The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 264 - The Ending (Volume 1)

The war was concluded with no victors.

Both sides were utterly defeated.

The two kings of each side disappeared and left no clue or trace for them to be found.

While Prince Alcyd together with his army and whole royal army returned to the royal palace completely disheartened from the outcome of the final battle of their war against rogue werewolves.

Beta Garrett was worried for their Alpha Prince.

Susan had to put Prince Alcyd to sleep after his breakdown upon knowing the truth and …

Feeling a certain loss within him. 

A loss he may never recover from.

The Great Oracle died without telling to Prince Alcyd what happened to Selene and her older brother.

He may have taken to his grave the truth about what happened with Selene.

But the sudden sever of connection between Prince Alcyd and Selene was something the Alpha Prince was never prepared to feel.

It made him think that something may have happened to Selene.

And the worst case of it all was … it may have been her death.

For the others and Prince Alcyd, only death of a mate is the logical reasoning for the mate bond to be severed aside from complete rejection.

The Alpha Prince knew it would not be rejection because he has not accepted any rejection from Selene for it to be completely take into effect.

Thus, her death was the only reason left for the severing of mate bond to take place.

Prince Alcyd refused to accept this which led him to his breakdown.

He almost turned complete feral wolf or savage beast after it dawned on him that he could no longer feel Selene at all.

The mate bond between them just suddenly disappeared and severed.

When the mate bond between two werewolves is severed, a sudden feeling of the mate bond being lifted spiritually would be felt. 

A deep void will fill the core of the soul of a werewolf.

Both, Prince Alcyd and his spirit wolf knew what it meant.

This triggered for them to go almost completely feral. 

If it only was not for the quick action of Susan and putting Prince Alcyd into a deep sleep so he could be prevented from going wild. The Alpha Prince would have been a bigger problem for everyone.

Days after the final battle …

The entire werewolf kingdom mourned for the death of many friends, family and leaders.

Each Alpha Werewolves and their own army of warriors returned to their respective territories.

Though, in the royal palace … 

Everyone within the royal palace joined hands in keeping Prince Alcyd from harming anyone.

The moment he woke up, he kept demanding for Selene.

And everyone knew that it will be impossible for them to present Selene because even all members of the Golden Moon Pack felt the sudden void from their core.

Selene completed the process of mating which automatically activated her link with all members of the Golden Moon Pack … vice versa!

A connection where all members felt with their Luna. Which only explains as well, the sudden void within their core due to the possible death of their Luna.

Beta Garrett became desperate and sought help with a certain person.

Amber and Laura, the daughters of the Alpha of the Jade Pack.

With Amber, her ability to tamper with the emotions of anyone. While Laura's wisdom and prowess in strategy would be a great help as well.

Athena was the only one against it.

"Garrett, this is not right! I know exactly what you are trying to do here. Using Laura, does she know what you are really up to?" Athena complained to her mate.

While their Alpha Prince was making a wreck all over the royal palace.

"I have no choice but to resort to this method, Athena! The pack will fall into crumble if we also lose our Alpha. We need to pull him back in and THIS IS THE ONLY WAY … I could think of right now! So, if you have a better immediate plan. I am all ears, babe!" Beta Garrett explained to his mate.

The Beta's mate sighed in defeat.

"I guess none!" Beta Garrett emphasized the importance of getting back their Alpha Prince to his sanity.

Not even the royal siblings could help their brother.

Prince Alarick locked himself in his room with Chloe forced to stay by his side upon her grandmother's instructions.

For Magdeline, one royal prince was enough to handle so they cannot afford to have Prince Alarick going wild as well if he does not get what he wants. Which was keep Chloe by his side.

Chloe was reasoned out to cooperate for the mean time while they resolve their dilemma with Prince Alcyd.

While the other royal siblings mourned for the death of their brother … Prince Miryo.

Unlike Prince Alarick, the other royal siblings … Princess Shiveena, Prince Ivan, and Prince Ranku were full siblings, including Prince Miryo.

Four of them were full siblings. And now there was only three of them.

There were too many things going on with the royal family.

[-In the royal palace-]

Prince Alcyd was in his wolf form running amok with great fury.

Royal guards were getting hurt and injured in the process of pacifying their Alpha Prince.

Beta Garrett made signal for Amber to begin in her attempt.

Fortunately, it was starting work.

She focused on the calmness of Prince Alcyd and forced his anger to subside. Including his grief and desperate longing for Selene's touch.

Gradually … Prince Alcyd returned to his human form and was bare naked.

"It worked!!!" Beta Garrett exclaimed in the success of his plan.

"That is not permanent one! I can only temporarily tamper with his emotions. You have to get him accept reality and back to his senses." Amber pointed out directly to Beta Garrett before retreating back to the side of her sister.

Laura was told to lead certain guards near Prince Alcyd.

When Prince Alcyd calmed down and returned to his human form, he saw Laura.

Standing with her unwavering courage and radiant beauty.

Which resembles Selene except with her hair. But the rest reminds him of Selene.

And it led for him to utter …

"Seleeenee?" at first Prince Alcyd was confused and realized after a second that it was eventually … Laura, the daughter of the Alpha of Jade Pack.

Immediately, Beta Garrett instructed others to assist and cover their Alpha Prince.

"What are you waiting for? Give Prince Alcyd something to cover himself!" Direct command of Beta Garrett.

Prince Alcyd's best friend approached the Alpha Prince.

"Welcome back, Alcyd!" Beta Garrett greeted his broken Alpha Prince.


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