[-In the abandoned warehouse-]

Mia and the former Alpha King, Viktor, were able to leave right before Chloe and Prince Alarick even arrived.

Unaware to what the Grand Dark Witch did, Chloe and Prince Alarick were just outside the abandoned warehouse.

Supposedly it was the secret hideout of Mia and Viktor.

Together with their new allies.

Now … Chloe and her mate, Prince Alarick, were able to track down the dark witch and see through her deceptive camouflage spell. 

Standing under the shade of a huge tree.

"What are we waiting for? I can smell the dark witch from here. Let's get inside already!" Prince Alarick was being impatient and eager to charge headlong at their enemy's hideout.

But, Chloe was being careful and wary about the surroundings.

"No … We are not rushing in without being sure for our safety. I find it too weird for the dark witch to just stay inside after all her efforts to derail us and cover her tracks. Plus, we can only sense her but not my mother or your father." Chloe stated to her mate.

"Basically, you are saying … it seems too easy. Isn't it?" Prince Alarick reiterated to Chloe.

"Yes! It seems like it … So, give me some time to make sure it is safe for us to get near it." Chloe confirmed the query of Prince Alarick.

Prince Alarick stood by as he wait for Chloe to finish her own assessment of the surroundings.

Then he witness Chloe concentrate on casting a dummy spell.

A clone of him and the cherry-pixie haired witch appeared in front of her.

Made up of water and earth.

'Summoning a dummy would be a better idea rather than rushing inside.' As Chloe thought to herself.

Both dummies who look exactly the same like Prince Alarick and Chloe rushed towards the warehouse with Chloe linked with their senses to see what the dummy sees.

As both dummies enter the abandoned warehouse, there was simply no sign of Mia or the former Alpha King.

Only the lifeless dark witch impaled on the wall with its blood dripping down to the floor.

Then a realization strikes within Chloe.

"Oh, no!" Chloe uttered while she was still in link with the dummies.

Prince Alarick got worried and asked his mate, "What you mean … oh, no!"

Out of the blue, the lifeless body of the dark witch impaled to the wall … talked! 

"Bwahahahaha! Gotcha!" the dark witch creepily remarked towards the dummies which Chloe was linked into.

"Despite your dummy attempt … you are still gonna be up for a ride, darling!" further remarked by the corpse of the dark witch.

The mate of Prince Alarick tried her best to detach herself from the link.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! Sorry … too late! Hahahahahahaha!!!" 

Huge doors closed suddenly. And Prince Alarick became more nervous for his mate.


At the signal of the possessed corpse, a fog of dark energy started to surround the dummies created by Chloe.

The dummies started to melt into a mud. While Chloe started to choke.



"What is happening? What's wrong? Talk to me!!!!!" Prince Alarick was panicking seeing his mate suffer.

Due to completing their mating process, Prince Alarick could feel the pain and suffering of Chloe.

And Chloe realized the effect of mate bond. Thus, forcing herself to sever her bond before passing out.

'I am sorry! This is for your own good …' Chloe uttered before losing her consciousness.

Then Prince Alarick felt what Chloe did, severing her mate bond with him through shutting her life force away from Prince Alarick.

Only skilled mates or creatures can access their own core and sever their mate bond through shutting their life force away from their mate. 

To prevent sharing of bonds. This can only be done by powerful and skillful creatures to manage this act successfully.

As soon as Chloe lost her consciousness and fell to Prince Alarick's arms.

Panic ensued and tears started to fall from Prince Alarick's eyes.

Things become worse when her heartbeat started to weaken.

"Chloe!! Chloe!!! Please God … not her too … Pleaaassee!!!" Prince Alarick desperately begged for miracle.

On the other hand …

While Prince Alarick cradled his dying mate on his arms, Mia informed the former Alpha King about the success of her trap.

"My daughter fell to my trap. I wish the best for her to escape that dark hex I left. Only a miracle can save her now. Especially being away from the royal palace. One down … more to go!" Mia smirked as she proudly expressed her success.

They started to move and travel somewhere else.

To find a new secret hideout.


[-In the royal hospital-]

Upon entering the VIP room, the nurses and doctors trying to do their best tend to Fluffy.

Instead of going inside as well, Theo stopped the rogue brothers to enter.

"What's happening to Fluffy? Let us enter!" Freddie demanded from Theo.

"Calm down! We cannot be any of help as well. Why not we let those people inside do their jobs? We might worsen Fluffy's condition if we crowd inside." Theo requested to Freddie.

"He is right! Let's just wait here outside! It will be wise if we do not become a problem in saving Fluffy. Imagine how Selene will feel if something bad happens to Fluffy …" Georgie tried to convince his older brother.

"Then why would they bring us here if we can't get in? And it is not our fault if something bad happens to Fluffy. It should be under the conscience of their Alpha King." Freddie sarcastically responded.

"OUR ALPHA KING! Remember your place rogue!" Theo was a bit offended by the tone of Freddie's response.

"Freddie !! This is not helping at all … Please! Let's just get out of their way and cooperate with them. PLEASE!!" Georgie begged to his older brother.

Both rogue brothers stepped back while leaning against the wall outside the VIP room.

Though, Freddie was still looking a bit apprehensive at the situation.

-Moments after-

Susan, the new medical chief of the royal hospital, signaled Theo that everything was stable temporarily.

Immediately, both rogue brothers went inside right at signal of Theo.

"How is Fluffy? What is causing his life to be in danger? Why is this happening to him? Is there something we can do or help with? Fluffy seemed to be fine before …" Georgie shot away his questions to Susan.

"That's a lot of questions! Hold your horses, boy!" Theo interjected.

"It's okay, Theo! This is happening because the way I see it … He lost his mate and most probably … Fluffy killed his own mate. For a reason we do not know of." Susan initially explained.

Theo and the rogue brothers were surprised at the mention of Fluffy may have killed his mate.

All attention was focused on Susan.

"You see … werewolves are cursed once you kill your mate. You become permanently feral wolves. But in a certain circumstance, if the cause was not intentionally to kill but to save someone or to prevent an evil act to be implemented or an accident … Then there can be ways to still keep to rational senses of the werewolf and not go completely feral." Susan elaborated.

But she was not able to finish her explanation due to the arrival of their Alpha King.

"Why is Magdeline not here?" their Alpha King asked as soon as he arrived.

Others looked curious as well.

"Oh, the Grand White Witch had to go for an emergency errand. I was told that it was an emergency as well." Susan elucidated to their Alpha King regarding with the absence of Magdeline.

Unknown to them, Magdeline was actually in a hurry to rescue her granddaughter.

Her indicator crystal which was fused with the magic essence of Chloe, just turned grey which signifies for the faltering life-line of Chloe … 



The price of the next Privilege Chapters will be expensive from this point on but there will be a lot of privy chapterss to offer. Hope you would understand that I have low income and I need to provide for my elderly parents. I really wish that your support and time for my story would remain the same even there will be changes in the pricing of my privileged chapters.


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[2] Hazvie

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