The Royal Palace was on full and high alert after an intruder got successfully infiltrated the Royal Palace and was able to wreak havoc in it.

The Alpha King arrived with his entourage, including the Prince Alarick.

King Viktor was surprised to see what happened in the Royal Palace while he was ambushed on his supposed visit to an ally wolf pack.

Everyone was pre-occupied tending to the wounded or helping someone who is injured.

"What happened here?" Prince Alarick curiously asked.

Even the Alpha King could not utter any words of what he is seeing right now. He thought surviving an ambush was enough to surprise for the day but an attack in his own roof is more than shocking.

"Why I do not see the second prince? Where is Alcyd?" concerned by King Viktor.

"He is in the hospital wing with Princess Shiveena." a warrior replied King Viktor informing him what happened in the Royal Palace.

Prince Alarick did not like how much concern King Viktor shows when it comes to his younger brother, Prince Alcyd. It has been known to many that Prince Alcyd is the favorite child of King Viktor.

The Alpha King always showed favor and unwavering concern when it involves the Alpha Prince.

This kind of love and attention that the Alpha King gave only towards Prince Alcyd is one of the many reasons that Prince Alarick could not learn to appreciate and even be affectionate towards his younger brother because he felt that he was robbed of things which was supposed to be his.

All the things that Prince Alarick desired for himself were easily attained or given to his younger brother. He was always second in terms of everything with his younger brother.

It made Prince Alarick tired and irritated in always seeing his younger brother surrounded and getting all the things that he wanted for himself.

Jealousy or envy was not even close to what Prince Alarick feels. He even thought that he was actually robbed of the things he deserved. He felt that there was always a contest between him and Prince Alcyd that he needs to keep trying to beat him but it was always his younger brother who turns out victorious.

While the Alpha King and his entourage make their way to the hospital wing, Prince Alarick remembered how he felt when he found out that he has a younger brother. He remembered how he described Prince Alcyd as new trouble in his life.

Doctors were talking with Prince Alcyd along the hallway of the hospital wing of the Royal Palace.

The Royal Palace is a gigantic fortress that has different large structures including the Hospital wing which can cater 500 wounded patients at full capacity. That is how huge the Hospital wing of the Royal Palace.

"Father? Glad you are safe!" Prince Alcyd tells to the Alpha King.

"Do not worry about me, I am glad you are not harmed. Where is your sister?" King Viktor curiously asked Prince Alcyd.

"Princess Shiveena is currently recovering from her injuries. She is expecting to recover soon. She was just knocked out by the explosion caused by the intruder." the Royal Chief Doctor explains to the Alpha King.

"How about Alcyd? Have you checked him if he is totally okay?" King Viktor consulted the Chief Doctor.

"Yes, your highness! We already did. He is completely okay. It is only rest we could recommend for him since he is clearly exhausted from what happened."

Prince Alcyd supervised the aftermath of the explosion. He even dispatched a special ops team to track the intruder whom he assigned his own delta, Theo, to lead the special ops team with Jackson who is the most trusted tracker by the Alpha Prince.

His beta, Garrett, along with his mate was left behind since Garrett almost died from the injury and damage he took from the powerful explosion created by the intruder.

There were pride and impressed reactions from the Alpha King and the other entourage who came along with King Viktor.

It was indeed an excellent showcase of responsibility and steadfast leadership that Prince Alcyd just displayed during a perilous time. This did not just impress the Alpha King but also the entire royal staff members, ministers of the royal court, and the other members of the Royal Pack of the Alpha King.

Royal Pack consists of the combined members of the entire pack of the Royal Family. It is a term used due to the totality of the combined pack of all Royal Family members.

"You need to rest boy!" King Viktor tells his son.

"We have to discuss this immediately father! This is urgent." Prince Alcyd warns his father.

"What you mean urgent? We were able to defeat those who tried to ambush us, though some of them were able to escape." Prince Alarick asked.

"Exactly! Because the ambush was only the diversion part. The real intention of those fiends that tried to ambush you all, was actually just cause confusion and expecting that I and Shiveena would leave the Royal Palace in supposed aide for father but there was someone whom they sent to infiltrate the Palace and sneak into father's private chamber." Thoroughly explained by Prince Alcyd.

"Someone was able to infiltrate our defenses and took down our patrols and guards?" King Viktor surprised with the revelation of his favorite son, Prince Alcyd.

"Yes, father! the guards and the patrol team were all found dead and no survivors. He was even able to do this much damage and casualty on our side." Prince Alcyd responds to his father.

