The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 230 - Prison Break (Part I)

[-In the restroom-]

When Princess Shiveena grabbed her hand with a firm grip.

Selene knew the intensity of Princess Shiveena's anger.

"I am not yet done with you so do not turn your back on me!" a hint of frustration on Princess Shiveena's voice.

Unexpectedly, Selene gave a strong slap at Princess Shiveena's right cheek.

It made Athena check inside after hearing what she just heard.

"NOW YOU HAVE MY ATTENTION! You want more? I can do worst if you want!" Selene emphasized her response towards Princess Shiveena.

She could no longer contain her own temper towards Princess Shiveena. With all the things going through her mind.

[1] Chloe's attempt to break out her grandmother with the help of Susan, the deputy medical chief of the royal hospital.

[2] Her intense pouring out of emotions towards Prince Alcyd.

[3] Crazy spirit wolf that won't stop nagging her about going to Prince Alcyd and complete the mating process already.

[4] Being the chosen one that is destined to rule over the entire supernatural world.

[5] King Viktor's true evil nature.

[6] Lastly, her vengeful older brother.

There was too much going on inside her mind and Princess Shiveena just made her blew up.

Princess Shiveena was so surprised at Selene's response to her.

She never expected for Selene to act the way she did towards her.

"I had enough of your rudeness. If I let your attitude slide before but now … enough is enough!" Selene expressed to Princess Shiveena her own frustration towards the princess.

The princess was too shock to even reply at all.

Selene continued, 

"I never took your older brother away from you! I never intended him to be distracted that much. Once you find your own mate, you will understand what your older brother is going through right now. The way he is behaving and the change in his priorities. He may not be perfect as your older brother but he is trying! Why it is so difficult for you to forgive him for his shortcomings? When you … yourself cannot see what he is going through right now and averted from the struggles he is currently having."

Princess Shiveena's attention was laser focused on Selene while holding her swollen right cheek.

"Who are you to complain when others are suffering much more? You call me self-centered? Maybe you need to check the mirror and reflect on who is being truly self-centered between the two of us. Because right now … you are too blinded with your own feelings and own needs. That you become careless with the consequences of your own selfishness." 

She ended it with …

"Between the two of us … You are the one destroying the things you already have. I think you need to be more grateful with the things you have before you completely lose them all. Stop thinking only of your own pain and try looking at those whom you truly care. Then maybe … you won't feel too alone."

Athena was speechless at the words thrown by Selene towards the younger sister of their Alpha Prince.

Even her … she reflected at the words of Selene that made her re-evaluate her last fight with Beta Garrett. And the way she treats him. 

Selene left along with Athena tagging along with her. 

Princess Shiveena was stunned and saw the reflection of herself at the mirror.

Reflecting on her actions and carelessness.

Everything that happened to her younger brothers was due to her impulsiveness and careless behavior.

Prince Miryo …

Prince Ranku …

Even Prince Ivan, she has actually neglected her other brother during his exile. 

Not even once she has visited him since the beginning of his exile.

Tears started to fall and suddenly she was drowned with guilt.

An overwhelming realization … that she has been entirely selfish.


Meanwhile …

[-In the dungeon-]

While everyone was celebrating and partying inside the royal palace, 

Chloe and Susan were just by the entrance of the dungeon where Magdeline was kept.

The royal guards assigned that moment was attentively looking over the surroundings.

Royal guards assigned by the entrance of the dungeon had unusually strong senses compared to a normal werewolf.

But the two witches covered their scent with strong odor of fertilizers to deceive the attentive sense of smell of the royal guards.

As they get nearer, 

Susan released her sleeping spell on the royal guards.

Rendering the royal guards unconscious.

"Now, we have to make it look like they are still awake." Susan instructed Chloe to put the royal guards still and look like they were still awake.

Through casting a glamor spell. Deceiving the eyes of the others that may pass by.

And a vines that held them steady.

There were glamor spell coated all over the vines to keep the facade.

Unknown to others … a prison break was about to begin.


Author's Extended Note:

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1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...



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