The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 227 - Victory Party (Part III)

[-In the royal palace-]

-7:35 pm-

While everyone is at awe and captivated of the entrance of Selene,

Others could not help but compare her to the late Queen Esmeralda due to her breathtaking beauty and presence. 

Aside from her beauty, there were many things noteworthy of her as she descends to the red carpeted and golden murals of the stairs.

Her grace …

Her radiance …

Her confidence …

Her vibrant and infectious smiles …

Lastly, the magnificent dress that accentuates her beauty and body.

Selene's hand gently holding on to the gold wooden handles of the stairway. 

Not making it obvious that she was very nervous deep inside because of her shoes and may lead her to trip.

Though, Prince Alcyd was in the perfect spot to receive the hand of Selene and escort her.

Their eyes met and nothing else mattered at that moment.

Both looking deep in each other's eyes. 

'Our mate is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen!' sudden remark of the spirit wolf of Prince Alcyd.

'I know …' Prince Alcyd replied his spirit wolf and shoved him back in his mind.

When Selene finally reached for his hand, Prince Alcyd kissed her hand and everyone witnessed the undeniable chemistry of the two.

"Before you get angry at me …" Selene wanted to explain herself but Prince Alcyd could not contain himself but express his emotions to Selene.

"You look so beautiful tonight … The most beautiful one … Incomparable …" Prince Alcyd was completely enchanted at the sight of Selene, his destined partner in life.

"Thank you! You look the most handsome and most dashing one here tonight." Selene returned the compliment of Prince Alcyd and smiled at him.

"You scanned the entire room? Looking at other men?" Prince Alcyd whispered but there was a hint of jealousy in his voice.

He wanted to say more but Selene cut him off.

"Uh-uh! Don't ruin this moment now with your overbearing and overprotective attitude. Can't we just enjoy tonight? Together?" Selene reinforced in her words and emphasized how the night should be.

Prince Alcyd stopped and listened to Selene's words.

As they walk their way, eyes could be felt at their backs and they seem to be inseparable together.

"Where did you even get the dress?" Prince Alcyd asked through his mind-link as they walked together.

"I have my ways …" Selene replied.

Unknown to Prince Alcyd, Selene got help from someone unexpected.

*** Moments before Selene's arrival ***

-6:20 pm-

Prince Ivan and Selene were in Princess Shiveena's private chamber.

"Return those dress in my sister's closet and we will head back to my private chamber. I have better things to offer there." Prince Ivan instructed Selene.

The younger brother Prince Alcyd noticed the hesitation of Selene when she only stared at him.

"I know you are trying to gauge and assess if you can trust me or not." Prince Ivan was straight-forward with Selene.

Immediately, Selene wanted to explain herself but Prince Ivan made it clear to her.

"Do not worry! It's okay … I will never do anything to harm you! They exiled me not because I did something atrocious but they see my sexuality as unacceptable and embarrassment as a member of the royal family. And somehow my allegiance is not aligned with the throne … but to those it truly serves." Prince Ivan sincerely pointed out to Selene.

"Then why?" a hint of confusion could be heard in Selene's voice.

"Because … I do not conform to their expectations and preference. I am an unpredictable ally. My loyalty will always be … with the people!" a proud declaration of Prince Ivan.

"I admire that … Not all can be as brave like you! There are many who hides in the shadow and clings to those who are in power. Forgetting which interest to prioritize." Selene shared her own opinion to the young prince.

Prince Ivan could sense the sincerity in Selene's words.

From that moment Selene felt more comfortable in trusting Prince Ivan. 

"Plus … you are not my type! I am not into … girls! But I think I like you already. I can see, with your short time in the royal palace … you noticed some of the things that others usually don't." Prince Ivan casually said to Selene.

A meaningful smile was released by Selene.

While walking their way to Prince Ivan's private chamber which was just next to Princess Shiveena's, the prince noticed the current disguise of Selene and chuckled.

"Shouldn't I even ask as well … to why you are looking like that right now and pretending like a staff member of the royal palace?" Prince Ivan does his best to contain his laughter and smiles.

"Long story!" Selene's evasive reply from Prince Ivan's curiosity.

"I bet … my older brother is being too much with you. Isn't he? Very protective, domineering, overbearing and most of all … controlling?" Prince Ivan's words were too accurate.

Selene's silence just confirmed all the suspicion of Prince Ivan.

The moment they entered the private chamber of Prince Ivan.

They went directly to his closet and saw various dresses.

Most were stunningly beautiful.

"Wow! Are these all yours?" Selene was gushing at the sight of the beautiful dresses in the walk-in closet of Prince Ivan.

"To be more precise … I made all of them. I design and make clothes for a living. If I may not be a respected royal member here in the werewolf kingdom. Believe it or not, I am kind of a famous designer in the realm of humans. So try and fit something that you would like. And you can keep it, as my early gift for your union with my brother. Let's say, future wedding gift!" Prince Ivan generously offered to Selene.

"How can I refuse? Oh my, God!" Selene could not help it but be fascinated with the fabric and designs of the dresses inside Prince Ivan's walk-in closet.

One by one, Selene tried to fit each dress she chose and checked herself in the mirror.

Until she finally chose the right one.

Prince Ivan helped her choose the perfect jewelry, accessories and shoes for her chosen outfit for the party.

"I bet they will be blown away by your heavenly beauty and grace!" even Prince Ivan could not help but compliment Selene for her beauty and grace.

"I can't wait to attend the party and finally see it with my eyes. The most talked about party every time the royal family hosts one. They say it is a fairytale-like party." Selene told Prince Ivan while her hair was being brushed by him.

"It's all exaggeration but yes … we throw the best party in the kingdom. I think you are completely ready now!" Prince Ivan declared to Selene.

"Let's do this!" Selene uttered with excitement.

*** Back in the present ***

While Selene and Prince Alcyd walked through their way.

At the royal hospital, on the basement floor level, a surging spiritual energy was surrounding Lucas in his hospital bed.

Fluffy was seated on the ground with its eyes completely white. 

Seemingly dazed and completely on a deep trance.

"I am close … Few more and I will be totally ready!" Lucas informed Fluffy but there was no reply from Fluffy because the feral wolf was not in its usual self. 

The night grew darker.



Volume 2 -The Legion of Vampires- will soon begin at the end of February or March. More drastic twists will happen. So, keep tuning in! 

The price of the next Privilege Chapters will be higher than the previous but there will be more privy chaps to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


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