The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 197 - Daughters Of Alpha Morris

After the strategic meeting of Alpha Morris to the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack and the rest of his entourage, he asked his daughters in his main office for a special meeting.

He was excited to pursue his plans regarding with Prince Alcyd and political advancement,

There were things he had to do for the other schemes he plotted to work out.

[1] Digging up the background of Selene.

[2] Getting closer to King Viktor through offering him large amount of contributions.

[3] Plotting a conflict between the royal family members.

[4] Using his own daughters to gain favors. One of them was insinuate an adultery which involves Prince Alcyd and his daughter … Amber. 

Through all this, Alpha Morris wanted to further advance his intention to gain more legitimate power within the kingdom.

So, he wanted to brief his daughters about what they had to do and how will they set up or frame Prince Alcyd to an adultery.

[-In the main office of Alpha Morris-]

"My beautiful daughters! Have a seat …" Alpha Morris welcomed his daughters.

The Beta of Alpha Morris was on standby beside Alpha Morris.

Both Amber and Laura were dressed elegantly which makes it obvious that they are daughters of a wealthy man.

Their stance and poise were simply a reflection of their own refinement.

Only difference was, Amber looked sultry and coquettish while Laura looked more dignified and graceful in her movements. Compared to the two, Laura was indeed superior in all aspects. 

Though, her physical strength was never seen in action due to her always being engaged with different domestic activities and research stuff.

But everything will be revealed sooner than Laura has anticipated.

"I gathered you both here for an important request. There are things that both of you should know …" Alpha Morris started telling his daughters about his plans which he wanted to pursue for the long-term goals he envisioned for the prestige of Jade Pack and his own family.

The daughters of the Alpha of Jade Pack remained silent. 

Comprehending everything their father just divulged to them.

From a coy and reserved appearance, a sudden change sparked within Laura.

Even Amber noticed the sudden fierceness in Laura's eyes which she hid for a long time from her own family.

Laura breathed for a moment before she started to articulate her thoughts towards her father.

"I think I must disagree with you, father! I do not approve of your plans nor encourage you to pursue it."

Her younger sister was indeed right on her observation and their father was surprised with the sudden firm tone from the eldest daughter.

"And why would that be?" curiously asked by Alpha Morris.

"To certain extent I agree with some of your plans but a bulk of it must be changed." Laura replied.

"Like what? Enlighten me …" Alpha Morris further query to his eldest daughter.

The Beta of Alpha Morris wanted to advise Laura not to antagonize their father because he knew how much Alpha Morris dislikes to be challenged with his decisions and plans.

Before he could even approach Laura,

"Miss Laura …" He was not able to finish his words and got cut off by the eldest daughter of Alpha Morris.

"I did not ask for your opinion nor your intervention, Beta!" Laura haughtily looked at the Beta of her father and continued, "You should know your place! When you are not asked, do not interrupt the conversation of your superiors. After all, I am the eldest daughter of your Alpha. I have a higher rank and status than you are … So keep your thoughts with you!"

Both Alpha Morris and Amber became shocked more than the Beta himself.

They never seen Laura act such a way because she has been always refined and gentle-spoken.

"As I was saying father … I agree with your plans to keep Jade Pack's full capability and its network of influence beyond the werewolf kingdom. In order to preserve our security and lessen our threat level towards the royal family. To keep utilizing at the additional forces being sent from the royal army on our territory. I also agree with your intention to get closer to throne so we could gain more favors and expand our own influence within the kingdom." Laura explained.

She continued, "But I think we need to switch to another wagon! We can no longer pursue to be close with King Viktor."

After hearing Laura, Alpha Morris and Amber became more confused.

"Who are you thinking of, sister? I think father has it correct, in terms of getting close to the king himself?" Amber shared her insights regarding of their father's plans.

"I am thinking of Prince Alcyd and his mate, Selene … They will be our best bet for the future to come." Laura wanted to elaborate further but her father started to argue with her.

A burst of loud laughter was heard from Alpha Morris.

