.

[3] Maybe there are no ascension for mixed blood like her.

[4] Or the worst case, it may be possible that her ascension may occur at any time after her 18th birthday.

Kassandra was the one who thought of the worst case. She shared to Prince Alcyd how risky the situation of Selene if indeed her ascension may occur at any time.

"Look, I know it is anti-climactic but I really need some jacket now." Selene requested to Prince Alcyd.

Immediately, Prince Alcyd asked one of the warriors to fetch some jacket for Selene.

If others were too busy to exchange thoughts about the situation, 

Freddie who was also present at the time, approached Selene and greeted her happy birthday.

"Happy 18th Birthday, weirdo!" Freddie greeted and teased Selene at the same time.

A smile formed on Selene's face and chuckled, "Thank you! I did not expect that you would be here."

"Remember, I am a member now of Golden Crew of Prince Alcyd. By the way, why won't I be here if it involves my best friend?" Freddie genuinely expressed his concern towards Selene.

The spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd warned the prince regarding Freddie talking with Selene.

'Hey, stupid prince! While you are so busy chatting and exchanging theories with your resident witch. A wolf is already trying to make moves on our innocent mate.' Kratos informed Prince Alcyd.

Right at that point, Prince Alcyd left Kassandra and Garrett's side.

He approached his mate.

"I am grateful for your concern, Freddie. Who said we are best friends? Because as far as I know, we are just collaborators. Remember, your words … Not mine!" Selene thanked her friend and teased Freddie back this time.

Both laughed and smiled.

Then a growl could be heard beside Selene,

"MINE!" a manly voice with a tone of agitation could be heard beside Selene and felt the arms of her mate pulling her close. "Better do your task than loitering around."

"Hey! We were just talking…" Selene reasoning out to her mate.

"I am sorry, Prince Alcyd! Talk to you next time, Selene!" Freddie immediately left the scene.

Prince Alcyd just watched Freddie leave and held Selene even tighter.

"That was not nice! Treating my friend like that." Selene being annoyed a little bit with Prince Alcyd.

Before Prince Alcyd could reply to Selene, Kassandra approached the couple and talked to them.

"Selene, it looks like the case of your ascension is definitely unique and rare compared to others. We need to observe your situation more attentively. So, we want you to be careful and be with your mate every night." Kassandra giving her own assessment and recommendation.

"What are you trying to say?" Selene aired her confusion.

"I am just trying to say is … from now on, I recommend for you to be with Prince Alcyd every night. In other words, you cannot be alone at night time from this point forward. You have to be in one room with Prince Alcyd." Kassandra clarified her recommendation to Selene.

Selene was trying to comprehend the words that came out from Kassandra's mouth.

"WHAT?!?! You mean, I HAVE TO SHARE A ROOM WITH HIM!" Selene exclaimed while pointing at Prince Alcyd.

If there was someone enjoying the moment, it was Prince Alcyd. 

'Finally! We get to share a room with our mate. Time to be with her every night !! Wooohhoooo!!!' Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd, could not contain his own excitement after hearing the recommendation of Kassandra.

The Alpha Prince of Golden Moon Pack could not help but smile in anticipation and excitement as he heard …

"You have no choice but share a room with him starting tomorrow night." Further insisted by Kassandra.



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