The Alpha Prince And His Silver Lone Wolf

Chapter 28 - Beneath The Mask

Somewhere in a deep forest, few kilometers away from the territory of the Werewolf Kingdom

"Do not let him escape, THEO!"

Jackson trying to communicate with the Alpha Prince's Delta, Theo, through mind-link.

Prince Alcyd, the Alpha Prince, has commanded a squad of 12 warriors of werewolves to chase the intruder who caused so much damage and casualty in the Royal Palace.

8 among the 12 warriors that were assigned to join the Special Ops squad were warriors from the Golden Moon Pack. While the other 4 are members of the Royal Guards in the Royal Palace.

Theo was assigned as the Captain of the Special Ops Squad which Prince Alcyd formed in order to chase and capture the intruder of the Royal Palace. While Jackson serves as the squad's head tracker.

A squad of werewolves who are all in their wolf forms speeding up trying to chase the intruder.

Though, Theo was far ahead from the Squad since he is the most agile and with the quickest reflexes among the group. He is the one who can catch up with the intruder. With the help of Jackson who is in constant communication with Theo, instructing him where to go.

Jackson has become the eyes of Theo. While Theo is far ahead from the group.

After hours of non-stop chasing and sprinting, Theo has finally caught up with the intruder.

The figure of the intruder is finally within plain sight of Theo. So he decided to use one of his special moves.

<<< _Hurricane Claws_ >>>

Theo spinning like a tornado as it rushes towards the back of the intruder. He is aiming to hit the intruder while he is still facing his back to him but unexpectedly,

<<< _Counter Blast_ >>>

The platinum-haired intruder turned around and directly clashed with the spinning claws of Theo. A bright light coming from the fist of the Platinum haired intruder. Then, a large explosion caused Theo to be thrown away due to the impact of the explosion on his own wolf body. Theo landed on the trunk of a giant tree and fell on the ground.

Due to the explosion, it confirmed Jackson the exact location of the intruder and Theo. But it alarms Jackson and the rest of the Special Ops Squad that there is a battle going on.

When the entire Special Ops Squad arrived, the battle between the intruder and Theo has already ended. They could see that Theo is badly wounded and unconscious in his human form.

Before any from the Special Ops Squad could say anything, the platinum-haired intruder let out an evil smirk.

"I am impressed! I never expected that you guys can catch up to me. Looks like I am really not good with covering my tracks. I am sorry as well if I got carried away in taking down your friend there.

Bad habit of mine, you see!" The intruder releasing an evil grin beneath the black mask which is covering the half portion of his face.

There are two werewolves shifted into their human forms and started checking on Theo.

It seems that the other two werewolves are the medic of the squad.

While the rest of the squad started to prepare for a massive brawl with their paws gearing for an intense battle.

"Looks like I will be having some extended warm-up." Issued by the platinum-haired intruder.

An intense battle occurred within the deep forest amongst the Special Ops Squad against the platinum-haired intruder.

The noise of exchanges of blows and some loud clash resonated within the entire forest.

The trees, the birds, and the sky are witness to the intense battle that took place.

Finally, the platinum-haired intruder was revealed as the victor in the battle while the entire Special Ops Squad is on the ground barely hanging for their lives.

"I must give it to you guys! You really did put a good fight there but unfortunately you guys failed to defeat me even with your combined strength.

Too bad, you guys will never see the man beneath the mask." Remarked by the platinum-haired intruder while choking Jackson in his grasp.

Jackson is barely breathing and has lost his own consciousness in the tight grip of the Platinum haired intruder.

Then, Jackson was released and fell on the ground.

"Oh well, time for me to go then! Play time is over." Declared by the platinum-haired intruder.


( In the Main Office of King Viktor in the Royal Palace )

"I am glad we were able to gather the majority votes in our intention to issue war against the Rogue Werewolves, your Highness!" Stated by the Nolan, Beta of King Viktor.

In the Parliament, the members who have the ability to vote either approval or rejection for any agenda raised upon by the speaker of the Parliament are the Alphas of Wolf Packs whom are registered as ally and sworn an allegiance to the throne of the Alpha King. Thus, allows an Alpha to take part and have a voting power in the Parliament of the Werewolf Kingdom.

Prince Alarick holds the most influence in the Parliament since he has mastered the art of diplomacy and has vast knowledge in weaving relations amongst the Wolf Packs in the Werewolf Kingdom. He has indeed created a reputation to be a great politician in the Royal Court.

