King Viktor and Beta Nolan were surprised by the sudden appearance of the mate of the Alpha King.

Persephone was supposed to be in her own fortress. The Alpha King made a fortress for her surrounded by Alpha King's elite warriors. The Alpha King made sure that she is protected and safe since she is his mate and a werewolf's mate can be both strength and weakness.

Once a mate of a werewolf dies or gets hurt especially after they have officially mated, the werewolf will feel a crushing pain of her loss. And even when a werewolf's mate gets hurt, they will feel the pain. The sensation of pain is felt each other by the werewolves.

That is why King Viktor tries his best to protect Persephone and keeps her within grasp or within his territory.

"Oh, Persephone! Why are you here? You are supposed to be in your chambers. Nolan! Where are her guards?" King Viktor query.

"Come on now! I am no child and I am no prisoner of yours. I just came here since I found out that you got ambushed and I felt you got hurt a bit. Plus, our son Alarick was with you during that time. He could have been hurt Viktor." Persephone worriedly tells King Viktor.

"Alarick is no longer a boy for you to keep spoiling around. You should let him act like an adult man that he should be. And do not worry about my safety because I am still the strongest werewolf in the world."

"Still! You cannot be too comfortable 'coz your enemies are growing in numbers!" Persephone warned King Viktor.

"My enemies can grow in number and I will just keep eliminating them one by one. Even those who poses threat to my future plans, I eliminate them for good!" King Viktor proudly reminds Persephone.

"Just like your first fake love, Esmeralda?" Persephone brazenly brought up the late Queen Esmeralda.

Beta Nolan felt sad but trying not to show it when Persephone mentioned about the late Queen Esmeralda.

Persephone was completely tactless with her words and kept talking about how King Viktor should have informed her about the situation immediately and not found out about it on her own.

"Will you just be quiet and be careful that someone may hear you." warned by King Viktor.

"You are too careful with your reputation and image Viktor but face it, your stench of wickedness will eventually come out. How could you even lie to everyone that you are still madly in love with Esmeralda when the moment you saw me is all you can think of was me.

You were just so lucky that Esmeralda did not find her mate and she fell right into your lies until one fated night. She became a threat and God knows what she could have done as damage to your end-game. No wonder! You arranged for her death. Little do everyone knows about the TRUTH --" Persephone was interrupted when they hear someone approaching.

Prince Alcyd arrived with some of the Royal Guards. He is clearly looking serious and having a concerned look on his face.

"Father! I want to issue a request." Prince Alcyd came in barging in.

Persephone seemed to be lucky enough that she was not able to disclose any of King Viktor's sinister plans or dirty secrets while the Alpha Prince was on his way to barge in.

It seems that there is something bothering Prince Alcyd instead of hearing the dark secret behind her mother's death, the late Queen Esmeralda.

"Looks like this is the time for me to announce my exit. Well, hope to see you in my chambers later, your highness!" Persephone attempting to announce her leave.

"It involves your mate father!" Prince Alcyd declares.

Persephone and the rest were surprised by the declaration of the Alpha Prince.

"What about me, your Prince? I must say, it is shocking to even hear - My - name out of your mouth. So please, enlighten us with your request!" Persephone mockingly asked Prince Alcyd.

The Alpha Prince and Persephone, the mate of the Alpha King, were clearly both not in good terms. Both of them could not stand each other as well since Prince Alcyd knows that the relationship of Persephone happened during the marriage of King Viktor and the late Queen Esmeralda.

"We need Persephone in the hospital wing now. Especially her expertise in poison and wolfsbane healing. She is the only one that can help those who we sent for Special Ops in chasing the intruder." explained by Prince Alcyd.

"Why what happened?" asked King Viktor.

"Father, the second squad you sent for reinforcement of the Special Ops Squad that I sent first found the Special Ops Squad barely breathing and most of them are poisoned with this high dosage of mixed chemicals of wolfsbane and some unknown poison. That is why we need Persephone now in the hospital wing, ASAP!" Prince Alcyd informs his father.

Persephone is known for her unparalleled expertise in poisons, wolfsbane and the art of healing. She used to help in the hospital wing but lost interest recently since she does not like how Prince Alcyd undermines her authority.

"After you undermined my authority last time we spoke since you detest my leadership skills, so now you want me to save your precious pack members? HA --! I will definitely not help!" openly declares of Persephone.

There was friction between the two and everyone could sense it by the way they send their glares toward each other.

"Persephone! You will help them." King Viktor commanded.

"Certainly NOT! Over MY QUEENLY BODY!" Persephone openly refuses.

Then King Viktor uses his abilities;

<<< _Alpha King's Roar_ >>> combined with

<<<_ Alpha's Command _>>>, it is an ability when used, forces the lower ranking werewolves to do something which the Alpha wants them to do.

Unfortunately for Persephone, she could not resist her Alpha mate especially when the Alpha King uses his powerful ability on Persephone.

"Thank you, father!" gratefully thanked by Prince Alcyd.

Both Persephone and Prince Alcyd left together with so much tension between them but Prince Alcyd is more worried about his own pack members than the attitude of the mate of his father, Persephone.

As soon as Prince Alcyd and the others left and out the range to hear the next words of King Viktor, Beta Nolan and King Viktor continued their conversation.

"Nolan! Sent my assassins over the wolf packs of the Alphas who opposed my intention to issue war against the current King of Rogue Werewolves." commanded by King Viktor to Beta Nolan.

Beta Nolan immediately agreed with this command.

"What should we do to our new information about the whereabouts of the Oracle?" query of Beta Nolan.

"We will pay a visit on him but first, I have to take care of my meeting with the Altum Council. I should inform them about my war with the King of Rogue Werewolves and maybe take down 2 of the members of the council.

Should be taken down first, the Grand Seer or the Grand White Witch . . . ?" deviously wondered by King Viktor.

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