The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 262 - Defeat In All Sides (Volume 1)

From afar, everyone witnessed a phenomenon which no one could deny.

Huge light and red energy soared through the clouds.

A powerful surge of energy which brought shivers and unparalleled sensation.

Everyone took a pause in their bloody clash.

The army of rogue werewolves …

Alpha Werewolves and their own warriors …

Magdeline and Mia …

"Is that??" Magdeline uttered.

"It can't be! No one could make such enforcement! This is breaking the law of ascension!" Mia hissed.

She looked at her mother and had no choice but to escape from the intense showdown with her mother.

A black puff of smoke surrounded Mia and wisped through the air.

On her way to the phenomenal occurrence.

Magdeline followed pursuit.

At the same time, 

Even the clash between the dark creatures and the Great Oracle halted as well.

"This can't be happening!" Zaeqir feared for such ascension.

"Yes, it only means one thing! Selene has ascended which activates her immense witch powers." The Great Oracle reaffirmed to the nervous necromancer.

And immediately Zaeqir screamed.

"Retreaaaat!!!" Zaeqir announced to his fellow dark creatures and hurriedly opened a portal.

Other dark creatures understood and obeyed their leader.

Upon the escape of other dark creatures,

"Oh, Great Oracle! Why are they running away?" Beta Garrett asked.

"Selene has finally ascended and unlocked her full witch powers. They fear for her!" The Great Oracle replied.

He continued, "Chase away the remaining dark creatures! I will help them." 

As he made his way, he realized he was wounded and he has reached his limit.



[-Around the courtyard of the castle-]

As Selene tries to complete her ascension,

Darkness and light fought over her soul.

Selene did not expect for it to be difficult but she had to do it.

Her mind was focused on,

First, choosing both light and dark. Grabbing unto both essence of magic.

Secondly, healing the wounds of her older brother while trying to finish her ascension.

Lastly, upon the completion of ascension, she will absorb the dark magic of her brother.

Removing his witch magic and sealing it within her.

By the use of her light magic. Utilizing its properties as a sealing cage of her older brother's dark essence.

Her own spirit wolf complained.

'S-Selene! You are taking a great risk! This is bad … I c-can't …' her spirit wolf suddenly disappeared.

What Selene did not expect was the toll on her physical body once she accomplished her plan.

Lucas may have been saved from peril but he remained unconscious.

A sudden cold and numb feeling enveloped around Selene's heart.

"U-uggghh!! What's h-happeeening? S-ssyyylvieee?' Selene wondered.

But her spirit wolf was quiet.

'Sylvia! Syvlia!' Selene called for her spirit wolf but there was no reply at all.

When Selene was calling for her spirit wolf. 

Another realization came into her mind, she forgot to heal her own wounds.

She was too focused in saving her older brother but she forgot to secure her own.

Selene relied on her werewolf regenerating abilities, but unfortunately, her wounds were not healing.

Darkness slowly creeping within her.

"Aaaaarrghhhhh!!!" Selene screamed for the tremendous pain and dark feeling suddenly covering her soul.

King Viktor recomposed himself and his senses returned.

And just right in time, the Great Oracle arrived.

He realized Selene was unaware for the consequences of her own decision.

A path she decided to take.

Immediately, before King Viktor could even do anything, the Great Oracle summoned a portal beneath Selene and her brother.

"You have to embark another journey! For the path towards your enthronement as the supreme ruler of the supernaturals! This is something you must go through, alone!" The Great Oracle stated to Selene.

The Great Oracle uttered his final advice to Selene before he transported her and Lucas to somewhere unknown.

"Just remember. After darkness … there will always be light!" 

Selene could not even resist the Great Oracle because she was in the middle of her transition due to her ascension.

The Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves regained his composure and stood tall.

"Where did you send my son's mate … the next chosen one?" King Viktor asked.

"You will never know because today will be the day of your downfall." The Great Oracle revealed to the Alpha King.

King Viktor laughed at the words of the Great Oracle.

"What an absurd vision you've got … oh, Great Oracle? I think you have lost your touch due to your wounds." King Viktor pointed out the absurdity of the words he heard.

Then the Great Oracle smiled because he knew he has used all his powers. Even his remaining life force to save Selene.

He fell to the ground as he finally accepted his fate with a full contentment.

'May the new era begins!' 

A bolt of energy balls sent towards King Viktor.

"You will not lay a single finger on the Great Oracle!" Susan declared.

Chloe healed Susan while on their way to the courtyard.

The red-haired witch used a deceptive spell to confuse Prince Alarick and his mother.

"Susan, check on the Great Oracle while I hold off this big monster." Chloe instructed her senior.

Immediately, Susan went towards the body of the Great Oracle.

"You called me monster? Fine … you will see monster!" King Viktor threatened Chloe.

The young witch kept blasting him powerful spells but King Viktor easily warded it off with his indestructible form.

Fear started to sink in. 

Right before he could land his own deadly blow, Prince Alarick appeared with her mother.

A loud roar from Prince Alarick as he bit the arms of his father while in his wolf form.

"You dare to go against me? I will teach you a lesson that you will never forget. Die and join Esmeralda!" King Viktor was angered.

Exactly when he tried to land a fatal blow on his eldest son, Persephone used her body to shield her own son from a fatal hit.

Indeed unexpected turn of events for King Viktor.

His own hands buried deep enough inside Persephone.

'Moooothhhheeerrrr!!!!' Prince Alarick screamed within his mind-link upon witnessing his own mother shield him from an impending doom.

He caught his mother through his body.

"M-my son!" Persephone did not bother looking at King Viktor.

Because she knew … Prince Alarick needed her final words more.

'D-don't leave me! Pleasssee …' Prince Alarick begged his mother through the mind-link.

And whimpered in sadness.

Chloe ran towards Prince Alarick's side and offered her help.

"Let me heal her!" Chloe disregarded her own fear and judgement.

Persephone was surprised that Chloe would even offer her help despite what she did a while ago.

"You would still help me? Even I tried to kill you? You are a kind soul … I entrust to you, my son! I hope you would accept him …" Persephone expressed her gratitude to Chloe.

Despite all the efforts of Chloe, Persephone's wounds won't heal. The poison of the claws of King Viktor and the fatality of the strength of his blow were too great for any witch to heal.

Prince Alarick whimpered while tears fell from his beastly eyes.

"Alarick, my son! Take care of your mate and never become like your father. I now realize, I have dragged you to a wrong path. You will be happier and more successful once you stay with your mate." Persephone advised her son.

A vision appeared in her last moments, where Prince Alarick will achieve true happiness and success at the side of his mate. 

Something that she never had for herself.

Persephone caressed the fur of Prince Alarick before having her last breath.

"Promise me … love your mate as she deserves …"

And right before she passed away.

The image of her son playing and laughing by her side was the memory she held on to. 

Right after she perished …

Immediately the veins of the Alpha King turned into purple and he felt a pain like no other. 

Like his soul was yanked out of his heart.

A death of a mate is the greatest pain that a werewolf would experience. 

Once a werewolf kills its own mate, a curse befall unto them. 

Losing their own spirit wolf and a lifetime curse of pain is inflicted on them.

"Aarrgrgggghhhh!!!" King Viktor screamed in pain.

At the same time Prince Alarick howled in grief for the death of his mother.



From the shadows, someone emerged …

"Y-YOU killed my mother? It was you … after all …" Prince Alcyd uttered in anger.



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