The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 171 - Golden Moon Pack Army

Somewhere near the royal palace,

A wide and far reaching field was covered with white tents for each wolf pack army.

The king of all Alpha Werewolves intended to gather all his forces including the forces of his allied wolf packs before attacking King Lucius in one full blown attack.

He had sent enough group of warriors to support and reinforce the defense of each crucial allied wolf pack due to their key contribution towards King Viktor like the Jade Pack.

King Viktor had to reassure the protection of each significant ally of his.

He does not want another incident would happen to his allied forces.

Due to his decreasing popularity and dependence because wave after wave of attacks from rogue werewolves were taking place.

Thus, the gathering of the forces of each army was important.

Knowing the arrival of the Golden Moon Pack army, all those warriors and werewolves passed by Prince Alcyd and his army were at awe at the presence of the renowned strongest general of King Viktor and his most favored son.

There was commotion on their arrival.

Other warriors from different wolf packs wanted to see the figure of Prince Alcyd.

All members of the Golden Moon Pack Army walked their way to their designated area.

The vehicles were parked somewhere else because the field was only exclusive for armies and the vehicles were all gathered in a different area.

Each warrior from different wolf pack could sense the regal and intimidating presence of the Alpha Prince from the Golden Moon Pack Army.

But there was an additional amusement that caused commotion.

Selene was walking side by side with Prince Alcyd.

It is known to all werewolves that those warriors or anyone that walk side by side with an Alpha Werewolf are either their Beta or their own mate.

Loud whispers started to spread like a wildfire.

'Is that the ruthless Alpha Prince of Golden Moon Pack?'

'Oh my … Look at the warriors, they look strong and well-trained.'

'Their presence is truly no like other!'

Some other words and statement were directed to Selene …

'Wow! That woman is beautiful.'

'Is she the Beta or his mate? I heard the Beta is a male!'

'I bet she is more beautiful with her hair down.'

'Who is she? Golden Moon Pack had a hidden beauty amongst their ranks?'

As they keep walking towards their designated area,

Beta Garrett and Selene could sense Prince Alcyd's growing agitation based on his facial expression.

'Hey, Alcyd! What's wrong?' Garrett tried to get the attention of their Alpha Prince through mind-link.

His best friend ignored him as if he did not heard anything from Garrett.

Until Selene asked her own mate through the mind-link.

'Alcyd … What's wrong? Why the sudden bad mood? You cannot hide it from me and Garrett because your aura is too obvious.'

The Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack thought about whether responding or not. But he could not stand the idea of ignoring his own mate. Especially when she is just being concerned with him.

Kratos, the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd, suddenly appeared to inform the Alpha Prince regarding their mate's concern.

'You idiot! You better not ignore our mate … I understand that you want to take the eyes of each warrior looking and staring at the beauty of our mate but play it cool.' Advice from his own spirit wolf.

'Wow! Coming from you … It is your irritated aura they could feel, not mine! Because of you they could sense me a bit agitated.' Defense of Prince Alcyd to his spirit wolf.

Suddenly his spirit wolf disappeared after Prince Alcyd pointing out the real fact.

Though, Prince Alcyd decided to answer his mate.

'I just do not want these warriors looking at you. They are drooling over you and it makes me want to break them into pieces. Their whispers are too loud to ignore.' Prince Alcyd explained himself to Selene.

Selene smiled and almost released a laugh on Prince Alcyd's explaination.

'Basically, you are telling me that you are being territorial already over me … So early! We just arrived.' Selene teased Prince Alcyd after hearing his explaination.

Something flashed in Selene's mind to calm the nerves of Prince Alcyd.

Unexpectedly, Selene reached for Prince Alcyd's hand and clasped her own hand to Prince Alcyd's hand.

This took Prince Alcyd by surprise and made him smile.

Warriors from Golden Moon Pack cheered for Prince Alcyd through mind-link.

Even Garrett could not help himself but feel happy for Prince Alcyd.

It made Athena lock arms with Garrett due to the spur of the moment.

'You feel better now?' Selene asked the Alpha Prince of Golden Moon Pack.

Prince Alcyd looked at Selene while they kept walking and replied to her through mind-link,

'I will always feel better when you are by my side. Thank you, my love!'

'You do not have to thank me! We both need each other … Your happiness is my happiness now.' Selene confessed to Prince Alcyd as they kept holding each other's hand.

Spectators could see the locking of hands.

And they all gasped and were astonished at the realization that … the platinum-haired female warrior from the Golden Moon Pack most probably is the mate of Prince Alcyd.

Though, they would need confirmation from the Alpha Prince or any members of the Golden Moon Pack for it to be concluded.

Undeniably, the sighting of Prince Alcyd and Selene smiling while holding hands was something could not be ignored.

Finally, they arrived at the designated area for the warriors of Golden Moon Pack.

A staff member from the royal palace was tasked to assist Prince Alcyd's army.

"Welcome, Prince Alcyd! After your warriors is situated in your designated area, you are requested by your father to proceed to the royal palace … Only with 3 warriors that could escort you. Due to overcrowding at the moment. There is a limited number who are allowed in royal palace." Explained thoroughly by the staff member.

"It's okay! I understand the current protocol and request of my father. Just give me few moment with my warriors." Prince Alcyd informed the staff member so he could wait somewhere else and not pressure him in leaving immediately.

Among those who went with Prince Alcyd in their travel to the royal palace was Kassandra, Golden Moon Pack's current resident witch.

She was tasked by Prince Alcyd to set up an invisible barrier around their designated area to avoid any unnecessary scuffle or riot among other wolf pack.

Usually when things get heated amongst werewolves, scuffle and fights could take place.

So, Prince Alcyd wanted to avoid this kind of scenario.

The warriors from the Golden Moon Pack gathered around Prince Alcyd as he gave him their tasks before he intended to proceed to the royal palace.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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And the novel of an impressive author, @Marichat_nettenoir

"The Maid's Daughter"

-Add to your library and read her book, please ... She is a good author and a nice kid. For her age she can write well.



There will be no released chapters on January 1 to January 3. The official return will be on January 4 with Mass Release of 7 chapters, hopefully. Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. Many more drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 


Author's Extended Note:

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= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

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