The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 276 - Interim Leadership

[-In the royal hospital-]

Both of the rogue brothers came along with Theo to check upon Fluffy.

At their arrival, everyone was in panic.

The entire floor was busy and occupied with their own tasks.

"What's happening?" Georgie wondered.

Theo also wondered, "I have no idea but …"

When he saw nurses and some doctors going to the direction he was familiar with, 

A sudden paging of Susan's name could be heard.

'Requesting, Medical Chief Susan to VIP Room 420!' 

Upon hearing the request, he uttered to himself,

"Oh, no …" Theo rushed toward the direction where the nurses and other doctors were heading to.

But the rogue brothers looked at each other when Theo rushed his way.

Immediately, they followed him nervously.

A worry started to arise.


Somewhere far away from the werewolf kingdom …

A huge compound of mansion was heavily guarded by armed men on its fence.

Including a wide field which overviews its grassy nature and stretches all the way to the nearest forest.

An isolated area where it can easily detect any approaching creature or vehicle.

Heavily armed men by the guard tower noticed the approaching convoy of armed vehicles.

Immediately, they opened the huge gate for the arrival of the convoy of armed vehicles.

As the convoy arrived, they parked by the entrance and one by one … hunters walked their way to the lobby.

Looking around and getting acquainted with the group of men welcoming them.

"Welcome, Miss Melody! Miss Malia!" One of the men greeted the arrival of someone significant.

"Thank you! It's been more than a year since our last visit here. Why would my father want to call for me?" Melody asked the oldest amongst the group of men that welcomed them.

"Maybe it's about the passing of the president of Hunters' Association …" response to her query.

"Definitely, it would be about the succession of leadership in the association. Many families are interested of taking the position left by the former president." Uttered by the woman next to Melody.

"Malia … How come you are aware of this and I am not? I was not informed about the recent development going on within the association. Aren't we always together?" Childishly complained by Melody.

"First of all … we inform you but you refuse to be aware of it. You are more preoccupied with your stardom as a popular singer. Do not blame others for your disinterest. It is not our fault if you are more of a singer rather than a daughter of a hunter." Malia bluntly explained to Melody.

"Ouch … Harsh much! If only you are not my sister, I would have asked these men to shoot you down." Melody glared at Malia as she clings to her arm childishly.

Malia rolled her eyes at the words of her younger sister.

"Please … Even they try, I doubt they can land a single bullet on me. My dark magic is too powerful for them to handle." Malia confidently replied her younger sister.

The other men lowered their gaze in confirmation of Malia's remarks.

"Pfft! It is so unfair you get the beauty, skills, intellect, power and strength while I only get some fraction of it. Life is so unfair!" Melody kept whining.

No one dared to look at what Malia was about to do, she pinched Melody's nose and punched her lightly on her stomach.

"Stop being a baby and act like a respectable lady." Malia did not hesitate to lecture her younger sister.

She continued, "Father is waiting … Let's go!"

Grabbing her sister as they enter.

Others whispered from behind.

'Wow! Were those two the daughters of the boss?'

'Yeah! And do not be fooled by their innocent beauty. They can kill vampires on their own. Vampires usually run away from those two.'


'Melody has deadly voice and aside from Malia's dark magic, her strength and hunter skills are amongst the elites.'

Both men were whispering while making their way to the mansion's den.

[-Mansion's Den-]

A Parisian and luxurious design would come into view in anyone's sight upon entering the mansion's den.

It was very evident where the big boss sits due to the people flocking around him while he remain seated.

As soon as Melody and her retinue arrived, people made way for the daughters of their big boss.

"Daddy!!!" Melody ran towards her father.

Not caring at the presence of the other men around.

"Sweetie!" The big boss of the association lightened up at the sight of Melody.

"You are with Malia, again?" their big boss became serious at the sight of Malia.

"Why, is there anything wrong? We are sisters so basically we are together all the time." Melody asked.

"Oh, nothing! Just wondering if when the two of you will separate. All the time you are together. The two of you are like each other's shadow. Where one of you goes, the other follows." 

Some whispered as soon as the big boss mentioned the name of Malia.

'Is that the adopted one?'

'Yeah, the dark witch who was registered under the family of big boss.'

'Lucky for her, to have the name of the boss and be under the same roof with him.'

'Yeah … what a lucky bitch!'

Malia was enduring all the staring and whispering going on around her. As she stood calmly and unbothered.

Their big boss coughed to get the attention of everyone in the room.

"I gathered everyone here for one purpose. To rally support for my interim leadership in the association. And if I succeed … Melody will be assigned as my overseer of the family branch. Will I have everyone's support?" their big boss announced.

In unison, everyone replied …


But Malia's voice was not as loud as the others.

She felt disappointed for not being considered as the overseer despite all her efforts to impress her adopted father.


Author's Extended Note:

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