Amongst the belief of the underworld,

Combination of a dark essence, cursed soul, hateful being and a blood of an extremely oppressed orphan would comprise a powerful poison. 

Even an immortal being would become weak against it or in worst case scenario, die.

A rare concoction of poison that not everyone could make.

Because it would inflict pain and danger to the one who would dare to make one. 

Due to the ability of Lucius, the berserk mode. Which he learned from his older brother when they were young. He was able to concoct a powerful poison which he called the -Lucian's Curse- as the official name for his own creation.

His own creation would be the curse that took his one and only love … Queen Titania.

*** Moments before Queen Titania died ***

Prince Alcyd was thrown to the side of Selene.

"Alcyd!" Selene screamed.

As the Alpha Prince of the Golden Moon Pack hit the ground, the face of his beautiful mate invaded all his rationality and senses.

Since the day they were separated, he felt like the pain and longing for her presence took forever.

It made him desperately desire for Selene's touch and comfort.

Right at the moment Selene touched his fur to caress him, checking if he was alright.

A sparkling and pleasurable sensation surged all over the entire being of the Alpha Prince.

To a point it silenced his spirit wolf in an utter peace.

'Oh, Selene! I missed you greatly.' Prince Alcyd mentioned Selene's name through their mind-link.

Selene cried while hugging Prince Alcyd's fur.

The Alpha Prince would not return to his human form because they were still in the middle of a fierce battle.

'I missed you too!!! I am so sorry if I had to leave you!!' Selene professed her longing for Prince Alcyd as well.

'Please … do not leave me like that again! I do not know if I will be able to handle it again.' Prince Alcyd's earnest plea to his mate.

While they were so distracted, a possessed monster made its way to strike a deadly blow to Selene.

Unexpectedly, Queen Titania used herself as Selene's shield.


The scream of Lucius echoed all over the great hall of his own castle.

*** Back in the Present ***

Queen Titania knew that it will only take less than a minute for the poison to wipe her life essence completely. The queen of fairies was not as powerful as Selene to survive the poison.

Her last will of servitude for their supreme ruler was transfer her remaining magical essence to the Alpha Prince.

'Oh, mate of our supreme ruler! Take my magical essence to strengthen your own abilities and grant you more power. You are destined to protect our supreme ruler and become her protector against her enemies.' Queen Titania instructed Prince Alcyd using her telepathy.

And she looked towards Lucius as her existence started to shimmer away into a glowing dust.

'Oh, Lucius! I have wronged you countless times. Inflicting pain and misery to your heart over and over again. If there is one wish I would be granted for my servitude to my people and sacrifice. I wish you and I would be reincarnated as simple and happy married couple with plenty of children … A life I deem best worth living! Just you and I with our own …' Queen Titania disappeared into nothingness before she could have the chance to finish her words.

Lucius broke down in tears as he watches his mate dissolve into her death. 

Something snapped inside Lucius.

His eyes turned red and his aura shifted into a highly lethal predator.

Before he completely succumbed into his madness, 

"For my revenge … I will inflict the same pain to everyone! No one deserves to be happy if I did not get mine … No one shall in this lifetime!!!!" Lucius declared as he went totally mad and out of control.

The spirit wolf of Alcyd suddenly gave him advice.

'I have fused our spiritual energy with the magical essence blessed to us by the queen of fairies. Envision yourself into a wolf humanoid form. Shift into your ultimate wolf form!' 

Prince Alcyd's physical form transformed into a wolf humanoid with his human face clearing out and the thick wolf fur from his head hardened into a gleaming helmet.

All his fur transforms into armor but only his hairy chest and six pack was exposed.

Though, his beastly eyes, canines and claws remained.

He roared loudly after his transformation.

"Selene, take Fluffy into safety! I will handle this and return to your side once I settle this." Prince Alcyd told his mate.

Selene wanted to complain due to her concern for Prince Alcyd but he was firm with his words.

At his commanding words and presence, Selene gave in and took Fluffy into safety.

Both Lucius and Prince Alcyd prepared for an intense battle.

A battle of life and death.

While Selene gathered her magic essence, her spirit wolf informed her about the completion of her own preparation.

Her eyes turned to bright blue.

Upon standing in her attempt to provide assistance to the Alpha Prince, her supernatural senses has incredibly became sharper.

Attaining greater senses.

From the courtyard, she could feel her older brother and the Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves going all out in their fight. Her supernatural instinct alarmed her for the danger surrounding her older brother that may cost her older brother's life. 

A brief internal dilemma occurred. Though, she became determined to save both important men in her life.

Instead of going for her initial plan to assist Prince Alcyd in his battle against Lucius, she bestowed Prince Alcyd a portion of her magic essence as her gesture to assist him.

Prince Alcyd received it gladly but he did not expect for Selene to suddenly disappear and go for her older brother.

"Selene!" Prince Alcyd uttered but he turned his attention back to Lucius who was ready to attack him.

He thought out loudly, 'I will finish you off quickly so I can go after my mate!'

Out of a sudden, both launched their first attack.


[-Courtyard of the Castle-]

Both Lucas and the Alpha King engaged in a fierce battle.

Despite the powerful and explosive attempts of Lucas, King Viktor was too powerful due to his extraordinary {-berserker mode-} and {-ultimate rage-}.

This combination of powerful offensive and defensive abilities allows the Alpha King to be too difficult to kill.

Lucas realizes how strong and impressive the fighting skills of the Alpha King.

King Viktor landed the first successful hit.

Making Lucas fall to the ground hurt.

Spitting and coughing blood due to a critical hit he just received.

He wobbled as he struggled to stand.

"My revenge for my family and original pack will be fulfilled today!" Lucas worded out his desperate desire.

"Revenge??? You thought of facing me … alone? Hahahahahaha! You fool! I never met anyone as arrogantly foolish as you are. What a death wish you've got! Prepare yourself and die!" King Viktor confidently remarked.

From out of nowhere, Prince Miryo lunged towards King Viktor from behind and tried to strike him down with his long steel sword coated with wolfsbane.

But King Viktor used his arm block Prince Miryo's attempt to strike him down.

The skin of the Alpha King was too hardened due to the combination of his two abilities.

Allowing him to be unaffected by the attempt of Prince Miryo. 

His efforts could not be ignored. 

Because the royal prince was still pushing his strike further.

"You?" King Viktor uttered in surprise for his son's appearance.

"Yes, me! Time to end your terrible existence, father! My revenge for my mother's death ... will be fulfilled today!" Prince Miryo stated his spite for his own father.



The price of the next Privilege Chapters will be expensive from this point on but there will be a lot of privy chapterss to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.

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By March 7, it will be my birthday.

I plan to buy something special for my parents and order some seafood for my family. It is a favorite of my parents. Instead of asking a gift from them, I plan to give them a gift for raising me and sacrificing a lot for my education.

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[Top Privy Commenters!]

[1] Dalia_M_Falcon

[2] Hazvie

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[4] Kaothar

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Please! Subscribe for the [-privileged feature-] of my story even if it is [-tier 1-]. It will help me qualify for feature rewards and additional exposure in Webnovel Official social platforms. I humbly request for your fantastic support since it will help me and my story a lot. 

I beg of you, my dear readers! Let us aim for 1,000 privileged subscribers for my story.



Check my -Wall of Appreciation- dedicated for my readers! It changes time to time. I am planning to include some new things to show my appreciation for my readers. Just always check my -Wall of Appreciation- that is located on the {-auxiliary volume-} right before {-Chapter 1-}.

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