[-In the guest room-]

While Prince Alcyd and the rest were having serious meeting in the conference room,

Selene was left in the guest room … half naked.

Dove into her dreams deeply …

Unguarded …

And floating unconsciously …

Things around her slowly, one by one, elevated from its positions.

Doorknob frantically moved.

Including the furniture moved within the room blocking the door. 

Windows shut on its own.

From the outside of the mansion, Athena saw the windows close on its own which made her curious and intended to check on her.

As she hurriedly went inside with Scarlett,

They both see the rogue brothers forcing the door to open.

"What's happening?" Athena curiously asked the two rogue brothers.

Scarlett and Athena started to look worried because the two rogue brothers could not open the door even with their combined strength.

Freddie was too worried to even reply the query of Athena. He focused in finding ways to open the door.

"We suddenly heard things moving inside the room. Suddenly the doors got locked and we think something is happening inside." Georgie replied instead.

The rogue brothers, Georgie and Freddie, were tasked to be Selene's bodyguard. 

When Prince Alcyd went to the conference room, he immediately asked the two brothers to look after Selene. She was sleeping when Prince Alcyd left for the meeting.

"Shouldn't you both be guarding the door? How could you let someone enter?" a clear tone of worry could be heard from Scarlett's voice.

"We were! Actually the whole time! Since Prince Alcyd left for the urgent meeting." Georgie's defense from Scarlett's accusation.

"This is no time to argue! We have to resolve this or else …" Athena became more worried.

"Or else what?" Freddie stopped and asked.

"If ever something happens to Selene, Prince Alcyd may have your heads rolling on the floor. It was Selene who kept the two of you safe. Without her, the both of you are good as dead." Athena's concerned tone were not helpful at the worry of the rogue brothers.

"I do not care what that Alpha Prince of yours thinks! I am more concerned with Selene at the moment." Freddie looked unfazed from the concerns of Athena.

"Where are you going?" curiously asked by Scarlett.

"I am going around to the balcony. I will break the window!" Freddie answered Scarlett's curiosity while walking away.

"Why not the door?" Scarlett was confused.

Due to the fact that two werewolves could not open nor break a wooden door.

"There is something weird going on! We already broke the doorknob. There is something behind this door. It seems like even the walls could not be destroyed. A certain supernatural is going on inside." Georgie explained.

His explanation reminded Athena regarding the first shift of Selene into her true wolf form.

Prince Alcyd made her and the few who were able to witness such phenomenon. 

It made her realize that there could be another manifestation of her supernatural abilities just like her first shifting.

"Freddie! I am going with you." Athena exclaimed as Freddie walked further.

"Wait Athena! Shouldn't we tell Prince Alcyd about this?" Scarlett uttered.

"As of the moment we shouldn't … If you do not want something to happen with the two brothers! We will resolve this on our own first." Athena replied while Scarlett and Georgie looked at each other.

Both Athena and Freddie went to the balcony in attempt to break in through the window.

On the other hand,

Unknown to everyone, Selene was deeply lost in her dreams …

*** In Selene's Dreams ***

Under an aurora night.

Snowflakes were falling gracefully.

The night sky was covered with beautiful waves of light.

Selene was walking towards an entrance of a village as she looked up mesmerized.

Forgetting the things around her and the thick snow on the ground.

"Woooaaah! Sylvia, do you see this?" Selene uttered to her spirit wolf, wanting to share the captivating view above her.

But unfortunately there was no reply from her spirit wolf.

"Sylvia? Sylvia?" Selene called for her spirit wolf.

Out of nowhere, a huge silver wolf appeared.

"Hello, Selene!" Sylvia the spirit wolf of Selene appeared as it stood dignified on top of a huge boulder.

"Sylvieeee? Is that you Sylvia?" Selene looked surprised at the sight of her own spirit wolf.

"Yes it is I … But we have only brief moment and the connection will be broken." The spirit wolf of Selene informed her partner.

There was confusion painted all over Selene's expression. She was completely puzzled with what was going on.

"What connection? Where are we? Is this even real? How the hell …" Selene was not able to finish her own words because her spirit wolf interrupted her.

"No time to explain. I must lead you to her already. Just follow me!" Selene's spirit wolf was in a hurry.

Selene started following her spirit wolf while running.

"Hey, Sylvieee!!! You know I cannot outrun you. Wait up!" Selene tried to catch her breath.

Her spirit wolf, Sylvia, suddenly rubbed its muzzle against the hand of someone sitting on a wooden bench.

And a familiar scent invaded Selene but she could not identify who it belonged to.

Instead of trying to remember who it belonged to, the beautiful sight of aurora robbed the attention of Selene.

"Wow! What a beautiful scene!" Selene marveled at the sight of aurora and the icy mountains with the lights from the village under.

A perfect combination of the lights from above and under.

With the pure white mountain view in the middle.

"How I wish I could show this to Alcyd … He would love to see this view." Selene uttered.

She was completely enthralled by the enchanting overviewing sight from her position.

Then she remembered her spirit wolf.

"Oh, Sylvieee! What was …" Selene turned around to ask her spirit wolf.

But her spirit wolf was laying down quietly, resting … beside a familiar woman.

"Hello there … It is nice to finally meet the younger sister of Lucas and the mate of Prince Alcyd." The woman greeted Selene with so much anticipation and a smile on her face.

The woman wanted to cry but she kept herself well and contained her own tears.

"Yes? How did you know them? Who are you? Where is this place? I should bring my friends and Alcyd here." Selene continued to marvel at the sight of the view.

"There is no enough time to tell you all … I brought you here for the sole purpose of giving you the protection you need in the future and the guidance you need." Cryptic words from the woman in front of Selene.

"I am confused … protection for what?" 

"Just give me your hand." Gentle words from the strange beautiful woman

"Ummm. No! I don't know you …"

Instead of refusing constantly, a certain familiarity and unexplained connection made Selene extend her hand.

A bright glow from the touch of the strange woman.

"Wait … What the ???!!" Selene could not see what was happening.

Then everything went back to normal.

"A protection … you will need it in the future!" the woman response to Selene.

"Protection for what?" dismissive tone from Selene.

"Just remember! The heart and blood are both important. You cannot sacrifice the other. In order to keep your own, both must be protected and kept." More cryptic words coming from the beautiful woman.

Everything became more confusing for Selene.

When she thought of asking for a clarification.

More puzzling and cryptic words came her way.

"You have now the ability to contain massive spiritual energy and choose immense power which no one has ever seen." 

After informing Selene of the new power transferred to her, the familiar woman caressed Selene's face.

Her unexpected warm embrace made Selene cry.

"W-why am I crying?" Selene was astonished.

She embraced the woman back.

Both cried under the snow and behind them was a breathtaking view.

It was a once in a lifetime moment.

Selene wanted to ask who the woman was.

But … everything went black.

*** End of the dream ***

Suddenly Selene woke up.

"You scared us there!" a sigh of relief from Freddie as he held Selene.

Athena leaned against the wall in her relief that Selene was alright.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

The price of the next Privilege Chapters will be higher than the previous but there will be more privy chaps to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


[Top Privy Commenters!]

[1] Hazvie

[2] Sandra_Hoek

[3] Dalia_M_Falcon

[4] Kaothar

[5] Alix Morris

(Note: Rankings of Privy Commenters are decided through the most recent comment, hehe!)

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Author's Extended Note:

Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.

If we achieve by the end of the month:

100 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

500 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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