The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 268 - The Alpha And The Beta

Day after the sudden proposal …

[-In the main office of the Alpha King-]

After hearing the news about the Alpha King's sudden proposal to Laura, Beta Garrett went to see his best friend to confirm it.

He entered immediately unannounced.

The Alpha King wondered at the sudden entrance of his Beta while signing official documents.

"What pleasure do I have for your unannounced entry? Aren't you supposed to be in the throne room preparing for our strategic meeting with the other Alphas?" Alpha King Alcyd curiously asked his best friend.

His best friend ignored his queries.

Instead, Beta Garrett directly asked their Alpha King.

"Is it true? You proposed to Laura … the daughter of the Prime Minister Morris?" Beta Garrett stood in front of their Alpha King who seemed to be unbothered.

"Yes … and what's wrong if I did?" Alpha King Alcyd's response to his best friend.

"Because … it is too sudden! And I know your reason."

A snickering sound could be heard from the Alpha King while he was writing.

"Why it is too sudden? Laura and I have been dating already for years. And for my reason … I doubt you know it." Their Alpha King explained his actions.

"Alcyd! Laura is far different from Selene … If you think for a second that you can …" Beta Garrett was not able to finish his statement because Alpha King Alcyd interjected in the middle of his explanation.

"I think you have forgotten that you are talking to your Alpha King! And not even you … can stop me if I have decided to do what is right for me." There was a stress and tension could be heard from their Alpha King.

"It is still not right … You will only put yourself and her in a more complicated and problematic situation. What if she finds her true mate? What will you do then? And you cannot keep her close just because you are reminded of Selene when you are around her."

"BETA!!! I think you should contain your own thoughts to yourself … Unsolicited advice are not appreciated especially when you question my decisions and accuse me of things that are not true. You should be reminded of your position here … A BETA! I am not just any ordinary Alpha but I AM YOUR ALPHA KING! So before you run your mouth, try to remember the difference between the Alpha and a Beta." A direct denial and reprimand was thrown towards Beta Garrett.

A sting was felt by the best friend of the Alpha King.

Somehow he felt responsible for using Laura as an initial distraction to their Alpha King before.

But he did not realize that their Alpha King would be obsessed in making Laura as a replacement for his longing of Selene.

Their Alpha King left the room and went his way to the throne room. Where the other Alphas and ministers were waiting for him to begin the strategic meeting.


[-In the throne room-]

Moments after the argument between Alpha King Alcyd and his best friend, Beta Garrett.

Everyone paid respects and bowed at the arrival of their Alpha King.

The moment Alpha King Alcyd reached to his throne, he gestured for the start of the meeting.

Immediately, the prime minister addressed the current issue regarding the complaints of some wolf packs.

One of them was the former wolf pack of the former Alpha King.

Currently, their Alpha is the daughter of Beta Nolan who took charge in behalf of their former leaders. 

Beta Nolan was sent to prison for his involvement as an accomplice to the crimes of the former Alpha King.

The intention of being absorbed to the Golden Moon Pack was refused by the Alpha King himself because of certain reasons he did not disclose.

"Your highness, our young female Alpha … Violet! Complains of being mistreated in the congregation amongst the Alphas and accuses the royal palace of discrimination of having least support from the throne." The Prime Minister Morris informed their Alpha King regarding the issue raised by the young female Alpha.

Other Alphas started to laugh and mock at Alpha Violet.

Despite the affiliation of her wolf pack with the former Alpha King, it could not be denied that her wolf pack holds certain skillful warriors and a great number because all of the followers of the former Alpha King transferred to her newly reformed wolf pack which was known as,

The Iris Wolf Pack!

"Forgive me your highness! For my insolence and impudence! But I have to state the truth here. Many lives are dependent on me. Our wolf pack remained loyal to the throne and never rebelled even after you imprisoned my father for the sins of your father …" Alpha Violet explained.

Her mention of the former Alpha King made other Alphas scoff at her.

And it made her realize of the intonation of her words.

She immediately corrected herself, "I mean … the former Alpha King! I apologize for my rudeness …"

Prime Minister Morris cut her words and criticized her.

"Of course! You should apologize for your behavior. I cannot fathom that the members of the Iris Wolf Pack would allow a 20 years old she-wolf rule over them. Is this how low the great wolf pack of the former treacherous Alpha King has become? I cannot believe they became too soft." Prime Minister Morris mocked at the Iris Wolf Pack directly.

Laughter of the Alphas echoed the throne room.

Alpha Violet endured all the disrespect and mockery she has been receiving ever since they became a member of the parliament of the Werewolf Kingdom.

Her Beta was triggered but she grabbed the wrist of her Beta and prevented her Beta to cause any scene.

'Stay cool, Shirley! Remember … for the wolf pack!' Alpha Violet reminded her Beta through the mind-link.

The current Alpha King of all Alpha Werewolves noticed the display of endurance and coolness of Alpha Violet.

He could see from his throne how the current Alpha of the Iris Pack keeping her Beta calm down.

As the Alpha King raised his hand, everyone silenced and focused all their attention to him.

"Enough, Prime Minister! Let us return to the real issue here. If Alpha Violet submitted a formal complaint and an official proposal, then I will review it today. Everyone must be reminded that our goal here is to band together as one. As the legion of vampires is growing day by day. We must remain intact and together as one!" Alpha King Alcyd reminded everyone about their unity.

Everyone nodded in agreement and chanted for his name.

Though, the prime minister was not too happy for the reminder of the Alpha King because he felt like it was an insult towards him.

A smile of pretense was shown but deep inside he was not too happy about it.

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