The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 253 - Glimpse Of One's Fate

[-In the private chamber of Selene-]

While Lucas was preparing for the defenses of the castle,

Selene and the others were busy discussing about her own destiny as the next chosen one to rule over the entire supernatural beings.

Light surrounded the Great Oracle. And his eyes completely turned into frenzy white with ancient texts at his temples.

Queen Titania and the others were surprised with what the Great Oracle just did.

"No!!! Great Oracle, stoooopp!!!!" Queen Titania exclaimed.

But everything went back to normal as soon as Queen Titania approached the Great Oracle.

"W-what just happened?" Chloe asked.

"G-great Oracle, why did you do that? Late Emperor Odin warned you not to meddle with the chosen one's fate. You should be the wisest one to know the consequences. Do not cross the boundary because you have a role to play in guiding the next generation." Queen Titania directly reminded the Great Oracle about his role and importance of not meddling with Selene's destiny.

Both Chloe and Selene were confused with what was happening at the moment.

It made Chloe ask again.

"Are you just gonna ignore us? What is going on? You are talking about Selene's destiny but you are not filling us in." Chloe demanded for explanation.

Selene just stood in frustration and clenched her fist.

"Answer Chloe, God damn it!! Explain to us what is going on!" Selene demanded as well regarding what was going on.

The Great Oracle coughed in clearing up his throat.

"Forgive us …" The Great Oracle apologized.

"Great Oracle !! Please !!" Queen Titania insisted for the Great Oracle to reconsider what he was about to do.

"I have already decided, Queen Titania! Maybe it is time to change something in our approach … If only I did this before, maybe … Emperor Odin would have been still alive. Selene is right! Why should she suffer too much in taking the responsibility she never wanted in the first place? What if we can offer her both? Happiness and responsibility! And help her attain her heart's desires. If that will help her accepting her fate." The Great Oracle retort to the query of the queen of fairies.

"This is wrong! This is not how to make one's destiny!" Queen Titania insisted her disapproval with the plan of the Great Oracle.

"Queen Titania, I hope you respect my decision. This is something that I have already decided." The Great Oracle stated to Queen Titania his intentions.

The queen of fairies backed away in disappointment and frustration.

While the Great Oracle continued in his explanation to Selene.

"I just used a divine skill of mine. Seeing one's fate and how to specifically change it. I may have a vision to see the future but I also have the ability to specifically over turn one's fate through specifically using my divine powers to identify the variable that can change it and go accordingly to one's desire. At the expense of my own immortality." The Great Oracle elaborated to Selene and Chloe regarding his action.

"What …? Why would you do that? If you think that can change my mind about accepting the role as the next supreme ruler of all supernatural beings …" Selene wanted to keep refusing but the Great Oracle interjected her moment of refusal.

"Your older brother will become the greatest villain of all time and your beloved mate will die on his hands. Both of you will become the darkness of this world. At your beloved mate's death, you would succumb to unimaginable darkness that no one can save you from. Not even the spirit of your parents. Those will happen once you reject the responsibility as the next chosen one. This was your own purpose. You were created for this sole purpose. Once it will not be fulfilled, you will eventually turn to darkness and into ashes." The Great Oracle revealed to Selene some of his vision.

Selene was too shocked and anger took over.

"What bullshit is this? Do you mean … I have no choice at all ?!?! What crap are you talking about?" Selene was greatly angered by the words of the Great Oracle.

She broke the nearest table with her fist.

Both the queen of fairies and Chloe could only lower their gaze for the horrible destiny which holds the fate of Selene. Their sympathy was clear from their reactions.

"Let me finish, dear!" The Great Oracle requested from Selene.

"That is why I took upon myself to see what should be done in order for everyone's fate to align accordingly. I may be immortal but I also have the choice to end it. The moment I used my forbidden divine ability to make your role as the next supreme leader and your true happiness to coincide. You can avoid all this mishap if you choose to accept your destiny and also find true happiness behind it." The Great Oracle shared.

"H-how? Tell me! What should I do then?" Selene asked the Great Oracle.

"I cannot show you the exact vision but I can only give hints of it. If I directly show … then it would not come into fruition. So, the journey in understanding and fulfilling it must be discovered by you only without me showing it completely. Are you prepared to become the next supreme leader? Do you accept?" The Great Oracle asked Selene with great anticipation in his eyes.

There was a moment of silence before Selene replied.

"Y-yes … I do! If that's what it takes to save my loved ones and find my true happiness!"

After Selene replied, the Great Oracle started to reveal to Selene what she has to do through hints and cryptic words for her to decipher.

Unknown to them … Prince Alcyd has completed the preparation for his attack. 

And assembled all his forces to depart from the royal camp.


Author's Extended Note:

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100 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

500 Privilege subscribers = (2x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (2x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

1,000 Privilege subscribers = (3x) 5 chapters mass release at the end of next month.

= (3x) daily chapters release for the entire next month.

= One special Chapter will be released earlier which will reveal the SECOND VOLUME...



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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Advance Plea!

By March 7, it will be my birthday.

I plan to buy something special for my parents and order some seafood for my family. It is a favorite of my parents. Instead of asking a gift from them, I plan to give them a gift for raising me and sacrificing a lot for my education.

Please send me more gifts and buy my privilege feature.

Once again, thank you so much!


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