"Prince Alcyd and his lone wolf mate? From what I have gathered from my own network of spies, the mate of Prince Alcyd has no influence nor wealth to prove her worth. Only beauty! What use of her beauty when she has no influence nor wealth to back her up? Being a Luna of powerful wolf pack does not make you influential. It is lineage and blood line … which she has none. A very doubtful to be even close to a decent one." Alpha Morris retort from Laura's explanation.

"This is why I do not include women in our meetings because your capabilities and vision are so limited." Insensitively remarked by Alpha Morris to his daughters.

Amber gulped from the insult.

But Laura remained unfazed.

"You think too highly of yourself father. I think you are highly mistaken with your own confidence. Why should we settle only for favors … from King Viktor? If we can achieve more than that." 

"What are you talking about?" Alpha Morris demanded clarification from his eldest daughter.

"As far as I can see, your goals for the long-term are too limited father. Compared to mine, where we can have both favors from the future Alpha King and queen of the kingdom. With you as prime minister and me as the queen's adviser. Two important roles which we can achieve. And the most optimum outcome or the best case scenario which I know we can achieve is …"

"Tell me … what would that be?" Alpha Morris became more curious with his eldest daughter's plans.

"A union of our wolf pack with the royal family. Imagine the great future lies ahead for our wolf pack if entrust our future to Prince Alcyd and his mate. I know you are grooming our youngest brother to become the Alpha of this wolf pack which I totally agree with. What if I tell you a secret … Which the royal family has no idea at all." 

Alpha Morris and Amber waited for Laura to reveal her discovery.

"Princess Shiveena's supposed mate is dead. Andrew, the only son of the Alpha of our neighbor wolf pack, was a friend of mine and before he died he told me that his mate was the royal princess. He wanted to wait until she reaches her maturity before revealing himself to her." Laura revealed.

"But she will never know now! That her supposed mate is dead." Amber uttered in surprise.

"Of course, Princess Shiveena will have her second chance mate in the future but we can arrange my younger brother and Princess Shiveena for marital arrangement. Once we are close to the two, we can even arrange my future offspring or Amber's to theirs. A union of our wolf packs. Imagine the greatness and power that our wolf pack would gain if we choose the golden couple." Laura confidently shared to her father.

When they thought Laura was finish, she continued …

"The difference between King Viktor, Prince Alarick and Prince Alcyd is … King Viktor and Prince Alarick do not have a mate like Prince Alcyd. They do not have a powerful mate like Prince Alcyd. We have overestimated ourselves too much and underestimated what others can do." Laura carefully elaborated to Alpha Morris.

"You seem to be shaken by this mate of Prince Alcyd." Alpha Morris response to Laura.

"Oh, father! I have never seen such power in my life when I looked into her eyes. My instinct is my most precious pride, you should know it by now that it is 100 percent accurate." 

Everyone in Jade Pack is aware of Laura's special skill. Whatever her instinct dictates her, it always come true and happens all the time.

"Father … I felt in my bones when my instinct warned me of the power lies within her. It shook my core and felt more power compared to King Viktor's. And her name is … Selene!" 

No one could even argue with Laura now. 

After revealing what she knows.


[-In the private chamber designated to Prince Alcyd and Selene-]

Prince Alcyd saw Selene standing by the balcony.

"Selene … what are you doing there?" The Alpha Prince curiously asked.

Immediately Selene received a back hug from Prince Alcyd.

"Nothing … just thinking!" Selene replied.

"Thinking of me …" Prince Alcyd kissed Selene's nape as he jokingly replied to Selene's response.

Selene only smiled at the words of her mate. But she told Prince Alcyd her own worry.

"Can we leave Jade Pack once our mission is over?" Selene directly requested to Prince Alcyd.


"I feel uncomfortable with everyone in Jade Pack. Especially … Laura, the eldest daughter of Alpha Morris. I could sense a monster hiding behind her warm-hearted image." A hint of concern in Selene's voice.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

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