Nearby the entrance of the royal dungeon,

Sturdy trees and grassy field surrounded the mother and daughter.

As Mia, the Grand Dark Witch, prepared herself for a duel against her own daughter,

"Are you ready, my dear daughter?" Mia initiated her provocation towards her daughter.

"I am so ready … mother!" a reply filled with spite.

Chloe channeled more magic energy from Selene.

In order to execute powerful spells simultaneously, a massive amount of magical energy was needed.

The wind started to gust around Chloe while floating above the ground.

Chloe started her attack first by commanding the earth to shake and crack towards her mother.

When Mia evaded the first attack of Chloe, she did not expect for an attack which was simultaneously executed by her daughter.

"Wind Claws!" Chloe casted.

<<< _Wind Claws_ >>>

A powerful spell which allows the caster to manipulate the wind and release lethal wind strikes. It can cut through hard objects. Very lethal once it landed on its target.

Immediately, Mia's skin turned black and gleamed from its surging energy.

Though, she might have prevented herself from being sliced into pieces. The pain was still apparent and could be felt from its level of lethality. 

And Mia suddenly got hit by combination of attacks which she did not expect at all. 

She was thrown away for a few meters away due to the power and intensity of Chloe's attacks.

In the middle of Chloe's attacks, a sudden memory of her father flashed through her mind. And she got lost and distracted by it. 

From a good memory, it became a nightmare when her father choked her.

Then she finally realized she fell into her mother's powerful illusion spell.

Despite surrounding herself with powerful gust of wind to barricade herself from any attacks of her mother.

But she forgot to defend herself from any attacks below her.

Her powerful mother manipulated the water beneath the ground and combined it with the roots beneath her. Mia even coated it with dark energy to cloak it from Chloe's senses.

Mia used her body and led Chloe into thinking that she successfully locked into her mother for good through her attacks. But Mia had her own counter-attack.

"I did not expect ... you could cast and manipulate multiple elements simultaneously. That truly surprised me … But it is not enough to defeat me … Oh, daughter of mine!" Mia declared to her daughter.

Slowly, Mia gathered herself and tried her best to stand but the sensation of pain was too great.

It made her struggle for a bit to stand.

"At least … I succeeded in immobilizing you … It could have been a disaster if I did not do it earlier. Or else I would have been turned into a pulp. It is truly impressive to witness such a combination of attacks." Mia admitted to Chloe.

Magdeline's granddaughter was unaware that she inhaled the dangerous pollens released by the purple flower which sprouted beneath her.

Releasing lethal pollens which makes a person believe certain reality to be true.

While she was too focused in attacking her mother, there were already purple flowers growing beneath her and releasing lethal pollens.

Causing her to have deadly delusions about her late father. Trying to choke her to death.

A surreal experience which can affect her in real life. The lethal pollens affecting her brain to register her delusions as reality.

This was the same spell which Mia utilizes when she tortures her targets.

Due to extreme struggle that Chloe was going through, she lost her balance and fell to the ground.

She held her neck trying to release the imaginary hands of her father.

"Please … stop! Daaa …" Chloe uttered in her delirium.

When Mia manipulated the grass to float, each strand of grass was sharpened into a firm deadly grass blades.

"Time to erase you in this world … the reminder of my own weakness!" Mia pertained to Chloe as she watches her struggle to breathe.

"Goodbye!" Mia bid her farewell.

But a barrier suddenly appeared in front of Chloe blocking each of the sharp strands of grass blades. And her sight immediately cleared up. 

Allowing her to breathe and see normally again. Chloe gasped for air and coughed hard due to the intense struggle she went through.

The dark spell that plagued Chloe's mind was dispelled by her grandmother from a distance.

"I will not let you kill her! As long as I live, you will never succeed!" Magdeline declared to Mia.

A surprised look was apparent on Mia's expression.

"M-mother …!" a surprised tone in Mia's voice.

"Do not call me mother! YOU ARE NOT MY DAUGHTER! I was too blinded of the hope that I could still save you. No one can save a soul who is far gone. It may have taken me so long to accept that but now I know. As a mother, it will never be easy! But how would you know … you never got to experience to be one !" an intense remark from Magdeline.

Those words successfully provoked Mia. Making her dark powers to emerge completely.

"Fine by me! I will enjoy carving your skin, old hag!" Mia emphasized her vicious intent towards her mother.

"Bring it on, Satan's bitch!" Magdeline replied in spite for her daughter.


Author's Extended Note:

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I beg of you, my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.

If we achieve by the end of the month:

100 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

500 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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