The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 246 - Prepare For War

After the unexpected stunt which Prince Alcyd did in the royal court,

King Viktor rushed to his main office.

Upon entering his main office, Beta Nolan and Mia was waiting for him.

[-In the main office of King Viktor-]

There was anger painted all over in King Viktor's face.

"Looks like someone is on a bad mood." Mia sarcastically remarked as she stood and leaned against the wall.

Beta Nolan threw a reprimanding look on his eyes, giving her some signal of not provoking the Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves.

The moment he went to his desk, both Beta Nolan and Mia could see King Viktor clenching his fist in anger.

"How dare he disrespect me and undermine my presence in my own royal court? Arrrrgghhhh!!!!!" King Viktor vented out his anger.

At the sight of Mia, it reminded him of the reason why he summoned for her.

"Now you tell me, the last time I recall … you are MY RESIDENT WITCH. WHY THE HELL I WAS NOT INFORMED … of your collaboration with my son?" King Viktor directed his temper towards the Grand Dark Witch, Mia.

The Grand Dark Witch took a deep sigh before replying to the words of King Viktor.

"First of all … before you go haywire on me and unleash your wrath. You must understand that I had to do what must be done. Remember, our objective is to get rid of the next chosen one. So, when he provided me some materials to locate his mate who is also the next chosen one based on what Persephone told us ... It was an opportunity I could not decline! Especially, when there is a good chance that Magdeline and my forsaken daughter may appear to the aid of the next chosen one." Mia explained her action.

She continued on explaining,

"And from what I recall … I can do what I want as long it is aligned to our objectives. We both want the next chosen one, gone!" 

Beta Nolan flinched at the idea of getting rid of the mate of Prince Alcyd.

Prince Alcyd had become more than just a student for Beta Nolan. He treated the Alpha Prince like his own son already. Due to being always away from his family, he treated Prince Alcyd like his own. So the idea of getting rid of his mate would definitely cause tremendous pain for the Alpha Prince. 

"I already devised an assassination plan for the mate of my son. It was supposedly to be initiated during the final battle with the rogue werewolves. But looks like I have to adjust some of it." King Viktor informed his two subordinates.

Then he continued his words to them,

"It is time for Lucius to be of use to us. He would definitely reconsider my offer this time. Now we know who and where the next chosen one is. Aside from us, he would love to get rid of the next chosen one." King Viktor revealed.

A confused look on Mia became apparent.

"Who do you mean Lucius? You mean King Lucius of the rogue werewolves? Why would he help us if he desires your throne?" Mia was greatly confused.

Her query made King Viktor stand and stood by the large glass window.

"Lucius belonged to a long line of pure blooded Lycans … like me. In other words the purest blood among werewolves. Lycans! He is my younger brother who swore to kill me because I would not share my throne to him and I did not help him to keep his mate. I had the influence and power to make his mate stay with him but I chose to let his mate go and disappear for a long time. That is why he hated me so much and swore to take this throne away from me." King Viktor further explained.

Mia could not believe the words she just heard.

"Wow! All this time … you kept that as a secret? Why no one knew about him as your brother?" Mia became more curious.

"He grew up with his rogue mother and if I disclosed his identity, he will only be shunned. He believed that becoming an Alpha King of this kingdom would make his identity legitimate and he may be able to keep his mate at his side. No one had to know because I will kill his mate if he did share it to anyone. Maybe that is also one of the reason he wanted me dead too. Threatening his mate was something triggered him to go against me … but with this information about the next chosen one …" King Viktor elaborated and he stopped by the mention of the next chosen one.

And continued, "My younger brother would gladly betray his own kind and people … in exchange of killing the next chosen one! It would make a great facade."

"Indeed it would be!" Persephone suddenly appeared unannounced.

She immediately closed the door and approached the others.

"Persephone!" Mia uttered.

"This will be the greatest opportunity to finally eliminate the next chosen one. In the behest of the Alpha King, everyone will think we are having a great war against the rogue werewolves. But the true war will be against the next chosen one! You will need … all kinds of help. Even the dark creatures you would need to employ them. Don't worry, they will not be linked to you. It will be the greatest excuse to kill plenty of lives that oppose you." Persephone openly disclosed to King Viktor.

"Wow … I thought I was wicked already! But looks like someone is more wicked than I …" Mia remarked.

King Viktor looked at his mate and smiled with a sinister look on his face. 

"Nolan … inform our own army to prepare … for war!" King Viktor gave a direct command to his Beta.


Author's Extended Note:

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500 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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Advance Plea!

By March 7, it will be my birthday.

I plan to buy something special for my parents and order some seafood for my family. It is a favorite of my parents. Instead of asking a gift from them, I plan to give them a gift for raising me and sacrificing a lot for my education.

Once again, thank you so much!


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