The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 248 - Interlude Of The Final Battle

*** Third Person POV ***

[-In the castle of King Lucius-]

"I think you need to step down as a king and hand over the crown to me. Because I believe I can lead the rogue werewolves better and can win the war compared to you." Lucas uttered.

Everyone was shocked with Lucas.

Including Titania and the other rogue generals.

Even Brandon and Prince Miryo who was standing at the side lines were shocked as well.

Another turn of events that may shift within the ranks of the rogue werewolves.

Prince Miryo chuckled at the scene he was witnessing at the moment.

He thought that royal family could be the only group of people that can shock the masses but looks like the rogue werewolves had their own shit going on.

"Well … well … I thought my family was the only shit show in this kingdom. But I guess rogue werewolves are indeed in another level as well." Prince Miryo stated. 

Intended for Brandon to hear.

Brandon did not reply Prince Miryo because he was more focused in anticipating what would happen next.

"Do you know what you are talking about right now? Hmm?" King Lucius expressed his surprise at the words of Lucas.

Others gasped a more shocked reaction when Lucas came close to King Lucius and was clearly provoking him.

"We both know I am more powerful and stronger than you. I think everyone knows it already. But they remained loyal to you because … I chose to remain behind your shadow. But now, I have decided, it is time for me to take the leadership and lead everyone to victory." Lucas pointed out without any hesitations.

He even continued,

"King Lucius failed and caused us the death of many warriors. He failed to give us the victory we deserve. Instead of being in the front lines, he remains in this castle of his and expect all of us do his bidding! And if we win, he takes the throne … BUT WHO SUFFERS THE MOST?" Lucas addressed his speech to everyone.

Exposing the incompetence of King Lucius as a true leader in their war against the Alpha King.

"WE ARE! While he remains in his comfortable castle, we are the ones who suffers at the hands of the Alpha Werewolves. How do I know this? Because I have seen many death and blood of our comrades in the battle field. BECAUSE I … am putting my life in the front lines to achieve all of our objectives. Why did we lose? Because Lucius led us to failure …" Lucas passionately stated in front of the other rogue werewolves and high-ranking rogue officers.

Rogue werewolves who were present in the great hall were starting to nod and agree with Lucas.

Even the rogue generals lowered their gaze.

The words of Lucas provoked King Lucius and made him want to kill Lucas.

Forgetting whatever Lucas meant for him. It was too much for him to handle.

But when he tried to attack Lucas,

Selene immediately used her powers to stop him from moving.

Lucas only smiled at the sight of King Lucius unable to move.

Others were astonished at the showcase of Selene's powers.

"Oh … I forgot to introduce to you … my younger sister, Selene! She is also powerful like me." Lucas informed King Lucius with a tone of arrogance.

Only Titania understood who and what was the true identity of Selene.

An earth-shattering strength was showcased by Lucas when he punched King Lucius on his stomach.

Titania, the queen of fairies, was stunned and could not comprehend the pace of the things turning out.

"Lucas, enough! You will kill him if you hurt him further." Selene exclaimed.

She even used her powers to immobilize Lucas.

It seems that some of her magical energy was returned out of a sudden. As if her linking spell with Chloe was severed.

"Oh, I forgot … My younger sister is the next chosen one! As her older brother … I have more right to claim not just your crown but the throne of the werewolf kingdom as well." Lucas declared in front of everyone … carelessly!

In her surprise from the words of Lucas, Selene released her grasp of Lucas and King Lucius.

Suddenly … everyone went silent at the new revelation of Lucas.

Not even a drop of water could be heard in silence.

Heartbeat could be heard louder in the great hall.

No one imagined that it would conclude with the revelation of Selene as the next chosen one.

"I did not see that coming! Wow!" Prince Miryo could not contain his overwhelming response from another shocking revelation of Lucas.

"W-why would you even mention that?" Selene was confused with the way Lucas was behaving carelessly.


Author's Extended Note:

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500 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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Advance Plea!

By March 7, it will be my birthday.

I plan to buy something special for my parents and order some seafood for my family. It is a favorite of my parents. Instead of asking a gift from them, I plan to give them a gift for raising me and sacrificing a lot for my education.

Please send me more gifts and buy my privilege feature.

Once again, thank you so much!


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