After the debate and voting in the Parliament, it was decided to approve the intent of the Alpha King to issue war against the Rogue Werewolves. Though, there were debates over the consequences of the war especially towards the –Submitted Rogue Werewolves– since the time of the late Queen Esmeralda.

Submitted Rogue Werewolves are the type of Rogue Werewolves who are not part of any Wolf Pack but they chose to be loyal to the Alpha in exchange for refuge in the territory. They are not considered members of the Wolf Pack but due to their fear towards the Alpha and desire to live, they swore fealty and obedience only to the Alpha of the Wolf Pack.

One of the legacies left behind by the late Queen Esmeralda was the cease-fire and peace between the Rogue Werewolves and all Wolf Packs. There were Alphas, friends of the late Queen that did not want to tarnish the legacy of the late Queen Esmeralda. And they feared that the lives of many will be in danger once the war breaks out between the Werewolf Kingdom and the Rogue Werewolves.

"It is indeed good news for my plans, Nolan!" King Viktor gleefully informed his Beta.

"Though the sudden death of the newly declared King of Rogue Werewolves puts a set-back on my plans. He was supposed to be my stand-in puppet in leading the Rogue Werewolves since he was secretly submitted to me. It would have been a perfect set-up for total control over the Werewolf Kingdom. Having both sides under my palm." Added remark by King Viktor.

One of the schemes that King Viktor wanted to achieve was a total control over the entire werewolf species.

The nature of the Rogue Werewolves are usually liberal and untamed creatures but with a figure head leader amongst them would have been a perfect platform for King Viktor to execute his devious schemes against his enemies without revealing his sinister side.

All these times King Viktor hid beneath a mask of reputation where he is seen as the most benevolent and the strongest amongst all the Alphas but in reality there is a hideous and sinister soul beneath the reputation he has created. Only Nolan and few other trusted officers of the Alpha King from his original pack are aware of the true nature of their Alpha King.

"So you are celebrating without your mate?" sudden interjection of a woman wearing Red Royal dress studded with dozens of rubies and embroidered with expensive golden regal patterns all over the dress.

"Persephone!" surprised with the unannounced arrival of his mate.


In a ruins far away from the Werewolf Kingdom, there lies a huge abandoned castle with feral werewolves scattered all over the lands.

There lies the territory of the Rogue Werewolves who swore to take down the Werewolf Kingdom.

Many of the members of this growing population of Rogue Werewolves were victims of the Alpha King Viktor from his secret terror. Mostly, were survivors from King Viktor's relentless and merciless mass killings.

King Viktor had created a secret organization of personal assassins who serve completely loyal to him due to fear but mostly for the greed of wealth and bountiful rewards for his personal biddings.

Any wolf pack that questions the authority of the Alpha King is being wiped out by unidentified werewolves which presumed by everyone as attacks from Rogue Werewolves.

Survivors from King Viktor's assassination have joined those maltreated Rogue Werewolves due to the hidden tyranny of King Viktor.

King Viktor never liked any disobedience and any act of defiance to his absolute law.

Though, the most disliked by the Alpha King is a wolf pack who stands as a contender or threat to his absolute power. King Viktor only wanted for his own pack to remain as strongest. He considers the Wolf Pack of his two sons as his own since he knows too well how to manipulate his sons.

So all those who survived against the terror of King Viktor joined together in creating a Kingdom of Rogue Werewolves.

Among the long list of victims of the Alpha King, Lucius, the one who discovered that the newly self-proclaimed King of the Rogue Werewolves was actually a minion of King Viktor. Thus, making him the most recent King of the Rogue Werewolves.

Unlike the Royal Palace, the castle of the secret Kingdom of the Rogue Werewolves is nothing elegant but old, dark, and gloomy. The ambiance in their own Rogue Court is filled with anger and hate towards the Werewolf Kingdom. The members of the Rogue Court are composed of brute and mad werewolves.

While King Lucius is trying to take the attention of the rowdy and untamable members of his own court, the arrival of a platinum-haired guy created waves of whispers and dissipated the rowdiness of the members of the Rogue Court.

Despite the identity of the man beneath the mask is concealed, every members of the Rogue Court seems to know him. A reputation that he has accumulated among his peers which deserved dignified silence and complete attention for his arrival without announcing himself.

"Finally! we wondered what took you so long …" King Lucius loudly welcomed the platinum-haired guy.



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