Fortunately, the Great Oracle was able to escape with Magdeline, Chloe and Susan safely.

At the same time, Lucas and Selene were quickly on their way out of the territory of the Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves.

With Selene riding on the back of Fluffy while Lucas was on his wolf form.

The spirit wolf of Selene refused to cooperate with Selene because she was against with the decision of Selene.

It was the first time of Selene to witness the full wolf form of her older brother.

Meanwhile …

There was a terrible chaos that went all over between the forces of King Viktor and the brave escapees.

They thought they would match the strength and numbers of the forces of King Viktor.

It was a hard lesson for them to learn.

Learning it in the hard way. They paid the price with their life.

Unknown to them, the power of King Viktor is multiplied tremendously when he is surrounded by Alphas.

This was one of the reasons it was important for him to keep the alliance of Alpha Werewolves. Because it will grant him tremendous power.

Other Alphas were not aware of this as well.

Beta Nolan was the only werewolf who knew about this power of King Viktor.

All Alpha Werewolves saw how terrifying and vicious King Viktor in battle.

King Viktor defeated all the enemy mercilessly.

Blood and death were all over the place.

One of the survivors who survived was begging for mercy.

"P-p-pleaaase !! I beg for mercy !! L-let me live!!" The one last survivor begged in desperation.

But King Viktor did not budge to his desperate plea.

Everyone who witnessed the merciless defeat of the escapees became more subservient towards King Viktor, their Alpha King.

Due to their fear for his power and strength, all present Alpha werewolves bowed down in their wolf form towards King Viktor who shifted back to his human form.

Covered in blood and proud of his own unbelievable strength.

"Now, is there anybody else who want to challenge me? Because whoever dares to question or challenge me will end up … DEAD!" King Viktor showed a glimpse of his sinister and vicious dark side.


On the other hand …

[-In the royal palace-]

When King Viktor and other Alpha Werewolves left the royal palace, Princess Shiveena and other royal siblings of Prince Alcyd swore to take charge in defending the royal palace and the Lunas of the Alpha Werewolves who went with King Viktor.

All Lunas were sheltered in the royal conference room.

While the royal siblings were outside heavily guarding the outside of the royal conference room.

Prince Alarick was somewhere checking on something.

Suddenly out of a sudden, he felt something insanely bizarre. He could not grasp what it was but he became worried and frantic about something he could not explain.

His own spirit wolf warned him that his mate was in danger and was somewhere close. But the presence of his mate disappeared.

It made him leave his siblings on their own and acted unusual.

After leaving his siblings,

Unexpectedly, the Great Necromancer and Xiara, the banshee, appeared.

Killing the royal guards that tried to stop them.

Prince Ranku, Princess Shiveena and other royal guard were rendered unconscious.

The scream of the Banshee was too great for all of them.

Each Luna could hear and feel the insane danger outside. 

None of them felt this fear in their entire life.

Calling their own mates through their mind-link.

All Alpha Werewolves who went with King Viktor rushed back to the royal palace after being called by their mates who were in grave danger.

Both dark creatures were led by Persephone.

But Persephone was hiding herself behind the shadows concealing her presence and scent through her deceptive aroma.

"They will be rushing back at this point." Persephone informed her dark allies.

Looking at the unconscious Princess Shiveena and Prince Ranku.

"It is time for the two of you to go! You have caused me too much trouble already." Persephone released her beastly claws and was about to swing to kill Princess Shiveena.

"Mother, no!" Prince Alarick exclaimed.

A shock on Prince Alarick that his own mother is allied with dark creatures

Persephone made a signal to Xiara, the banshee, on what she had to do next. Others must not know her involvement with the sudden attack.

Xiara immediately released a deafening scream that made all Lunas pass out.

Even Prince Alarick lost most of his strength. He was barely standing and was holding on to a pillar of the royal palace.

Out of a sudden, a black undead winged beast reported back to Zaeqir, the most powerful necromancer.

"Persephone, the next chosen one has escaped with someone else." Zaeqir shared to Persephone what his winged beast reported to him.

"What?!? We went here for nothing?!? And our target has left? Talk about, wasted opportunity!" Xiara expressed her agitation.

"The two of you have to leave, now! Let me handle this … We will find another opportunity to eliminate our Dark Lord's nemesis!" Persephone declared to the two powerful dark creatures.

Upon the departure of the two dark creatures, Persephone approached her son …

"Why mother? They are servants of darkness!

"Forgive me, my son! But I already sold my soul to the Dark Lord for your life … I hope you would understand." Persephone revealed to her son that she is a servant of the darkness as well.

A dark creature that is no longer a regular werewolf.

Persephone revealed her hybrid nature. 

Half undead … Half werewolf …

The moment she sold her soul to the Dark Lord for the salvation of the life of Alarick.

A contract was made and half of her soul will become undead.

Just to save Prince Alarick.

Prince Alarick tears fell at the realization that because of him, his mother was enslaved to darkness.

Persephone hugged Prince Alarick.

"For you … I will do everything … Even become the filthiest creature … I will give you the life you deserve …" Persephone uttered while hugging Prince Alarick tightly.


Author's Extended Note:

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100 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

500 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...



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