"I never thought that we would be attacked by a dark witch. Only those beings or the warlocks can do such level of damage to us." King Viktor sat as he contemplated for the things unfolding right before him.

"No father! It was a rogue werewolf, a hybrid to be exact. Someone who is a part werewolf and a part witch!"

Everyone aired a loud surprise in their reaction.

"How is that even possible? A hybrid? It has been a long time since this kingdom has seen a hybrid specie among us werewolves." Prince Alarick asked his younger brother.

"He used a powerful explosion spell maybe. He created all this mess all by himself and we do not know what he was looking for in our father's private chamber."

"It means this was all done by one individual. And worst of all, by a rogue werewolf?" King Viktor ponders.

"Yes, father!" worriedly confirms by Prince Alcyd.

"Indeed, new trouble! Looks like I have to issue a declaration of war to all rogue werewolves." King Viktor declares.


After the morning classes, Selene felt that all eyes are on her now as she walks towards to the academy's canteen.

It did not take long for the news to break out that there is a new transfer and to add more spice to the news, students became more curious that Lady Sonja had a living relative after all.

Chloe assisted Selene and Freddie. She is very accommodating towards the new transfers.

Georgie seems to be less cheerful but when he saw Selene and Freddie, he started to lighten up and back to his normal cheerful self.

"What's wrong? Why you looked down a while ago?" Freddie asked his younger brother.

"Don't worry, it's nothing!" the younger brother reassured his brother.

As they fall in line, a variety of food is prepared for students.

From vegetables down to meat, the choices of food are plenty. The aroma of each food is so rich that it becomes so apparent for every werewolf.

It made the rogue brothers, Freddie and Georgie, excited from the buffet prepared for students since they have been starving for good food.

Rogue brothers, Georgie and Freddie, did not expect that the canteen of Golden Moon Pack Academy would serve such mouth-watering meals. It was a common notion for the rogue brothers that food in the canteen sucks and will be disgusting but on the contrary, it is mouth-watering from its garnishing, aesthetics, and aroma from the variety of meals.

Chloe acted like a tour guide for Selene and the rogue brothers, pointing out every detail for what are the most-delicious delicacy and sweets to eat for starters.

While they all get their food, students are looking at them. Stares are being thrown like Selene and the rogue brothers are some fresh meat around.

As soon as they get to an empty table, they sat altogether not minding the stares. Chloe was surprised by the kind of bond that Selene and the rogue brothers had. It was her first time to see such laughter and having fun together.

For a long time, Chloe lived and spent her entire life in the territory of Golden Moon Pack. She has never witnessed such laughter and joy amongst people. All these times, only living by the rules and routinary mundane was her usual days. So, it made her feel dull and lacking deep inside.

Selene and the rogue brothers kept talking cheerfully comparing the meals they had before and had already tasted with the meals being served in the canteen of the academy.

A smile of joy painted on Chloe was visible because at last, her prayer for light has been answered. Chloe thought that she lived in a cage where no genuine joy and laughter existed since everyone was too occupied in competing with each other and doing their best to qualify in being a warrior of the Golden Moon Pack.

While Chloe was pondering at the moment she is in, a red-haired guy with his posse approached Selene and a shocking thing happened.

The red-haired guy poured his juice on Georgie's hair. Georgie and the rest were stupefied by what the red-haired guy did.

"Lance!" Chloe screamed trying to reprimand the red-haired guy.

Freddie was about to help his brother but was immediately held down by the other guys who are clearly with the red-haired guy.

On the other hand, Selene was free to do anything she wants.

The students ignored Selene since they all know she is a relative of Lady Sonja who is respected by all members of the Golden Moon Pack. So, in other words, no one expects her to intervene.

A group of students sitting from a distant table are all trying to do their best not to be involved with what was happening at Selene's table.

Selene was observing her surroundings and it seems that no one would dare to even stop this red-haired guy. It was as if he had the license to do anything he wants. The other students were merely watching and some smiling at what was happening but a table with a group of students who are facing down and trying their best not to get involved at all are clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

But one thing that everyone did not expect…

Selene grabbed the entire steal table in front of her and threw it on the big window of the cafeteria.

A loud noise from the impact of the steal table towards the large window could be heard in the entire school building.

"STOP THIS NON SENSE! LET THEM GO!" Selene referring to the boys who were holding Freddie and Chloe.

"YOU! RED-HAIRED, APOLOGIZE!!" Selene's eyes have turned beastly and glowing in anger.

'hahaha! Looks like they want to experience what kind of trouble we can be' Sylvia, Selene's spirit wolf, tells Selene.

Selene was prepared to become the new trouble of this so-called Golden Moon Academy.

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