By the dawn,

The rose-pink light shone at the sky.

But an orange glow from afar signaled the attack of the army of rogue werewolves.

A large explosion could be heard from a distance.

Selene was tasked to hold the fort of the mansion and protect the people sheltered within the walls of the mansion of Alpha Morris.

Surrounding her was the rogue brothers, Athena and her close friends.

Chloe, Scarlett and Lance were also tasked to reinforce the great defense around the mansion of Alpha Morris.

Kassandra had to serve as Prince Alcyd's aide for their direct clash against the rogue werewolves.

The children of Alpha Morris remained in the mansion under the responsibility of Selene.

Two Alphas joined hands in defending the borders of the territory of Jade Pack.

Both forces were in their wolf form.

Though, in their surprise, a large number of rogue werewolves attacked Jade Pack.

'Looks like the daughter of Alpha Morris was right. A massive force of rogue werewolves will attack Jade Pack. This is more than we initially expected.' Prince Alcyd announced to his warriors through the mind-link.

Werewolves from both wolf packs howled in signal for the great clash between their opposing forces.

Jackson informed their Alpha Prince through the mind-link, 'Prince Alcyd, I do not sense the guy with explosive abilities around.'

'Focus in finding his scent, inform me immediately … once you find him! For the meantime, we eliminate invaders as many as we can.' Prince Alcyd's reply to his best tracker.

Then Beta Garrett informed their Alpha Prince about their plan to apply a pincer attack formation on a large number of rogue werewolves.

From one side will be the platoon led by Beta Garrett and the other side will be the platoon led by Prince Alcyd.

Alpha Morris and his entire forces will serve as the reinforcement that will wipe out any incoming additional rogue werewolves or remnants from their strategic attack.

Indeed, it was a well-coordinated movement and a great defensive strategy for a bulk and massive number of rogue werewolves.

Brandon witnessed the great defense of the combined forces of Golden Moon Pack and Jade Pack.

One of the generals approached Brandon for the unexpected defensive strategy of their enemy.

As he shifted back to his human form, "Brandon! They seem to be prepared for our attack. How could this be? And where is Lucas? He supposed to be helping us here but he disappeared as soon we entered the borders of the Jade Pack." Worriedly expressed by one of the rogue generals.

Brandon clenched his fist at the sight of their impending loss.

"We lost our element of surprise! Let the others retreat towards the mansion and we will pursue on a different course. If I am correct, our only saving grace can be found in the mansion of the Alpha of this wolf pack." Brandon was clearly agitated at the turnout of their supposed surprise attack.

"How will we even find it? In the middle of this chaos which we are trying to survive." Retort by the rogue general.

"Do not worry, I can still track Lucas and based on Prince Miryo's information, Lucas is on his way to the mansion of the Alpha. So, let us hurry before we get swamped here. Leave those who are trapped by their pincer attack formation. Bring those who can be saved." Brandon instructed the rogue general.

"Okay! I will …" agreed by the rogue general.

Brandon knew that even with their poisonous weapons attached to the claws of the majority of the rogue werewolves, they could not topple down the combined great defense of Jade Pack and Golden Moon Pack.

He had no choice but to salvage the remaining number of rogue werewolves that he could from this overwhelming great defense which they are witnessing.


[-Around the mansion of Alpha Morris-]

Chloe took charge the outer defense of the entire surrounding of the mansion.

An extensive range of barrier was made for preventing any infiltration and protection from any external attempts to trespass within the mansion.

The resident witch of Jade Pack joined Chloe in setting up the barrier and both were focused in their incantations.

Scarlett led the preparation for the temporary field hospital which was placed within the grounds of the mansion.

Lance led the additional security around the mansion.

While Selene was being surrounded by Athena, the rogue brothers and Jane.

Laura and the other members from the Jade Pack was surprised by the well-coordinated movement and quick response of the entire force from Golden Moon Pack.

She could not help it but approach Selene to offer her own assistance.

"How can I help? I cannot just standby and do nothing while all of you are doing most of the work here." Laura expressed her concern to Selene.

And Selene could understand the worry of Laura. Especially as the eldest daughter of the Alpha of Jade Pack.

"You can lead in setting up the barricades for the structure of the mansion. According to Oliver, we have to make sure any possible entrance should be closed. So that we could manipulate their direction and movements." Selene instructed Laura.

"Okay … I will gather the elders and my siblings to help in barricading." Laura reaffirmed Selene's recommendation for the defense of the mansion.

Unity and quick response could be seen all over the mansion … By the leadership of Selene!

Everyone is unaware of what were about to happen.

As everyone around the mansion of Alpha Morris do their part,

On the other hand …

Lucas could overview everything from a distance.

Then, he decided to start the chaos.

"Ready, Fluffy! We are about to meet Selene." Lucas looked excited for the havoc he was planning to unleash within the mansion.

Fluffy whimpered and rubbed its muzzle to Lucas' legs, in attempt to stop him from his devious plans.

Unfortunately, Lucas was already set in unleashing the terror he had in mind.

Lucas raised his both hands up in the air, pointed at the sky. A ball of flame sparked and grew into a gigantic ball of flame. 

This time around, it was fused with extra explosive energy so that when it divides into multiple balls of flame, it would remain powerful and extremely lethal.

It started to float above.

Gaining the attention of those around in the mansion.

Including Selene and her retinue.

"What is that giant ball of light? It looks like a sun." uttered by one of the staff in the mansion.

Another staff uttered in confusion, "Since when the sun became two?"

But Selene and Laura both had bad feeling which their instinct warned them.

In unison they both screamed, "Watch out … Get down!!!!!!"

The resident witch of Jade Pack and Chloe stared closely at the sight of the huge mini-sun.

Until …

Fluffy lowered its gaze in fear of the terror that Lucas was mercilessly craving to unleash.

"Meteor Rain!" Lucas commanded the huge ball of fire coated with strong explosive energy magic.

And it scattered into small balls of bright flame.

The entire scene became like a rain of shooting stars rushing towards the mansion of Alpha Morris as everyone panicked in cover.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of January or February. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

The price of the next Privilege Chapters will be higher than the previous but there will be more privy chaps to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


[Top Privy Commenters!]

[1] Hazvie

[2] Sandra_Hoek

[3] Dalia_M_Falcon

[4] Kaothar

[5] Alix Morris

(Note: Rankings of Privy Commenters are decided through the most recent comment, hehe!)

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Author's Extended Note:

Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.

If we achieve by the end of the month:

100 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

500 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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