The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 234 - Prison Break (Part III)

Meanwhile …

[-In the royal dungeon-]

While everyone was preoccupied with their own personal business and matters.

In the dungeons near the royal palace, where Magdeline was imprisoned. 

King Viktor, the Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves, assigned royal guards within the dungeon and outside its entrance.

Chloe and Susan, the deputy medical chief of the royal hospital, were taking down one guard after another.

"Save your energy, Susan! Let me handle the guards. Selene allowed me to access some of her massive magical energy." Chloe informed Susan as they move swiftly.

"Which grants you more magic and easier access to more powerful spells. But be careful in channeling her powers because you might deplete her dry if you use too much." Susan advised Chloe to be more cautious in utilizing her magic and abilities.

Both checked again the blueprint of the dungeon which Selene acquired for both of them.

Selene was able to sneak on Prince Alcyd's desk and successfully got a copy of his blueprint.

Because when Prince Alcyd rescued his royal siblings from the royal dungeon, he was able to acquire a blueprint of the dungeon. 

Now, Chloe and Susan had to check the exact location of Magdeline.

"We have to go one more level." Chloe confirmed their location.

The deputy medical chief of the royal hospital, Susan, was listening to Chloe and at the same time performing a powerful sleeping spell.

Only few powerful witches could pull off a massive sleeping spell which can put many targets down.

"Okay, just lead the way and I will make sure our tail is secured." Susan stated to Chloe.

In their pursuit towards the exact location of Magdeline,

Each torch of the dungeon were being lit.

[-Level 2 part of the royal dungeon-]

Level-2 part of the royal dungeon, where most dangerous individuals were kept within the deepest level of the dungeon so that it will be difficult for them to escape.

As soon as they got closer to exact location of Magdeline,

The stench of blood and stinking smell of the deepest level of the dungeon became apparent for the two witches.

"Damn! What an awful smell …" Chloe complained.

Before Susan could even respond, she sensed a powerful incoming attack.

Immediately she activated her most powerful barrier spell.

But it was not enough, it threw them off from their current positions.

At least, it prevented for the two witches to suffer worse injuries.



"What do we have here? Looks like … we have intruders! King Viktor was right. His supernatural instincts is so reliable!" a familiar voice was revealing itself.

Susan tried to regain her senses from the sudden attack.

"Chloe … Are you alright?" Susan asked the young witch.

"Ummm … I am okay … I think …!" Chloe replied.

She immediately looked at the familiar voice who threw a powerful attack spell towards them.

And there she was … 

"Mia, the Grand Dark Witch!" Chloe uttered while trying to stand up.

"What a disrespectful girl! Shouldn't you call me … your mother?" Mia retorted Chloe's statement.

"My mother is dead! I do not have a mother! You killed her when you chose to become dark and left me on my own. Unlike father … you chose to abandon me! So do not claim something which you are definitely not!" Chloe pointed out with anger in her voice.

"Oooohhh! Just like me … You quite have a feisty spirit in you. I guess you are here for your grandmother. Let us see, if you can pass through me." Mia challenged her own daughter.

Chloe clenched her fist and channeled more magical energy for her current encounter.

"Susan … I am leaving my grandmother with you." Chloe threw the blue print towards Susan.

And she quickly executed the casting of transfer magic.

"Chloe … Nooo!!!" Susan exclaimed but it was too late already.

Both Mia and Chloe disappeared.

Upon realizing that Chloe removed a big obstacle in front of them, she could not waste the opportunity given.

Immediately she ran towards the cell where Magdeline was kept.

The moment she stood in front of the cell of Magdeline, the stinking smell of death became overwhelming to her senses.

"Oh my God! What's that smell?" Susan covered her mouth and nose.

She swiftly deactivated any spells before unlocking the cell of Magdeline.

After unlocking, she entered and saw the horrible sight of Magdeline.

Magdeline was chained hanging with a lifeless head which Susan identified.

When the lifeless and rotten image of Kassandra's head was completely revealed, Susan vomited and felt disgusted.

"W-who's there?" Magdeline asked.

Due to her extreme grieving and crying, Magdeline lost her vision.

Susan recomposed herself before replying.

"It's me Susan! I am a friend of your granddaughter!" Susan replied.

Before releasing Magdeline, she realized that Magdeline lost her vision. Which even made her angrier at Mia.

The atrocity that she did towards her own mother.

After releasing Magdeline from her chains, she caught Magdeline before the old witch hit the ground.

Moments after … she performed an immediate healing session to help Magdeline from her wounds and let her regain some of her energy through a magical potion.

"I hope this helps … but I do not have the ability to cure your blindness …" Susan regretfully informed Magdeline with hints of disappointment on her voice.

"Do not worry … You helped me enough … W-where is my granddaughter?" Magdeline wondered since Susan introduced herself as Chloe's friend.

"Ummm … she disappeared with Mia …" Susan carefully replied.

Then Magdeline stood at the thought that Chloe was facing Mia on her own.

"She is in trouble if that's the case. Her mother is more powerful than ever. We have to save my granddaughter." Magdeline said despite her weakened condition.

"But before that, let us release all captives in this dungeon …" Magdeline instructed Susan.

"WHAAAAT !?! We came here only for you!" Susan clarified to Magdeline.

"I know but they can become our allies and how will you face Viktor's wrath upon releasing me? More numbers will be a problem for the vicious Alpha King and his forces … which is very helpful for us!" Magdeline explained to Susan.

The night has become more intense and filled with uncertainty from the chaos that was about to be unleashed.


Author's Extended Note:

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I beg of you, my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.

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100 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

500 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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