[Somewhere in a secluded stormy Island]

It has been more than a decade since the last time that the members of the Altum Council, High Council of the Supernatural leaders, spotted or even saw the Oracle.

Many years have passed already in their search for the Oracle. Many presumed that he has been killed or already passed away due to sickness.

But, what many do not know is that the Oracle has been in hiding. He never announced completely the prophecy which he announced right before the public. His old age has even made him weaker.

Despite his attempt at hiding, there was someone who found him with the use of powerful magic. This person kept the location of the Oracle as secret after the sudden death of the late Queen Esmeralda.

When the news broke out about the death of Queen Esmeralda, it took the supernatural world by surprise since she was a great advocate for peace and harmony within the supernatural world. Her allies were the ones most shocked by her sudden death, especially the Great Warlock, Callisto.

The Great Warlock, Callisto, mourned the death of his beloved friend. He wanted to inform the late Queen Esmeralda in regard to the location of the Oracle but the moment he found out about her death, he decided to keep it a secret from anyone and helped the Oracle hide in safety instead.

Callisto knew what danger waits for him and the oracle once other supernatural beings find the Oracle.

The Oracle only gave the first half of his prophecy. He made everyone believe that there is only one prophecy and prevented others from knowing the second half of his prophecy. He was forced to declare the first half due to the capture of his beloved Rita by the Vampire King, Lionel.

The Oracle's one and only love was still killed by the Vampire King and he vowed to never share the second half of the prophecy except with his disciple, Callisto. Callisto was his only disciple which contributed to the successful tracking of him, no matter how much he meticulously hid, he was still found by his disciple.

The Oracle treated Callisto like his own son so he only revealed the complete version of the prophecy to Callisto.

The Great Warlock, Callisto, a retired General of the Head of Warlocks. After the death of the late Queen Esmeralda, he disappeared on the radar of the supernatural world and went hiding with his mentor.

After days of journey, Callisto went back to their secret hideout.

Their hideout looks like a shabby and old dilapidated hut on the outside but completely normal on the inside. Within the hut are wooden furniture and full of enchanted stuff laying around which gives hint to the owner and the ones that reside in the hut.

The old hut is surrounded by a powerful deceptive illusion spell. It is located in a secluded and concealed island.

An island filled by trees which always rains and have deafening lightning due to powerful weather spells of Callisto to scare other animals or any beings, supernatural or human, to travel that island.

Callisto has made the island very difficult to find and even travel to except only for himself.

The Great Warlock only leaves the island to replenish their resources and provisions for survival in their stay on the island.

After days of being away from the Oracle, Callisto returned with a bagful of provisions. With his powers,

<<< _Zero Gravity_ >>>,

Everything he brought with him became light for him to drag.

As he enters the old magical hut, he could hear his mentor drinking tea. After he hanged his hooded cape to the cloakroom, he immediately sat with the Oracle.

"You would not believe it, who I saw a few days ago!" Callisto mentions to the Oracle as he sits.

"hmm. You seem delighted from seeing this aforementioned individual"

"The son of the late Queen Esmeralda is looking sturdy and grown-up now. Remember those days when he was still an infant. He was so adorable and we even told the late werewolf Queen if she wanted to know what kind of fate lies ahead for her little pup. You still remember what she told us both?"

The old Oracle released a little hint of a smile after reminiscing that moment and replied Callisto,

"She refused us and told us that there will be no joy in knowing one's fate ahead, rather only worry and concern will only fall upon her especially since she is a mother. She would rather entrust the fate of her son to the mercy and grace of our divine creator."

Callisto smiled after listening to the Oracle, "She was full of wisdom and courage. I can still remember how passionate she is with what she believes in and how kind she was with others. I really thought she would emerge as the new Chosen One but it seems that the prophecy referred to someone else that we do not know if still exists"

"You need to have faith in the divine ordainment and intervention. Have faith! My dear Callisto"

The Oracle tries to reassure his disciple while he sips the hot tea within his clasp, sounding calm and graceful.

Though, as he sips his hot tea, he could see the worry and the deep thought that his disciple is currently wrapped in. He already knew what bothers him and already had a vision what his disciple plans to do, with his ability


An ability that perceives future events.



That is why aside from his ability,


An ability to foresee the result of one's action and decisions made him the most coveted adviser to any supernatural royalty and leaders.

