[-In the royal palace of King Viktor-]

After the Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves went ahead directly to his son and extended his intention to patch things up with Prince Alcyd,

Things went great for King Viktor.

Even though Prince Alcyd was not yet fully convinced regarding the efforts of their father.

In order to appease Selene and avoid her feeling sad for the things she never had … like a family of her own, Prince Alcyd went along with the wishes of Selene to give their father another chance.

"After all, you are a family. For better or worse, you have each other ..." Selene shared her thoughts as they walk the hallway towards the main office of the Alpha King.

There was a momentary silence from Prince Alcyd as he thought over the idea of for better or worse because he has started to become more doubtful if their father has their best interest.

In addition to that, the words from Magdeline kept running in his mind regarding the safety of Selene.

"Are you even listening, Alcyd?" Selene asked the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack.

They stopped close enough to King Viktor's main office.

Their entourage wondered if it will be another argument or sermon from Selene due to Prince Alcyd's obvious distracted mood.

Theo and Caleb looked at each other if it will be another one or not.

"I am listening. I am sorry if I look distracted. My father's intentions seem to be questionable. My wolfie senses tell me, we are just being used by my father because he desperately needs our army and our abilities for the upcoming clash against the rogue werewolves. You don't know my father yet, the way I know him." Prince Alcyd explained to Selene.

"Even if he is not the ideal father you want him to be, we cannot choose who our parents are and they did not choose us as well … BUT they chose to keep you alive and took care of you. I think that should be enough in knowing there is good in him. If he was completely evil, he would not have chosen for you to be born. We owe them that, as a child of our parents." A serious tone on Selene's voice.

"Up until now, I cannot believe how positive you can be in so many things. How I wish I have your positive spirit …" Prince Alcyd pulled Selene closer to him, aiming for a kiss.

But the moment was ruined by the words of someone familiar.

"Hey, love birds! We get it … Both of you are in love but do not parade it in front of us singles! Some of us do not enjoy the public display of affection … If you want to get it on then go back to your room, don't do it in the hallway!" Prince Ranku teasing his older brother and Selene.

Prince Alcyd released a sigh of irritation towards Prince Ranku.

Both Theo and Caleb stepped backwards, highlighting Prince Ranku on his own.

"It was so much better when you were unconscious. I miss those days when you were just lying on the bed, harmless and quiet!" A loud retort from Prince Alcyd.

This made Selene smile and giggle at the dynamics of Prince Alcyd and Prince Ranku.

Seeing Prince Alcyd fool around and wrestle with his younger brother.

Princess Shiveena appeared suddenly out of nowhere.

The younger sister of Prince Alcyd was back to her old personality, confident and sassy.

Her dress was full of regal and sophistication. Though the highlights were her metallic shoulder pads and her knuckle gold chain embedded with rubies on each piece of chain.

"Is it really necessary for us to go together to father's main office?" Princess Shiveena asked with an annoyed tone in her voice.

Selene responded immediately, "Well of course! It will show how compact you are together, as a united force." 

A smile on Selene after replying Princess Shiveena.

"Forgive me but I was asking my brother, not you …" a small hint of attitude could be heard from Princess Shiveena's tone.

This was shoved quickly aside by Selene, "Oh, I thought you were asking me …" 

Selene kept her smile all throughout.

Unlike Princess Shiveena who ignored Selene and barely smiling at all.

"Just be nice and cooperate, will you? If you have nothing good to say to our father or to anyone, keep your mouth shut! Do not put anyone again in trouble with your carelessness." Prince Alcyd insensitively pointed out his younger sister's behavior.

Caleb and Theo saw Princess Shiveena's flinched at the mention of their Alpha Prince regarding the recklessness of his younger sister.

Moments after they continued their way to the main office of King Viktor …

[-In the main office of King Viktor-]

As soon as they entered, they were greeted warmly by their father.

Prince Alarick did not move nor flinched in his position even after the presence of Prince Alcyd and his other siblings was announced. 

Same as Persephone, seated next to Prince Alarick.

One thing was clear on his face … he was not happy at the sight of his siblings intact and well.

"Take a seat! I am grateful for accepting my request and apology, my children!" King Viktor was in good mood.

Except for Princess Shiveena, "Yeah, as if nothing happened." A subtle jab from the feisty princess.

Before they could even start, Beta Nolan was seen in a hurry rushing towards King Viktor.

This made everyone curious and wonder.

Not everyone was fully on their seats yet.

"What you mean, he was spotted near the rogue's borders?" A sudden change in King Viktor's mood.

"Father, what's wrong?" Prince Alarick stood and expressed his query to his father.

Their formidable father was silent for a while and took a deep breath.

Everyone could see him restrain his temper as he clenched his fist.

"Miryo, was spotted nearby the borders of the territory of Lucius. It seems that he chose a side now." Further explained by King Viktor to his son while others listened carefully.

"That is impossible, he would have …" Princess Shiveena refused to believe on the current report regarding his younger brother.

Though, Prince Alarick interjected her statement.

"That he would have told you! Why would it be impossible for Miryo to side with the rogue werewolves instead of his real family? It is not a shocker for me!" Prince Alarick mocked at Prince Miryo.

But Princess Shiveena could not take it.

"If only you did not send him to an exile again and followed the pact we had. This would not have happened!" an emotional outburst from Princess Shiveena.

"Oh, it's my fault? Whose silly idea it was to meddle with my intention to let a professional doctor see him?"

"He was not insane like the way portray him. You coward!" Princess Shiveena yelled at their eldest brother.

Persephone put her hand on Prince Alarick's chest preventing him to lunge at his younger sister.

"Between you and my son … You are the one that released Prince Miryo without your father's knowledge. Right now, we are facing a possible crack within our forces due to your irresponsible and reckless decisions. Which makes you the source of this problem, not my son!" Persephone defended her son in a calm and reasonable manner.

Prince Ranku held his older sister's hand to prevent her from doing something more reckless.

He whispered 'Please! Calm down!'

"How could you let Miryo get involved in this? Shiveena, you should know why we sent him to an exile. To teach him a lesson not wreak havoc and cause dissent within the royal court." Prince Alcyd reprimanded his younger sister upon learning that Princess Shiveena was responsible for Prince Miryo's escape.

"So you are siding with that coward now? I did it for you! Wow! This is unbelievable!" an obvious stress and disbelief in Princess Shiveena's voice.

"I am just pointing out the obvious here! And why did it become about me? I did not give any instructions or orders for you to involve Miryo. That's on you!" Prince Alcyd has become more agitated with his younger sister.

King Viktor was supposed to stop the banters and argument but Selene intervened first.

Unexpectedly, Selene broke the glass table next to her.

Everyone became silent and their attention became focused on Selene.

"We are at war and you prefer to fight amongst each other? Is this how you plan to win the war against the king of rogue werewolves? Because to be honest they are gaining on you all at this moment. While you bicker and blame each other, they are planning how to send each of you to your graves." A straight forward words from Selene.

She continued, "What you need right now, is a united force! That's the only way you can defeat their large number."

The Alpha King was fully impressed on Selene's words and maturity.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. Many more drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 


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