The Oracle was able to see the result of the possible decision and options that his disciple is trying to weigh.

His <<<Extrasensory Perception>>>

An ability which automatically makes him sense any worries that any being is burdened or concerned with.

The Oracle can simultaneously activate these abilities that is why he is considered as the supreme psychic compared to a Seer who has limited visions and grasp of psychic abilities.

"I think you should go and look after the young Prince from the shadows while you disguise yourself in a certain identity. You do not have to worry about me." The Oracle announces to his disciple.

Callisto was taken aback for a while by his mentor's words. He was astonished for a moment but he chuckled when he realized the powers of his mentor.

"I really do forget sometimes that you have certain powers my dear mentor and you are the Oracle."

"Well, even I sometimes forget that I am me." Oracle smiled at Callisto as he sips his tea.

The oracle pours more hot tea in the floral designed and porcelain teacups in front of him. When he accidentally spilled the hot tea on the wooden table, it moved a bit.

"Oh, sorry my friend! Your summoner, my disciple! Distracted me a bit because he is being too worrisome about my welfare because he does not want to leave me on my own to fend for myself because he worries about possibilities and worst-case scenarios of leaving me on my own."

The Oracle caresses the surface of the wooden table trying to soothe the magical table.

"I am certainly not leaving you here on your own Master! There are a lot of powerful beings that may find you if we do not make careful measures like leaving you on your own for too long." Callisto tells his mentor with full of worry.

"Come on! Do not be so pessimistic! You can visit me here from time to time then go back and forth without getting noticed by anyone. You are an extremely talented and powerful warlock yourself.

I think you forget that you once served the King of Warlock, Alberto, before when you were in your younger years. You were a renowned warlock. Until you decided to stick with an old man and a git like me."

"That is not true! You are not unpleasant. You just love pulling silly stuff and tricks on me. Anyways, there are a lot of stronger supernatural beings now. The power of darkness has increased. There has been increased incidents of human casualties and victims these past few months.

No wonder that the Hunters Association is also increasing its numbers by the day and making extreme measures in hunting supernatural beings who are accountable for it. Plus, the Legion of Vampires has expanded their network and alliances with other supernatural beings like the Banshees, Necromancers, Demons, and some shape-shifters." Worriedly expressed by Callisto

"This world is in desperate need of true Ruler of all supernatural beings that will bring balance to the light and darkness. Without the preeminent heart of the light which is the supposed 'CHOSEN ONE' to rule over all supernatural beings.

Everything is vulnerable from the terrors of the darkness which it hauls and brings along with it. The end-game for our world will be only destruction and chaos." the Oracle informs his disciple as he revisits the vision of a world without the true Ruler of all supernatural beings, the Chosen One.

"This is more why I cannot leave you for too long. The hordes of darkness are looking for you desperately -- ..."

The Oracle interjected at his disciple's worries "You cannot change what is already ordained by our divine creator. You can never protect me once the Angel of Death has been sent to fetch me.

It is not my demise nor death you should fear but not to live life as it supposed to be lived is something more to fear. It will hinder you to reach your destination and you will miss out on life, my dear Callisto."

Silence fell as Callisto tries to contemplate on the words of his mentor.

"Callisto, I know you worry too much and you are very concerned about my well-being. I am grateful for your concern and protection. However, you are more needed somewhere else."

After a long thought process and silence, Callisto asked his mentor "Are you sure of this, Master?

I will try to visit you from time to time. There is something that bothers me which I cannot shake off. An ominous feeling, which lingered since I saw the son of the late werewolf Queen." Callisto remained perturbed as he tells his mentor.

"There is only one way to clear that burden. Observe and keep an eye on Esmeralda's only son. You owe her at least that after she saved you during the First Great War against the hordes of darkness somewhere in the Valley of Curaia."

"When will I win against you, Master? You always persuade me in doing things which I am highly unsure of." Callisto chuckles as he looks at his mentor feigning his innocence.

Now, Callisto has finally decided to follow his mentor's advice.


Coming Soon!

> Alpha Prince and Selene Moment.

> The introduction of Royal Siblings.

> Royal Trip.

> Another Altum Council Meeting.

> Appearance of Lucas.

> Appearance of Alpha King Viktor.

> Selene reunited with Georgie and Freddie.

> Clash and battle with the Alpha Prince.

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